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South China Sea Forum

Why don't Vietnam asked to be a part of the Chinese nation like the Ukrainian rebel and Russia. The VCP and its comical and pretentious resistance to China is offensive to Vietnam 's glorious past. At least as part of China, Vietnam can prosper unlike the dim-witted leadership of the VCP.

3 million Vietnamese died fighting Capitalism in the form of Nike, Coca Cola, McDonald, KFC and Starbucks. It would it be better if they had died fighting the Chinese. I heard drugs (cocain,heroin...etc) is bad for the brain, I guess it cant be worse than Communism.

3 million Vietnamese died fighting Capitalism in the form of Nike, Coca Cola, McDonald, KFC and Starbucks. It would it be better if they had died fighting the Chinese. I heard drugs (cocain,heroin...etc) is bad for the brain, I guess it cant be worse than Communism.
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He is a nobody. Recently their chief visits China in hope for our support over their military takeover. Why don't their chief visit Vietnam to lend support? LOL
What a beauty!


Keep it up :enjoy:
China is setting a new standard in national declaration . All of declarations from Chinese govermnet is just like voice of a kid...just for fun because there is only about 5% true. What a surprise and what a shame !
China has started moving a second rig into the SCS. I thought they would remove the first rig in August, now they adding a second rig. This is what I predicted in my earlier post. China is pushing Vietnam to make concession by adding so many rigs so soon.
I thought America was the real imperialist not China. I don't know what is worse for the Vietnamese people, the leadership(party, generals)that left Vietnam in this predicament or China. So sad. So many lives are lost in the Vietnam war only to find out that your real enemy is the bully from the North. For 40 yrs you have done the bidding of this bully and only to have it do this to you. Yesterday, the bully send its FM to Vietnam not for peace, but to tell you shut up. You threaten to take legal action against the bully before and it told you not to. So you obey it. Now it add a second rig. I guess the VCP must sleep well at night knowing that they have left their people and future generation in this mess. Brilliant. One party, but half a brain.
Are you real Indonesian !?

And did you have a brain in your head !?
Your comment was all lack proper understand of situation and real issues. I think you should shut down your computer and go to doctor.

The second rig location was declared to put in Chinese continental shelf. But we will keep our eyes on it as alway...
Such a discreditable vietnam and vietnamese. hehe I pity you very much.
discreditable? China has no right to talk about that thing, a people always feel happy with other's pain but always call themselves as mirror for the world
Does this "Surasit Thanadtang" even exist? A google search of his name literally only shows VN webpages. Either he's a complete nobody, or VN journalists went inside their jungle, found an ordinary rice-farmer, dressed him up in military fatigues, and took a photo. :rofl:

Looks like with second rig on its way to the Chinese waters in the SCS, the Vietnamese nationalists are becoming desperados on steroid.
the 9-dash line is fcking groundless. everybody knows it except autistic chinese .

He is a nobody. Recently their chief visits China in hope for our support over their military takeover. Why don't their chief visit Vietnam to lend support? LOL
not the army chief, but the acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow visits Hanoi and seeks support.
Bring it on. Since you started it. We will also do the same. As our economy grows. We will soon develop our 7 occupied islands and 3 reefs in Spratlys. We will build a fortress, a pier and pave the runway to all those islands. We don't need to make a fake or build an artificial islands because we have lots of real one to be developed. Anyway here is the good news.

Philippines, Vietnam can share disputed sea – envoy
Joint exploration, however, won't work with China. Vietnamese Ambassador to the Philippines Truong Trieu Duong says it will be like recognizing China's claim and falling into its trap.

MANILA, Philippines – To keep peace and stability in the South China Sea, the Philippines and Vietnam can share marine resources in the disputed waters, the Vietnamese ambassador told Rappler as tensions rise between Hanoi and Beijing.

Vietnamese Ambassador to the Philippines Truong Trieu Duong, however, said the same idea will not work with China.
“From my own point of view, I think that we can share and we can put aside differences, and we can jointly cooperate with each other to explore it,” Duong said weeks after China allegedly attacked Vietnamese vessels in the South China Sea and injured 6.

The 58-year-old ambassador explained that overlapping claims between the Philippines and Vietnam, after all, involve only “some small areas.” China, on the other hand, is claiming virtually the entire South China Sea – parts of which the Philippines claims as the West Philippine Sea, and as for Vietnam, the East Sea.

