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Sri Lanka: Mudslides bury hundreds of villagers

Casualty figures have gone up to 41 as of this morning with still 134 unaccounted for.. Almost all victims of the earthslip's
Very unfortunate. Let us hope the rest are rescued in time.
Very unfortunate. Let us hope the rest are rescued in time.

Highly unlikely they would find anybody alive under the mud.. It is apparently 40 feet deep.. But there could be a chance that some of those people indeed fled the area before when warnings were given and not yet been accounted for, Similar case happened two years ago when over 300 were reported missing but were found safe weeks later with the actual number of casualties being a dozen.. So hoping for the same
Most land slide deaths could have been avoided if they are relocated into safer places with better housing. These houses increase the risk of landslides by removing trees and digging the lower parts of the mountain for construction of houses
Most land slide deaths could have been avoided if they are relocated into safer places with better housing. These houses increase the risk of landslides by removing trees and digging the lower parts of the mountain for construction of houses

They had been warned of the impending disaster, Unfortunately unheeded
RIP to the dead. Nature always wins. Hope SAR is in full swing. It's not just the immediate damage & casualties but disruption of services too can be very tragic and has mid to long term effect.

They had been warned of the impending disaster, Unfortunately unheeded

This still the Indian subcontinent. People are thoroughly stupid. During Phailin many of the casualties were the morons who hid during the evacuation.
This is why dogs are called ‘man’s best friend’

Another loyal dog that was looking for its owners was captured by cameras at the landslide site in Samassarakanda hill in Aranayake. In video footage, the dog was barking in a grieved voice and for its owner’s family members. However, our reporters said later, the dog was able to recognize its owners who were re-located at a camp in Aranayake.

Another emotional story about a loyal dog that appeared to be looking for its master after the deadly landslide in Samassarakanda hill in Aranayake went viral on the Internet yesterday. It was later reported that the dog had finally found its master at a temporarily built hut in Aranayake. These two incidents demonstrate why dogs are such loyal companions to humans

Humans inturn helping the voiceless



United States Offers Immediate Assistance for Disaster Relief

To meet the urgent needs of victims of the ongoing landslides and flooding in various parts of Sri Lanka, the United States Government has provided 7.2 million Sri Lankan Rupees (50,000 U.S. dollars) for emergency humanitarian assistance. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is working closely with Sri Lanka’s National Disaster Relief Services Center, the Sri Lankan military and international aid partners to coordinate the donation of most urgently-needed items.

The U.S. assistance will supply emergency non-food items such as blankets, mattresses, clothing, and hygiene kits. The U.S. Embassy will continue coordinating with Sri Lankan authorities to decide how best to complement their extensive efforts.

“We know that the families and communities in worst affected areas require immediate and long-term assistance to recover from the devastation caused by the landslide and flooding,” said Ambassador Atul Keshap “The U.S. assistance announced today provides the most urgently required items on the ground. These donations will help many children, women and families affected, and we continue to offer our full support.”


Sorry for such loss :(

It's developed in to a cyclone and heading towards Bangladesh.. Pls take pre cautions
Pakistan sends field hospital, relief items
2016-05-22 15:13:18

The Pakistan Government has sent a 30 bed fully equipped modern field hospital and relief materials for the flood victims in Sri Lanka.

Pakistan Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif had directed the relevant authorities to make immediate arrangements for the provision of emergency relief to flood victims.

The relief assistance includes a state of the art 30 bed field hospital which is equipped with operation theaters, x ray systems and Labs, as well as a variety of relief items including medicine, electricity generators, tarpaulins, tents etc, in heavy quantities.

17 Pakistani doctors will also be arriving in Sri Lanka for providing health care assistance.

- See more at: http://www.dailymirror.lk/109841/Pakistan-sends-field-hospital-relief-items#sthash.lgixkBUg.dpuf
Compared to the past advance warning about cyclones their trajectory , intensity has improved a lot. Due to this casualty figures have gone down tremendously. One of the things when cyclone hits it is better to evacuate ppl and move them to cyclone shelters. But in sub continent it is a very hard task to persuade ppl to leave their homes.
Turkey delivers aid to mudslide-stricken Sri Lanka

92 killed, 109 missing amid floods and landslides caused by heavy rain since last week, officials say

23.05.2016 Hale Türkeş Ankara world, todays headlines, asia - pacific


COLOMBO, SRI LANKA - MAY 20: Sri Lankan flood victims carry food and drinking water through floodwaters in Wellampitiya, outskirts of Colombo, Sri Lanka on May 20, 2016. ( Chamila Karunarathne - Anadolu Agenc7)


The Turkish Red Crescent has delivered emergency supplies to Sri Lanka, which has been hit by floods and landslides caused by heavy rain since last week.

In a statement issued Monday, Turkey’s largest humanitarian organization said that tents, blankets and solar kits were delivered Sunday to Sri Lankan officials.

Speaking at the delivery ceremony in capital Colombo, Sri Lankan Cabinet Minister of Disaster Management Anura Priyadarshana Yapa thanked Turkey for its “meaningful” help, which he said was sent a time when the latter was already hosting over 3 million refugees, the statement said.

Yapa recalled that the Turkish Red Crescent had built 250 homes in the country in the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami, and said Sri Lankan people could never forget Turkey.

Turkey’s ambassador to Colombo, Tunca Ozcuhadar, for his part, said that Turkey shared Sri Lanka’s pain, and the relief materials would be delivered to the victims as soon as possible.

The massive landslides triggered by torrential rain killed at least 92 people, with 109 people reported missing, according to the country's Disaster Management Centre.

The landslides also left more than 185,000 people homeless. They are being housed in temporary shelters.

@xenon54 @Sinan
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