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Startling disclosures: PTI received funds ‘from Jewish, Indian lobbies’

Imran khan's disgusting filthy way of putting Pakistan and people of Pakistan down on every plate forum does have some similarities similar to the enemies of Pakistan.. Desperation of this man to achieve prime ministership has no boundaries....I'm almost certain he has some contection with Jewish lobby

While He lives in 1000 kanal house yet spreading dispointment in poor people's minds by quoting the worst mixture and blunders of lies in order to achieve his evil goals.......
The huge difference here is, in MQM's case we've seen several documented proofs floating around on internet and on tv channels for years. These proofs cannot be denied.

In the case of PTI, its still just mere verbal allegation. Like I've said before, please ping me when there is a solid documented proof against PTI on this. I'll be the first one to distance his self from PTI. Mark my words.

What's the authenticity of these so called undeniable documents .........
in short : looks like noora is back in favour with pakistani security establishment :victory: :dance3:
Dont poke in your bloody nose into this , it is our Pakistan internal issues ,we have it internally and take out your nose .It is none of your business .

For khan everything is halal, let it be cocaine or jewish funds or etc .
What's the authenticity of these so called undeniable documents .........

That's another debate. My point was, at least some sort of documentary evidences were surfacing based on which the allegations were leveled. But in PTI's case, its just verbal allegations.
These allegations don't mean anything. It is just cheap mudslinging going on and oblique referance to his ex Jewish wife. Imran Khan amongst the major party leaders been most vocal in being critical of USA so frankly these claims are rubbish. They are intended to just tarnish the image of the party and in doing so bring it to level of another party that I won't mention but everybody knows which one I am talking about. Anti US, Anti Corruption and justice are the main platforms of PTI. So if American's are sponsoring PTI it must be having opposite effect.

This is apparently a Jewish stooge.

This guy looks good.

Best of luck to him and Pakistan! :)
Zionist Lobbies <===> Pakistani Establishment ( ISI )
You <==> Security Establishment.

I knew it biaaaaaach that you were a good-for-nothing-jew...... down with @balixd .... someone ban this infidel mofo :cheesy::rofl:

@Zarvan, I've a new target for your people.... purify Pakistan my bearded friend........... :D

@Icarus @Xeric... both of you jews are next on the list......... :p:

@Horus @Oscar : Please prove your allegiances too...... :D

so apparently

Jewist/ Zionist lobbies supported ==> PTI

Pakistani Establishment (ISI ) supported ===> PTI

This means : Zionist Lobbies <===> Pakistani Establishment ( ISI )

Holy cr@p we have been ruled by Zionists :o::o::o:
Oh FFS, i won't even comment here due to the sheer stupidity of the article.

This babar guy's been spilling bullcrap since the day of he left PTI. No wonder all conspiracy esque BS that PTI gets is from this guy. Iam sure Noon league or PPP or MQM don't get funding from foreign rival agencies and only PTI does. What a retardish logic.
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Imran khan's disgusting filthy way of putting Pakistan and people of Pakistan down on every plate forum does have some similarities similar to the enemies of Pakistan.. Desperation of this man to achieve prime ministership has no boundaries....I'm almost certain he has some contection with Jewish lobby

While He lives in 1000 kanal house yet spreading dispointment in poor people's minds by quoting the worst mixture and blunders of lies in order to achieve his evil goals.......
Lol say the follower of a person who licked army boots to get iun power. And critize a man who worked 18 years to reach this level. No wonder u deserve to like under rule of sharif and bhutto family
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