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SSN22 Sunburn missiles: How Pakistan can neutralise the threat of India's aircraft carrier!

Useless ? Are you kidding me ? Mig 29K is no John Rambo its just as good as jf17 mind that.

Seriously ? As good as ? Mig 29 K is a very potent fighter in BVR and almost invincible in WVR .JF 17 is no match...

. So its overall 5 submarines against are small Sea area what about India ?

You don't know about IN's ASW capabilities
Moskit is a very old missile with a range of only 120 km. If you are willing to come that close to Indian CBG, I must inform you that there are better ways to commit suicide.

MRSAM is the only missile in the world capable to neutralize any such supersonic anti ship missile. we are going to install MRASA on A/C very shortly.

You must have lost touch with Pakistan/China military development in the last few years.

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This chinese missile has just 40 KM range in low low flight mode. Would you come that much close to fire this against indian A/C.

The most important question here is that why india will use A/C against Pakistan??? They are intended for operation far away from indian soil. Any plane can fly from India and enter Pakistan withinn a very short time. India do not have much utility of A/C against pakistan.
MRSAM is the only missile in the world capable to neutralize any such supersonic anti ship missile. we are going to install MRASA on A/C very shortly.

This chinese missile has just 40 KM range in low low flight mode. Would you come that much close to fire this against indian A/C.

I dont think an indian knows more than a Chinese. 240km range. More than anything Indian air defense an throw at. and Its using high angle supersonic speed attack. And there is no such thing of low low flight mode for this missile.
I dont think an indian knows more than a Chinese. 240km range. More than anything Indian air defense an throw at.

The primary defense for Indian CBG is going to be the air arm,which wouldn't allow the JF 17 carrying CM 400 AKG to get to missile launching range.

I dont think an indian knows more than a Chinese. 240km range. More than anything Indian air defense an throw at. and Its using high angle supersonic speed attack. And there is no such thing of low low flight mode for this missile.


To be ignorant, live in denial mode and still talk like an expert is the quality of most of Chinese members and you are one of them.

Read here with the attched paragraph and link.

The CX-1 display at Zhuhai indicates the missile comes in two variants; the CX-1A ship-borne system and CX-1B road-mobile land-based system. With a range of 40 to 280 kilometers, the missile can carry a 260-kilogram warhead. These numbers are below Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) restrictions that ban missiles carrying payloads greater than 500 kilograms at ranges exceeding 300 kilometers.

Your CX-1 shall take years to come some where close to Brahmos.

And wait. One website is completely block. When it will open I will post chese scientist's quote as reference stating that Missile has a 40 KM range in low low mode.

China's CX-1 Missile Now Exportable | Defense News | defensenews.com
I think it is necessary for Pakistan to buy so-called aircraft-carrier destroying missiles such as the Russian SSN22 'Sunburn' anti-ship missiles (That's the NATO name for them. I think they are called Moskit 570 by the Russians). These are allegedly the most powerful such weapons in the world and cannot be defended against. Surely it would be cheaper and more efficient to buy batteries of these to destroy their aircraft carrier - in case of future war with India (may is never happen) they use their aircraft carrier they bought from Russia to blockade Karachi? We could take it down with these!

If the Russian's don't sell us these -- I don't see why not, they did to Iran ! -- are there any other equivalent systems we can get? Or the Chinese must have them which they can sell to us. Maybe even the Iranians...?

Allahu Akbar! Ya Ali madad! Pakistan Zindabad!

Why Russia will sell Sunburn to Pakistan????

Anyway, Sunburn is now old. We are working on this.... :D

@Basel deliveries will start from this year.Again don't forget our SSN/SSK fleet and ASW capabilities

The rush is to modernise-to replace the old Tu 142s..

We all saw that during the wars...:omghaha:

Range would still prove to br a problem for you.​

Non sense.


For that to happen,your JF 17 should be able to reach within missile launching range of Indian AC.Not possible with Mig 29 K providing BARCAP and Kamov AEW choppers on prowl..

Carrier killer CM 400 AKG ? Dude please..

And none of you have considered Indian AC's CBG containing SSKs,its air wing...
Dude that was once of the options, other are more destructive and deadly as the rocket of Pakistan has been labelled as much better than Indian by your own media., sop stop blowing your own horn.
@asq Only a troll like you will quote some media report to prove that your missiles are better than a country having an active space program & a much diverse missile program.

Develop an ICBM/SLBM then talk
@asq Only a troll like you will quote some media report to prove that your missiles are better than a country having an active space program & a much diverse missile program.

Develop an ICBM/SLBM then talk

Insulting by calling me troll is a sign of anger or frustrations or a show of your character,

Your own medis dude said it, but than your are not going to accept it or will deny it. So go and learn the truth, but than you Indians are spin masters, so what can I expect from like of you.
Seriously ? As good as ? Mig 29 K is a very potent fighter in BVR and almost invincible in WVR .JF 17 is no match...

You don't know about IN's ASW capabilities
i agree with you on this that indian navy has a better capability than PN and JF-17 is nowhere near the capability as MIG-29K, it is tested platform, so my dear pakistani friends it's a hard fact to believe but it's true fact that IN is far far better than PN:angel::angel:
Insulting by calling me troll is a sign of anger or frustrations or a show of your character,

Your own medis dude said it, but than your are not going to accept it or will deny it. So go and learn the truth, but than you Indians are spin masters, so what can I expect from like of you.

So you believe some stupid media reports that came out 5 years ago..?

The fact is that Indian Missile program is well ahead of Pakistan-The reason is the larger technological and industrial base,a larger economy & decades of experience in space & missile programs.

India have already developed canisterized ICBMs,SLBMs, QBMs,SAMs,BVRAAM,ATGM and Ballistic Missile Defense systems-And now it is developing longer range ICBMs & SLBMs,Ramjet powered BVRAAMs,Long Range Supersonic Cruise missiles,Anti Radiation missiles and many more.

Pakistan doesn't have this kind of a missile program.
So you believe some stupid media reports that came out 5 years ago..?

The fact is that Indian Missile program is well ahead of Pakistan-The reason is the larger technological and industrial base,a larger economy & decades of experience in space & missile programs.

India have already developed canisterized ICBMs,SLBMs, QBMs,SAMs,BVRAAM,ATGM and Ballistic Missile Defense systems-And now it is developing longer range ICBMs & SLBMs,Ramjet powered BVRAAMs,Long Range Supersonic Cruise missiles,Anti Radiation missiles and many more.

Pakistan doesn't have this kind of a missile program.

You talk about long range missiles , and that makes me laugh, who India is developing log range for, dies India want to sent its mills isles 5000 mile away to Americas,

For every mill some you have Pakistan only need to cruise missile to take care of all those that thump your chest for. Pakiatani cruise is undetectable by any radar, that is all Pakistan needs for all you big deals.
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