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So what changed about India in 5 years of Modi?

If anyone can tell me what were the main processes (and characters if you want extra marks) that largely governed the awful stage 2 and stage 3...combined with why I am making a big deal out of GFCF...they can get some cookie points from me....maybe to dip into chai from chaiwallah. I have already hinted at some.

I think that this may provide an extra hint.


I'm certainly not arguing against the possible effect of bad domestic policy decisions (I actually have no knowledge about the particulars in India). It needs to be said though that stage 1 was completely unsustainable (in short term context), given the economic hurricane that swepted the World (starting from the US).

I'm Greek, so I know the effects pretty well in my skin, I might add...:cry:
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I think that this may provide an extra hint.


I'm certainly not arguing against the possible effect of bad domestic policy decisions (I actually have no knowledge about the particulars in India). It needs to be said though that stage 1 was completely unsustainable (in short term context), given the economic hurricane that swepted the World (starting from the US).

I'm Greek, so I know the effects pretty well in my skin, I might add...:cry:

Heh, thats going quite macroscale. India had/has very poor correlation with world (total economy esp in USD nominal) at large...one can see the reverse too in that OECD is quite correlated to world economy as you posted. This has to do with their relative sizes and what respective stages they are at in economic development....(China for example achieved GCF approaching 50% at its peak, and GFCF a little lower than that of course)

There was definitely some shock from the 2008-09 crisis everywhere though (past the correlation/phases)....but the recovery was stalled unnecessarily in India's case.

China more or less was able to ride out the 08/09 shock pretty well and sustain basically solid 40%+ GCF since 2003 to date (of course dropping off now as economy matures to newer phases...but still very high):


Whereas Indian policy was far more weather-vane to the prevailing wind argument (the govt got gummed up and spooked about covering certain things up esp for political reasons....and they did that by diverting capex to more subsidies....and also not keeping pace with major reforms to allow private sector better quality capex for itself). The result showed in the drastic drop after 2010 (as you can see)....exacerbated by the effect of lot of the GCF being "hot money based" with no reform regarding that (to disseminate, percolate and make more static in the best time afforded i.e 2004 - 2008). These things all have inertia and lag to recover from.
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On the other hand, I have seen first hand the misery that poor people and rural people went through.

Media management is not a substitute for achievement.

This people constitutes all of us right?
It was sooooo hard to stay in queue during
But too much easy to stay in queue for 6000Rs at any time we want right?

I am not saying he is 100% perfect .
But in this era of RTI you cant lie to people at least in some cases like toilets construction and electricty or Ayushman scheme .

You can rule like Congress,CPM etc with Chalta Hai attitude .
Then you can rule like Modi ,not BJP but Modi.

You can criticise when there is a shortfall on expectation but accepting the good efforts will only raise your accepatance also

Well BJP did get a chance in karnataka and they screwed it royally.

If a different govt is formed in next general elections then we will get to know the scams committed by the previous govt.

Chance of Modi govt coming back to power with current majority is 10% and 90% it will be a alliance with lalu & his kids. Current govt is more focused on propaganda via media management rather actually doing any thing on the ground.

Every day load shedding (power cut) is a reminder to common ppl that things have not changed much irrespective of what govt says.

At least people can now feel load sheddong because they have electricity connection
I noticed how quickly you disappeared once I mentioned non-BJP ruled Karnataka for the sanitation and electricity programs. :lol:

And I also noticed how the only thing you could do to counter my arguments is by relating me to Donald Trump, like that explains everything.

Personally, I think Modi's going to die in the PM's chair in his 4th term. And it's not like I have any love for the guy, just think he's better than all the scrubs out there.

But what I detest is irrational people who are just all-round intellectually dishonest and just filled with hate. A pretty common trait among ultra-leftists and the biggest threat to the country.


I really hate this commies.They are like cancer eating away all traditional good values and impart foreign immoral practices .
Then we have their nothing for good useless leaders that was always antinational as civil society .

