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Sri Lanka: Police inaction as Muslim shops torched by Buddhists

Its easier to spread radical ideologies in the Eastern province due to the relatively large Muslim population and Muslim political parties like the Muslin Congress and ACMC having far more power. Muslim parties are always in the Government, the same parties were in the Rajapaksa government and the same parties are in the current government. When governments change they jump to the other side.

These parties also try to stop Muslims in the East from contesting from other parties

Is Islam itself the problem?
If yes, why use childish words like 'radical', 'fanatic' etc? Also, I don't understand your way of childish condemnation of violence.
Simple answer to this situation is to follow .Follow your friend China in dealing with such things...Even India is also worse in this regard to controlling radicalism in some part of India...

We could deal with it easily except the fact that it will bring about terrible backlash from Middle Eastern countries where many Sri Lankans are working.

Are they really doing that?? Forcing people to convert & occupying land illegally?

Is love jihad also happening?

Since when have the Islamists been that powerful in Sri Lanka??

I thought the Sinhalas & Tamils were war hardened & aggressive communities,why would they allow the Muslims in the Eastern Provinces to go so wild in the first place??

In Eastern Province some state owned lands are being poached by residing Muslims. They do this trough their local MPs by forging fake deeds.

There is love Jihad but not very common.

Sri Lankan Islamists began powering up alongside the radicalization of the Islamic world in 1980s. These people have created new communal political parties and start asserting their objectives from the ruling parties. From the 1990s, these Muslim parties have never been in the opposition. So, who ever comes to power they are siding with them.

Muslim start dominating the scene when Tamils and Muslims were at each other throats. Sri Lankan military has found Muslims to be very effective against the Tamil terrorists and they got preferential treatment from the succeeding governments and security establishments. This have put them on a firm footing in the political and social arena.
by positioning Buddhism to give the “foremost place”, it stratifies Buddhism and relegates other religions to a lower position.

Sri Lanka Constitution

Article 9:
“The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana, while assuring to all religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and 14(1)(e).”

If most muslim countries can have Islam as state religion and place other religions in the lower position then what is wrong in Sri Lanka putting Buddhism in its constitution. At least be fair in your discussion.
Apart from Sinhala Buddhists religious fanaticism i.e Sri Lanka is the homeland to Theravada Buddhism and Sinhala Buddhists its guardian - an ideology similar to Indian Hindutva or Israeli Zionism. They are full of envy, 1st they targeted intellectual Tamils, now its the prosperous Muslims. With the 2 combination (fanaticism and envy) you can never drive sense into Sinhala Zionists

The Sinhalese Buddhist national chronicle, Mahavamsa, is a text written in the sixth century CE by Buddhist monks seeking to glorify Buddhism in Sri Lanka. It played a pivotal role in the creation of Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism and militant Buddhism. The Mahavamsa states that Lord Buddha visited Sri Lanka to rid the island of the Yakkhas (depicted as the non-human inhabitants of the island), by striking "terror into their hearts" and driving them from their homeland, so that Buddhism would flourish on the island.

This myth has led to the widely held Sinhalese Buddhist belief that the country is exclusively the island of the Sinhalese and of Buddhism. Sinhalese Buddhist nationalists maintain that they are the Buddha's chosen people, and that the island of Sri Lanka is the Buddhist promised land.

http://soler7.com/IFAQ/Wiki on Buddhism.html
If muslim countries can have Islam as state religion then what is wrong in Sri kanka having Buddhism as state religion? Please explain
If muslim countries can have Islam as state religion then what is wrong in Sri kanka having Buddhism as state religion? Please explain

what is the percentage of Muslims in Muslims countries that have Islam the state religion ? Lankan occupied Tamil Eelam is not Buddhist

Sri Lanka: the constitution of Sri Lanka accords Buddhism the "foremost place", although it does not identify it as a state religion. Buddhism is given special privileges in Sri Lankan constitution.
what is the percentage of Muslims in Muslims countries that have Islam the state religion ? Lankan occupied Tamil Eelam is not Buddhist