“The Philippines and Vietnam, we have some small areas. It's different. But for China, if we put differences aside and jointly cooperate with each other, like it or not, well, and in fact, it's just like recognizing China's claim – just like recognizing China's claim because China is claiming the whole sea,” Duong said.

“So we'll fall into the trap of China,” he said.

'That goodwill evaporated'


China has pushed for the joint exploration of the disputed waters – but always under the premise that it exercises indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea.

In 2005, Vietnam joined the Philippines and China in an agreement to jointly explore the disputed waters. The Joint Marine Seismic Undertaking expired in 2008 without the government extending it, however, in the face of public criticism. (READ: SC asked: Void expired PH-China offshore oil exploration pact)

In 2013, Vietnam and China again “agreed to establish a maritime work group for joint development at sea,” the Voice of America (VOA) reported. Duong Danh Dy, former Vietnamese consul general to Guangzhou, China, however dismissed this agreement as “just diplomatic rhetoric.”

“Vietnamese and Chinese interests over the South China Sea are like fire and water. Both countries claim sovereignty over the disputed islands in the area. The Chinese government has a long-term expansionist goal and it is willing to wait for an opportunity in 10, 20, 30, or even 100 years. It would not give up the South China Sea unless China is weakened,” the diplomat said, according to VOA.

The New York Times also noted Vietnam and China's announcement in 2013 “that they would try to find ways to jointly develop oil and gas fields.” “That goodwill evaporated,” however, because of the oil rig incident this year, the New York Times said.

Vietnam on Philippines: 'We can talk'

For now, then, one of Vietnam's best options is to boost ties with the Philippines as it did on Sunday, June 8, in a landmark act of sports diplomacy aimed to ease tensions in the South China Sea.

He said the two countries, for one, belong to the same regional bloc – the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

Both countries also signed the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, a key regional declaration in 2002 that upholds “self-restraint” in activities that will worsen the sea disputes.

“The Philippines and Vietnam, we are kind of a peaceful people. And we do not want to overpower one another, so we can talk. We can talk,” he said.

In contrast, he said: “China does not want to talk. It resorts to...some kind of forceful measures, in defiance of international law.”

When asked if Vietnam is considering filing a case against the Philippines over the South China Sea, Duong said: “No. Never. That would be unthinkable – because between the Philippines and Vietnam, we are now having...very good relations.... And it's not worth fighting when we can still solve everything peacefully.”

The most important thing he wants to stress, Duong said, is that the Philippines and Vietnam should “stand united” so they could “win.”

“We are on the same side.”
that is the way to go.
Vietnam and Philippines should advance joint cooperations in the SC Sea.
Beijing Review

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said on Friday there is no need to over interpret the recent deployment of four oil rigs in the South China Sea.

The four oil rigs are in the waters off Guangdong and Hainan provinces, said spokeswoman Hua Chunying at a daily news briefing when asked whether the four rigs will be positioned into disputed waters.

The coordinates of the rigs can be found on the website of China's Maritime Safety Administration, said Hua. "There is no need to make a fuss about normal activities."

China's Maritime Safety Administration issued announcements this week about the drilling operations of oil rigs Nanhai 2, 4, 5 and 9.

discreditable? China has no right to talk about that thing, a people always feel happy with other's pain but always call themselves as mirror for the world
Always? hehe, how do you get that?
China don't have that right? you viet have? where is your mercy when you vietnamese were exciting in protesting against China, and burning the factory, and killingChinese?

In my eyes, you veitnam is a ugly clown, nothing else, when you choose to be thief and liar, you will know in Chinese territory water you will not get mercy from China again, you think you are qualified? discreditable thief.

If you are painful, hold it, you will feel stronger pain, you deserve it, because you are thief.
Philippine, US warships to hold drills near China-claimed waters
20 Jun 2014

Philippine and US warships are set to kick off joint drills near disputed South China Sea waters next week, a Filipino military spokesman said on Friday, amid escalating territorial rows between Beijing and its neighbours.


MANILA: Philippine and US warships are set to kick off joint drills near disputed South China Sea waters next week, a Filipino military spokesman said on Friday, amid escalating territorial rows between Beijing and its neighbours.

The drills will be held off the west coast of the Philippines' main island of Luzon, said Lieutenant Rommel Rodriguez, spokesman for the Filipino side of the operations.

China claims most of the South China Sea -- including waters approaching its neighbours' coastlines -- and has been increasingly assertive in staking these claims.

But Rodriguez said the CARAT (Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training) joint exercises, involving nearly 1,000 troops from both countries, were a regular annual event and he dismissed any connection to rising tensions in the region.

