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State shows its soft side to wean youth away from terror

inglorius bastard


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Oct 2, 2014
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State shows its soft side to wean youth away from terror

Govt. will take stringent action only in exceptional cases, say sources
The Union government is adopting a “soft approach” towards suspected young radicals and sympathisers of terror outfits in a departure from the strong-arm tactics employed so far. The case of 30-year-old software engineer Anwar Hussain (name changed) is an instance of the new strategy, which is set to play a key part in the government’s comprehensive and soon-to-be formalised counter-radicalisation policy.

Anwar quit a global giant in Hyderabad last April and spent much of his time browsing the Internet for Islamic State propaganda sites. And in no time, he came under the radar of the intelligence agencies. But instead of locking him up, the police held meetings with Anwar’s family, suggesting that they counsel him.

They let him off after he gave an undertaking under Section 108 of the Criminal Procedure Code (security for good behaviour from persons disseminating seditious matters).

Anwar’s is one of the many recent cases in which the government has experimented with the use of the “soft approach.”

Link for the article:-http://State shows its soft side to wean youth away from terror - The Hindu
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