Sri Lanka: the constitution of Sri Lanka accords Buddhism the "foremost place", although it does not identify it as a state religion. Buddhism is given special privileges in Sri Lankan constitution.
Sinhala Buddhists are the original
what is the percentage of Muslims in Muslims countries that have Islam the state religion ? Lankan occupied Tamil Eelam is not Buddhist

Sri Lanka: the constitution of Sri Lanka accords Buddhism the "foremost place", although it does not identify it as a state religion. Buddhism is given special privileges in Sri Lankan constitution.
Sinhala Buddhists are the original inhabitants of Sri Lanka. Tamils and Muslims came to Sri lanka many years later. Buddhism has been the religion of Sri lanka since Emperor Ashoka. Buddhism is the religion of the soil and the original religion of Sri lanka. Hinduism and Islam was brought to Sri lanka by tamil migrants and muslim merchants.
Sinhala Buddhists are the original

Sinhala Buddhists are the original inhabitants of Sri Lanka. Tamils and Muslims came to Sri lanka many years later. Buddhism has been the religion of Sri lanka since Emperor Ashoka. Buddhism is the religion of the soil and the original religion of Sri lanka. Hinduism and Islam was brought to Sri lanka by tamil migrants and muslim merchants.
Before Ashoka, Ravana was a brahman. So, unless your history ends at 300BC, it is unreasonable to simply say Hindus are migrants. In fact, it is the buddhists who are converts. I can't believe that you forgot Ravana and started bragging of conversion in 300BC as the most ancient thing to do.
Before Ashoka, Ravana was a brahman. So, unless your history ends at 300BC, it is unreasonable to simply say Hindus are migrants. In fact, it is the buddhists who are converts. I can't believe that you forgot Ravana and started bragging of conversion in 300BC as the most ancient thing to do.
Ravana was a mythical creature and maybe a story character while Lord Buddha was a real messiah who existed in India some 2500 years before. Also out of the three dharmic/brahminical religion(Hinduism,Buddhism and Jainism), Hinduism is said to be the oldest which is false. Lord Buddha existed during the vedic period when the vedas were being composed, and the geetas and upanishads were composed centuries after lord buddhas demise.
there are way too many mosques everywhere. you travel to kandy, there's a mosque every hundred metres which makes you think that sri lanka is a muslim country. these hajis are way too agressive thinking that we owe them shit. recently there were retards advocating under age marriages and sharia law in constitution. if they want that they should move to pakistan but if they try their shit in sri lanka they are up for a real surprise. we are not indians btw.

Finally someone other than Pakistan's favourite bashing community says something.

Appreciate your words.

Even the last bit where you rightly pointed that Hindu community does not retaliate.
Ravana was a mythical creature and maybe a story character while Lord Buddha was a real messiah who existed in India some 2500 years before. Also out of the three dharmic/brahminical religion(Hinduism,Buddhism and Jainism), Hinduism is said to be the oldest which is false. Lord Buddha existed during the vedic period when the vedas were being composed, and the geetas and upanishads were composed centuries after lord buddhas demise.
What is the evidence that Buddha existed before 600BC and during Vedic times? Ajatashatru who existed in 500-600BC has seen Buddha himself and even buddhist scriptures mention it. From where you got the news of Vedic buddha?
Sinhala Buddhists are the original

Sinhala Buddhists are the original inhabitants of Sri Lanka. Tamils and Muslims came to Sri lanka many years later. Buddhism has been the religion of Sri lanka since Emperor Ashoka. Buddhism is the religion of the soil and the original religion of Sri lanka. Hinduism and Islam was brought to Sri lanka by tamil migrants and muslim merchants.

which Tamils are your referring to ? Eelam Tamils or Up country Tamils ?

The original religion of Lankan soil was native Tamil religion , Sinhalas worshipped (and still do) Tamil gods Pattini and Murugan

map of he subcontinent before the land mass was devoured by the sea - Lanka was originally joined to Tamilnadu


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