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Sri Lanka cancels on-arrival visa facility for Pakistanis

Ommala Okka, you needed the help of pakistan and china to so this, couldnt handle ur own business yourself

help like what? do u mean the logistic support? Every country takes logistic support frm others in wars. I can understand you not knowing that. People with a country for one's own only knows that.
I dont think Aluthgama has any impact on this. The call to halt visa on arrival for pakistanis had been in the table prior to Aluthgama incident.

Yes true. But Aluthgama incident only aggravated the issue. Even prior to Aluthgama authorities were aware about the existence of radical cells operating in Sri Lanka.

There is no jihadi element in aluthgama incident, though there is a terrorist that needs to be arrested.

There may not be but one cannot deny the fact that the existence of radical Islamic groups in Sri Lanka.

If you mean Gnanasara as the terrorist, could you please explain on what charge should he be arrested? Doesn't that rule apply to Asath Sally and Rishad Badyuddin?

And for ur infor on arrival visa facility has been cancelled for indians like 2 years before...


Not just logistics, getting them to do bombs for you and stuff. You know u couldn't handle us so u got outside help. We owned 1/3 of ur country b4 u started killing civilians

Why hid behind civilians? And why gave up that 1/3 of Sri Lanka?
Sri Lanka shuts terror door on Pakistan
TNN | Jun 29, 2014, 04.21 AM IST

NEW DELHI: Sri Lanka has banned visas on arrival for Pakistanis after investigations showed that jihadist groups targeting India were using Sri Lanka as a transit point. Lanka is also one of the few countries that extended such a facility to Pakistani nationals.

A bomb blast in a Chennai train in May revealed new plots against India by Pakistan-based jihadist groups using Sri Lanka and Maldives as transit points. A multinational investigation including Malaysia zeroed in on a Lankan national, Shakir Hussain, who confessed that he had visited India over 20 times on reconnaissance trips.

He told investigators, as was reported by TOI, that he was facilitating militants from Maldives who were tasked with attacking American and Israeli consulates in Bangalore and Chennai, critical infrastructure like airports and power plants in Chennai among other targets.

The investigation, sources said, also pointed to involvement by Pakistani officials at their mission in Colombo. Indian officials confirmed that Sri Lanka and Maldives have been red-flagged by Indian security establishment for some time. The new Maldives President Abdulla Yameen, too, has been sensitized to the growth of fundamentalism among youngsters who may be traveling to Pakistan for religious studies.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi (right) with Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa in New Delhi.

Modi, in his first conversations with Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, had raised this issue which he said was of particular sensitivity to India. On his return, Rajapaksa is believed to have launched an investigation. The results of the probe have contributed to the decision.

In a related development, Sri lankan authorities have been rounding up Pakistani asylum seekers — almost 1,500 of them will be deported back to Pakistan. This has invited sharp criticism from human rights activists and the UN, because many of them are Ahmadiyas (a banned sect in Pakistan) and Shia Muslims.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi (left) with Maldivian Abdulla Yameen in New Delhi.
The Pakistani foreign office has also been informed that its nationals would henceforth need pre-departure visas to travel to Sri Lanka. The Lankan government probe revealed that many Pakistanis are arriving as tourists by taking advantage of easy visas on "electronic travel authorization" but staying on as "refugees". In 2013, the UNHRC recorded almost 1,500 Pakistani asylum seekers. Lanka has now decided to deport all Pakistanis who have overstayed their visas.

While Indians have traditionally focused on north India as points of infiltration by Pakistan-supported elements, south India poses a particular danger.

Modi got Rajapakse on board

May 1 Chennai train blast revealed plots against India by Pakistan-based jihadists using Sri Lanka and Maldives as transit points. Modi conveyed the sensitivity of issue to Lankan President Rajapakse during his May 26 swearing in as PM and sensitized the new Maldivian president also.

On return to Sri Lanka, Rajapakse ordered probe which led to decision.

