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Stratolaunch - World’s biggest plane readies for maiden flight in 2019 after three month hiatus


Dec 6, 2018
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World’s biggest plane readies for maiden flight in 2019 after three month hiatus

3 April 2019 | https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/wo...len-microsoft-pictures-spaceship-earth-nevada

THE WORLD’S biggest plane – with a wingspan larger than a football pitch – has resumed testing after a three month hiatus as it prepares for its maiden flight.

Massive rocket plane Stratolaunch stretched its wings during a test run for the first time after a 90 days break.

It comes after the death of Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, the founder of Stratolaunch Systems.

Flooding had also impacted testing as the dry lakebed site at Edwards Air Force base was swamped.

Allen created Stratolaunch with the dream of creating an aircraft large and powerful enough to fly a spaceship into orbit.

He was diagnosed with cancer in 1982, and battled it throughout his life until his death in October.


MASSIVE: Stratolaunch has a wingspan bigger than a football pitch (Pic: SPLASH)

Stratolaunch has been practicing reaching taxing speed as he prepares for its debut flight.

Engineers had hoped for the colossal craft will fly for the first time in 2019.

It is unknown how the delay will impact the maiden voyage of Stratolaunch.

The gigantic aircraft has a unique twin-fuselage design and six engines boosted by rockets.


HUGE: Stratolaunch will be used to carry spacecraft into low orbit (Pic: SPLASH)


ENORMOUS: Stratolaunch will be able to travel at 540mph once it flies (Pic: SPLASH)

The “carrier aircraft” will be able to carry up to 250 tons with a space rocket strapped between the two parts of the plane.

Alone the plane weighs 230 tons, with a wingspan of 385 feet, making it just under twice the size of a Boeing 747.

Allen had taken great interest in the project – sharing video of Stratolaunch on social media.

The plane is expected to enter full operational service by 2020.


FUTURE: Stratolaunch is expected to have her first flight by the end of 2019 (Pic: STRATOLAUNCH)

It is hoped the plane will be able to launch spaceships as well as rockets, such as NASA’s space plane the Dream Chaser.

The pane will fly up to 35,000ft before releasing the spacecraft it is carrying, which will then enter low orbit around Earth.

Two pilots and an engineer will sit in the right cockpit, while the left fuselage is used to carry data recorder systems.

It is expected to have a maximum speed for 530mph when it takes to the skies.
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