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Sri Lanka: Mudslides bury hundreds of villagers

Hopefully the situation will improve. Govt Schools have been closed islandwide
Foreign missions in SL express willingness to assist victims
2016-05-19 20:16:51

All Ambassadors and High Commissioners of foreign missions in Sri Lanka had expressed their willingness to come forward and help Sri Lankans who had become victims of torrential rains, floods and landslides, Foreign Affairs Minister Mangala Samaraweera today said.

Addressing a news conference following a discussion held with delegates at the Ministry to brief them on the current weather situation and the emergency requirements, the minister said the weather was one of the worst reported since 1992.

“The ambassadors inquired us on the ways and means of how they can help affected people. Therefore, we briefed them and almost all the countries expressed willingness to help affected Sri Lankans,” he told the news conference flanked by Disaster Management Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa and Health Minister Rajitha Senaratne.

Minister Yapa said they were hoping for assistance from foreign countries to improve the health condition of the affected people. “Foods and clothing can be provided from our funds. We expect purification pills, water motors and bottles of water,” he said.

He said the damage caused by the inclement weather was yet to be estimated and said the Aranayake landslide was one of the worst in the landslide history of Sri Lanka. “We will continue rescue and search operations,” he said.

Meanwhile, he said JAICA had pledged their assistance to provide equipments to Sri Lanka to collect weather related satellite images of Sri Lanka and to send specialists on landslides to the country.

Addressing the briefing, Minister Senaratne said hospitals have been supplied with all the necessities and human resources and had been given a guideline to prevent any possible diseases which would spread.

Director General of Health Dr. Palitha Mahipala assured there won’t be any outbreaks. “Sri Lanka had never had any outbreaks though it had many camps. We are concerned about people’s sanitation,” he said. (Lahiru Pothmulla)


- See more at: http://www.dailymirror.lk/109748/Fo...ngness-to-assist-victims#sthash.PKJRp8CB.dpuf
Grateful for just the handful of posters that have expressed empathy and well wishes to the Lankan people at this time of monumental disaster.. Nearly one million people have been affected and the danger it still rising with the water levels rising

Anybody interested can donate to the relief here or any other numerous charities


Amazing to read and see how Lankans have come togeather as one to help each other other at this time of need.. Ordinary people


Ordinary people contributing their daily lunch

One account from a Turkish lady i saw on FB.. @Sinan @xenon54

Önce ingilizcesi var altta da Türkçesi var.

Bugün selden etkilenenlere gıda vs malzeme alıp göndermek için burada Arpico diye bi süpermarkete gittim. Türkiye'de bu duruma alışığız, sel basar, deprem olur, şehir kullanılmaz hale gelene kadar bombalanır, madenler çöker falan.Genellikle etkilenmeyen bölgelerdeki insanlar facebookta orda burda bi kaç şey paylaşmanın dışında çok umursamadan hayatlarına devam ederler. Anca çok ufak bir azınlık elinden geldiğince yardım eder. Burada da aynı durumu bekliyordum çünkü geldiğimden beri ulan Sri Lanka ve Türkiye aynı diyorum. Zaten burada ortalama maaş, Türkiye'deki asgari ücretten de az. Dolayısıyla kimse bişey gönderemez yazık şimdi havasıyla kapıdan içeri girdiğim gibi kasiyerlerin önündeki hayvani sıraya takıldı gözüm. Millet üç beş tane alışveriş arabasına su olsun pirinç olsun ekmek olsun süt tozu olsun bisürü malzeme tıkıştırmış. Öyle normal kendi alışverişini yapan insan sayısı maksimum 4-5. Her yer kolilerle dolu. Gözlerim doldu. Ben böyle bir seferberlik ne Türkiye'de ne başka bir yerde gördüm. Hani insanlık ölmemiş dünya iyi biyer hala falan gibi bi düşünceye kapılmadım ama bir kez daha arada kerizler olmasına rağmen Sri Lankalıların ne kadar süper ve yardımsever insanlar olduğunu hatırladım. Onların arasında yaşadığım için şanslıyım. Umarım buradaki bu yardımseverlik daha fazla insana bulaşır.

Today I went to Arpico (a big supermarket in Colombo near my office) to buy supplies to send to flood victims. Water, dry rations etc. whatever I could afford. Being from a country that is quite often plagued by natural or man made disasters which require help to be sent, I expected the same view of people in the non-affected areas continuing their lives regularly. As soon as I entered I saw the huge lines at the cashiers points. People buying many shopping carts filled with water, milk powder, bread, diapers, rice, etc. There were maximum 4-5 people doing just their personal shopping and they were hard to spot in the huge crowd that was there to buy things for the people in need. I got teared up. I have never seen such a view in Turkey or anywhere else I have lived in. I would have never expected such a view in Sri Lanka where the average salary is less than the minimum wage in Turkey. I can't say my faith in humanity was restored but I just realized once again, Sri Lankan people, regardless of some bad seeds, are just amazing and helpful people. I am happy and lucky to be living amongst them. I hope the helpfulness here will rub on to many more people around the world.
RIP to those who lost their lives.

Best wishes to the rescuers, may they save as many as they can.
Australia Ready To Help Sri Lanka Following Damaging Landslides, Floods: Aust'n FM

CANBERRA, May 20 (Bernama) -- Australia has pledged to provide any assistance it can to the government of Sri Lanka following news that extreme weather had caused flash floods and landslides which have killed at least 58 people and displaced almost half a million more, reports China's Xinhua news agency.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop on Friday said that Sri Lanka was a close friend to Australia, and that the government would have no hesitation in sending assistance to help with the clean-up or to help resettle those who have lost their homes.

"Our thoughts are with the Sri Lankan people after heavy rainfall in recent days caused widespread flooding and landslides, loss of life and damage to homes," Bishop said in a statement.

"The Australian government stands ready to provide any assistance that our Sri Lankan friends may require in responding to this disaster."

She said a number of Australians might currently be working or holidaying in the small island nation, and urged them to contact family and friends to let them know they were safe. Bishop said following the direction of local authorities was crucial for those intending to visit Sri Lanka.

"Any Australians intending to remain in or visit the region should heed the advice of local authorities and stay informed of local conditions," she said.

"Australia's travel advice for Sri Lanka has been updated and any Australians travelling to Sri Lanka should also ensure they are registered (with the government) and monitor travel advice to the region."

The landslides -- which have affected a number of regions in the nation -- were caused by days of torrential rain. The BBC estimates that almost half a million people have been displaced while at least 58 have been confirmed dead in the disasters.

Indian naval ships rushed to SL with relief materials

India on Friday rushed two naval ships with relief materials to cyclone-hit Sri Lanka, the Indian Express reported. INS Sunayna, an NOPV (Naval offshore patrol vessel) and INS Sutlej, a survey vessel with relief material have been rushed to Colombo from Southern Naval Command Kochi. The first tropical cyclone, ROANU, of the season in the Bay of Bengal has caused devastation for thousands in Sri Lanka. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had condoled the deaths on Thursday

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