Sri Lanka shuts terror door on Pakistan - The Times of India

MODI effect and change in foreign policy of sri lanka.Acche din aane wale hai :D:yahoo::yahoo::victory::victory:
@AugenBlick @Soumitra @Tshering22 @IndoUS @Indrani @nair @SwAggeR @JanjaWeed
What utter nonsense from times of India. Sri lanka cited abuse of the system, and asylum seekers as the reason for the chage, not terrorism.
You expected them to cite Indian concerns to the world and embarass Pakistan?
That is how these issues are couched because SL is making an exception by stopping VoA to Pakistan.
You expected them to cite Indian concerns to the world and embarass Pakistan?
That is how these issues are couched because SL is making an exception by stopping VoA to Pakistan.
Oh please. What utter nonsense is that? If any of what you said holds any truth, we would have gotten a stronger reaction from all sides. As it is, Pakistan's foreign office official commented that he held no sympathy for the asylum seekers who're going to be deported from Sri Lanka.

Don't present you private opinion as fact.
Oh please. What utter nonsense is that? If any of what you said holds any truth, we would have gotten a stronger reaction from all sides. As it is, Pakistan's foreign office official commented that he held no sympathy for the asylum seekers who're going to be deported from Sri Lanka.

Don't present you private opinion as fact.
okay. ToI has also just lied then as per you.
Sri Lanka on itself is becoming more and more anti-Islamic so a mere gentle nudge from India would have been enough to wean them away from involvement in still evolving new terrorism architecture of Pakistan.

I am hoping for similar steps from Maldives regarding terrorism in future as tourism is their sole source income , which could get disrupted in no time if terrorism given a chance.I hope they take cue from Pakistan.
@Ravi Nair, @kinsr , @abjktu , @notsuperstitious

Latest insights in to this issue.. As i have tried to highlight the victims of these adhoc measures by incompetent authorities are innocent people fleeing oppression.. Neither the Lankan govt or Pak govt are overtly concerned about diplomatic fall off as some Indians here try to portray..

Blame game over Pak asylum seekers | The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Govt. insists they must go, but UNHCR says any move to deport them would be problematic
Uncertainty looms over the fate of the Pakistani asylum seekers who were arrested and are being detained at the Boossa Terrorist Investigation Department detention facility, amidst a blame game between the Government and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Pointing out that any move by the Government to deport them would be “problematic”, the Office of the United Nations High


A Pakistani asylum seeker holds up the refugee status document issued by the UNHCR. Pic by Nilan Maligaspe

Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said this week that it was not aware of the charges against these asylum seekers.
“We wish to reiterate that deporting them to Pakistan would be a violation of international refugee laws and principles,” said Igor Ivancic, the Senior Protection Officer at the UNHCR office. A request to visit the detainees is yet to be granted. However, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was given access on June 20.

On June 9, the police together with the Department of Immigration and Emigration started arresting Pakistanis asylum seekers living in Negombo and Colombo. According to the UNHCR, 141 men were arrested in seven days.

“We did not even have a hint of what was coming,” Mr. Ivancic, who attends monthly meetings with government officials, said.
The majority of these Pakistani asylum seekers belong to the Ahmadiyya sect, regarded as apostate by the world’s Sunni Muslims. Among those who were arrested

are a few Christians and Shia Muslims. One of them is suffering from dengue and being held at the Mirihana Immigration and Emigration detention centre. The others are in Boossa.

The house-to-house search for Pakistani asylum seekers stopped on June 16. No charges have been pressed against the detainees. Neither have they been produced before a magistrate. The authorities say they are being held under immigration laws but declined to disclose specific allegations.

“You cannot target a group because you may have indication or knowledge that one or a few individuals from that group might have
some kind of background that was socially unacceptable,” Mr. Ivancic said.

The Immigration Department insists the men will be kept in detention until their cases are examined. “We will check their details and send them back,” Immigration Controller General Chulananda Perera said. “We have not accepted these people here and we have repeatedly made this clear to the UNHCR. We did not receive a single reply, not even an acknowledgement, to the written objections we raised.”

Under a 2006 working arrangement between the Government and the UNHCR, the Immigration Department can object to any individual being admitted to the country on grounds of national security, public order and Sri Lanka’s international commitments. Objections are discussed at a meeting between the External Affairs Ministry, the Department of Immigration and the UNHCR. UNHCR Representative Golam Abbass said he had “not received a single objection” in the eight months since he arrived in Sri Lanka.
In defence, Immigration Chief Perera said the Department had stopped sending objections because the UNHCR did not respond. In 2012, the Ministry of External Affairs had scheduled a meeting to resolve the deadlock but the refugee agency had pulled out, Immigration officials claimed.