"All of our exercises will be conducted in our territorial waters. This has nothing to do with any dispute," he told AFP.

The Philippines has accused China of using "bullying" tactics in the sea, which lies on key shipping routes and is believed to harbour massive gas deposits, and Manila is lobbying for a UN tribunal to declare the Asian giant's territorial claims invalid.

Beijing placed an oil rig in disputed waters last month, sparking anti-China riots in Vietnam, and on Friday announced that it was sending another four rigs to the sea. It was unclear whether any of them would be in contested areas.

The USS John McCain, an American destroyer, as well as the landing ship USS Ashland will join Philippine navy vessels for the exercises, which will last from June 26 until July 1, Rodriguez said.

They will include search and rescue, boarding and salvage drills as well as gunnery exercises next Saturday and Sunday, he added.

Rodriguez stressed that the exercises would take place "very far" from the Scarborough Shoal, an outcrop in the South China Sea currently guarded by Chinese government vessels, which was the scene of a tense standoff with the Philippines in 2012.

Manila, which has one of the weakest militaries in the region, has been increasingly turning to its main defence ally Washington to back it up against China.

The allies recently signed a new defence accord giving US forces greater access to Filipino bases in the former US colony.

Although the United States has taken no side in the territorial disputes, it has warned China against taking "destabilising actions" in the South China Sea.

Aquino to brief Japan's Abe on China case
Philippine President Benigno Aquino III and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will also be 'sharing views' on maritime disputes with China

Jun 20, 2014


MANILA, Philippines – In a move seen to agitate Beijing, Philippine President Benigno Aquino III will brief Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the Southeast Asian country's historic case against China over the disputed South China Sea.

Aquino will do this when he visits Japan on Tuesday, June 24, to deliver a speech on the Mindanao peace process and to discuss “recent regional developments,” among other things, with Abe.

“It's very important for the President to brief the Japanese side on the arbitration case that we filed against China. I'm sure the President will be updating the Prime Minister on the status of our case,” Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) spokesman Charles Jose said in a media briefing Friday, June 20.

Jose initially declined to categorically confirm if Aquino and Abe will discuss China, and said the two leaders “can talk about anything that they want.”

He later said, “We can see so much developments in the South China Sea, East China Sea, so I'm sure they will be sharing views and exchanging views on the issue.”

The two leaders will discuss maritime cooperation, humanitarian assistance, disaster response, promotion of trade and investments, people-to-people exchanges, and the Mindanao peace process.

“The meeting is an opportunity for the two leaders to exchange views on recent regional developments and to discuss areas of cooperation to enhance our strategic partnership,” Jose added.

Philippines, Japan facing China

Aquino's visit will only last for a day, as he is set to deliver the keynote speech at the Consolidation for Peace for Mindanao Conference in Hiroshima, Japan.

His visit to Japan comes as both Manila and Tokyo remain embroiled in maritime disputes with Beijing.

The Philippines, on one hand, is challenging China's expansive claims over the South China Sea, parts of which the Southeast Asian country claims as the West Philippine Sea.

It is pursuing a case against China before an arbitral tribunal at the Permanent Court of Arbitration. (READ: Experts debunk China's claim on defying int'l rulings)

It has also filed diplomatic protests against China's activities, most recently the Asian giant's reclamation projects in the South China Sea.

Relations between Japan and China, on the other hand, have plummeted over their competing claims to the Japanese-controlled Senkaku islands in the East China Sea.

Last week alone, Japan summoned the Chinese ambassador after a near miss involving fighter jets from the two nations near the islands, which China calls the Diaoyus.

Moves detested by China

In July 2013, Aquino and Abe already met about a shared concern in apparent reference to China – in the Japanese leader's words, “a strategic interest of making the Asia-Pacific region a free and open region, not by coercion or intimidation, but by the rule of law.”

Abe then pledged 4 forms of assistance to the Philippines that included improving the capabilities of the Philippine Coast Guard.

An analyst saw the meeting in 2013 as an “image-building” move against an aggressive Beijing.

The new meeting between Aquino and Abe is expected to agitate China because it rejects third-party involvement in resolving disputes.

It has instead stressed one-on-one talks with the countries involved – viewed as a lopsided approach as far as the Philippines is concerned, because China is its third biggest trading partner.

Even as China detests multilateral moves, however, countries in the region have begun to work more closely to curb China's moves in the South China Sea. (READ: Philippines to press 'gas pedal' vs sea tensions) – with reports from Agence France

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