Officials —including defence authorities —were deeply critical of what they alleged was the UNHCR’s role in swelling the population of asylum seekers in Sri Lanka. They said the refugee agency has “persistently ignored” their concerns.

In March 2013, Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa at a discussion convened by him told UNHCR to consider establishing a safe house or welfare centre for asylum seekers pending their resettlement in a third country, a source said. The Defence Secretary had said the Government could not give economic support and asked the UNHCR to provide adequate facilities for the foreigners. These and other requests were reportedly disregarded, the source added.

The Controller General did not reveal what would happen to the family members of detainees. Defence Ministry sources said instructions had been given to reunite and deport them all. However, this is yet to happen. According to the UNHCR, there are no previous cases of Sri Lanka deporting asylum seekers.

On Thursday, hundreds of Pakistanis gathered at the Ahmadiyya mosque at Periyamulla in Negombo for the UNHCR to renew their papers. The process takes place every few months but this time the asylum seekers were nervous and agitated.
“We all feel so insecure,” said Jamila Rita, a Christian, who was a teacher. “Ten people were taken from the house which we are sharing. There was a very old man who had undergone open heart surgery. He begged them to spare him but they did not listen.”
The husband of 38-year-old Anila Imran, a Christian, is in Boossa. He was taken away even as his aged mother and their three sons pleaded with police to let him stay. The strain shows on her face. “Two or three times I go to the UNHCR office in Colombo,” she said. “I know nothing.”

“So far we have no idea what will happen to these people,” Ms. Rita said. “We have had no contact with them.” Some Pakistanis had sought safe haven elsewhere, returning to their rented homes only after the UNHCR assured them there would be no more arrests.
The worries of asylum seekers were exacerbated by loudspeaker announcements made in some areas of Negombo, asking residents not to accommodate foreigners. “The police went around by three-wheeler and said people must not give houses to Pakistanis,” said an asylum seeker outside the Negombo mosque. “Many of the rent agreements are six months to one year. They are coming to an end. Then where we will go?”

The police denied this but residents in Negombo, including the Catholic pastor of a prominent church, said they had heard the announcements. “Police said not to give houses to foreigners,” recalled a roadside fruit-seller. “Most houses in this area are rented by Pakistanis. They mind their own business but we do not know much about them.”

But others said there was resentment amongst many residents about the growing influx of Pakistanis. “They are a nuisance and must go back,” said a private sector employee, requesting anonymity. “Some of them even had a fight with drivers in our three-wheeler stand. There are too many of them now.”

New complications could arise if Sri Lankans, alarmed by the arrests and warnings, close their doors to the asylum seekers —leaving them with nowhere to go. One Pakistani Ahmadi woman, who is awaiting relocation to Canada after her refugee status was approved two years ago, said their landlady wanted her family to vacate at once.

She lives in Kudapaduwa with her husband and two children, one of whom is eight-months old. They arrived in Sri Lanka six years ago. In 2011, her husband was released after nine days of detention at Mirihana. Her sister, brother-in-law and their daughter share the lodgings. They arrived in 2013 and are still asylum seekers.

“House owner very dangerous,” the woman said, in broken English. “She beat me, umbrella. She throw shoes, stone. She say, you go, go, go. Where go? Everywhere problem. Very tension, sister.”

A sense of unease pervades the community. The Ahmadi Muslims have been instructed by their community leaders not to speak to the media. A school run by Christian asylum seekers in the premises of a church has been temporarily closed.
In the wake of the police swoop on the Pakistani asylum seekers, the UNHCR officials met defence and immigration authorities, but conflicting claims are being made as to what was agreed upon. The refugee agency says it was led to think “there is a possibility of discussing the release of certain categories of individuals in the group”.

These include six men who have already been granted refugee status by the UNHCR, a teenage boy and several persons with medical problems. “But since then we have not heard from the Government about the plan,” Mr. Ivancic said.

“Those are total lies,” National Intelligence chief Kapila Hendawitharana, who chaired the meeting. He said he had only instructed immigration officials to release a teenager in custody. He had also asked them to consider whether two differently-abled people among the detainees could be freed. “As for the others, I said, no, we can’t release them,” he said.

The UNHCR is maintaining contact with other asylum seekers through community leaders, mosques and churches. “The families are distressed that their fathers, husbands and sons have been taken away,” Mr., Ivancic said. “This level of anxiety comes as a result of a lack of information. They don’t know why this is happening, what the future will be or how the situation will be resolved.”

@WebMaster ,@Oscar , @Aeronaut

Can you pls merger the threads relating to this subject.. It seems like as usual certain Indian posters are falling over each other to post the same thread on SL domestic affairs a dozen times flooding the forum.. Tks

Sri Lanka shuts terror door on Pakistan

Sri Lanka shuts terror door on Pakistan
Last edited:
Modi did it

NEW DELHI: Sri Lanka has banned visas on arrival for Pakistanis after investigations showed that jihadist groups targeting India were using Sri Lanka as a transit point. Lanka is also one of the few countries that extended such a facility to Pakistani nationals.

A bomb blast in a Chennai train in May revealed new plots against India by Pakistan-based jihadist groups using Sri Lanka and Maldives as transit points. A multinational investigation including Malaysia zeroed in on a Lankan national, Shakir Hussain, who confessed that he had visited India over 20 times on reconnaissance trips.

He told investigators, as was reported by TOI, that he was facilitating militants from Maldives who were tasked with attacking American and Israeli consulates in Bangalore and Chennai, critical infrastructure like airports and power plants in Chennai among other targets.

The investigation, sources said, also pointed to involvement by Pakistani officials at their mission in Colombo. Indian officials confirmed that Sri Lanka and Maldives have been red-flagged by Indian security establishment for some time. The new Maldives President Abdulla Yameen, too, has been sensitized to the growth of fundamentalism among youngsters who may be traveling to Pakistan for religious studies.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi (right) with Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa in New Delhi.

Modi, in his first conversations with Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, had raised this issue which he said was of particular sensitivity to India. On his return, Rajapaksa is believed to have launched an investigation. The results of the probe have contributed to the decision.

In a related development, Sri lankan authorities have been rounding up Pakistani asylum seekers — almost 1,500 of them will be deported back to Pakistan. This has invited sharp criticism from human rights activists and the UN, because many of them are Ahmadiyas (a banned sect in Pakistan) and Shia Muslims.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi (left) with Maldivian Abdulla Yameen in New Delhi.
The Pakistani foreign office has also been informed that its nationals would henceforth need pre-departure visas to travel to Sri Lanka. The Lankan government probe revealed that many Pakistanis are arriving as tourists by taking advantage of easy visas on "electronic travel authorization" but staying on as "refugees". In 2013, the UNHRC recorded almost 1,500 Pakistani asylum seekers. Lanka has now decided to deport all Pakistanis who have overstayed their visas.

While Indians have traditionally focused on north India as points of infiltration by Pakistan-supported elements, south India poses a particular danger.

Modi got Rajapakse on board

May 1 Chennai train blast revealed plots against India by Pakistan-based jihadists using Sri Lanka and Maldives as transit points. Modi conveyed the sensitivity of issue to Lankan President Rajapakse during his May 26 swearing in as PM and sensitized the new Maldivian president also.

On return to Sri Lanka, Rajapakse ordered probe which led to decision.

Sri Lanka shuts terror door on Pakistan - The Times of India
Sri Lankan people remember The IAF violating Sri Lankan airspace to drop food and weapons for LTTE. Not to mention India's funding and support for LTTE OVER 4 decades that killed hundreds and thousands in Sri Lanka.
That was a nice diplomacy.Sri Lankans is sovereign nation.So they may be take action against us but it is only for their own national interest.That doesnt mean they are completely against us.Some members from our western neighbour and eastern neighbour talk a lot about so called SA alliance against India.Now it seems they got necessary reply.
Noone tolerate terrorism in there land.
Sri Lankan people remember The IAF violating Sri Lankan airspace to drop food and weapons for LTTE. Not to mention India's funding and support for LTTE OVER 4 decades that killed hundreds and thousands in Sri Lanka.

India is no threat.. Can I have acess to the source which you referred on the IAF dropping food and weapons for LTTE??

India supplied SriLanka with Pinaka and Radar systems to fight the LTTE.
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