You remember Kandhar Hijacking ,GoI was planned to kill terrorists then that useless Brinda Karat destroyed everything .
And Jem still killing people.
Modi ji will most likely loose this election...my fear is about the alternative...if he is gone then the con party will most likely come and scam this country to oblivion...maybe we had so much expectation with modi...when he failed on those expectations we feel only anger at him...the common man does not care about no corruption at the top level...for him nothing has changed on the ground...he still has to pay all the bribes for getting things done like has done his entire life...where is the change for him ? if the italian mafia comes to power we will have even more things to be angry at...but again people like me bought into their PR firms campaign marketing him to be different.
becoming the Stupid PM of the world well he is terrorist and murderer already but he brought Hate, stupidity, extremism in society,
sudden changing currency which created coas many many died cuz of his smart move.
didnt bring 15 lakh to people he promise.
no jobs matter fact he is killer of farmers, corporate and rich are getting all the benefits.
promise for greater Hindustan or teaching lesson to Pakistan lol.
matter fact this drama of pulwama is only happen before election before they declare election maybe he declare war :) india is going down the hell.
This people constitutes all of us right?
It was sooooo hard to stay in queue during
But too much easy to stay in queue for 6000Rs at any time we want right?

I was not referring to the spoilt silly middle classes who expected riches beyond their imagination without having to work for it, and voted for the NDA.

I was referring to the daily wage worker.

I know it will come as a surprise for you; if you look around, in a manner of speaking, look down even, you will find that the huge bulk of the people of India are daily wage earner. Those who queued up for their trickle of money from ATMs during demonetisation whined and sobbed and wept, and, even later, wrote about '...sooooo hard...' to stay in queue during 'Domentization', were only a fraction of a fraction of society; the trouble with the privileged being that they - you - genuinely believe that they are the underprivileged.

I didn't understand your reference to standing in queue for Rs. 6,000 at any time we want. Perhaps it was wit and I deserve to be subjected to those flashes of humour because of my stupidity.

I am not saying he is 100% perfect .
But in this era of RTI you cant lie to people at least in some cases like toilets construction and electricty or Ayushman scheme .

You have a knack of saying things that are enraging. If you know so much about RTI, perhaps you will tell us. in this open forum, how the apparatus for determining information under the RTI rules has been steadily dismantled, and sabotaged wherever possible, and obstructions put in its path. ALL by the present dispensation, by your hero.

You can rule like Congress,CPM etc with Chalta Hai attitude .
Then you can rule like Modi ,not BJP but Modi.

If you say so. In the face of such adamantine obstinacy, what point is there in objecting, or in pointing out fallacies and illusions? Continue to match your matchless leader, expand your chest as he did, and achieve at least 54", leaving him to exceed you in a delicate compliment to his superiority, and say whatever you wish to say.

That is what he does and that is what bhakts lap up, with dog-like devotion in their eyes.

You can criticise when there is a shortfall on expectation but accepting the good efforts will only raise your accepatance also

Please tell me what credence may be paid to openly falsified statistics, to very visible and public efforts at shifting the goalposts and shifting them back again when detected, to an abrupt change in the index reckoning that suddenly brings the NDA to the forefront, and casts the requisite amount of shade on the UPA.

At least people can now feel load sheddong because they have electricity connection

For your information, the situation has deteriorated in the past few years. Ask other Hyderabad residents.

I really hate this commies.They are like cancer eating away all traditional good values and impart foreign immoral practices .

Then we have their nothing for good useless leaders that was always antinational as civil society .

You remember Kandhar Hijacking ,GoI was planned to kill terrorists then that useless Brinda Karat destroyed everything .

And Jem still killing people.

Good. We are united in one thing at least; we don't think Communism has any answers.

But then you undo all the good work with a few flashes of insight. What happened during the Kandahar Hijacking? How did Brinda Karat get into the picture? Was she in office? Was she influential with the Commie-lovers in office? Was one of her party the liberator of the planeload of captives?

This is what I find most bewildering about even a simple conversation with you and your fellow-bhakts: your lack of any balance or reason. Suddenly, in the middle of a perfectly normal-seeming interaction, there is froth at the corners of your mouth, and then you run around biting whoever is unlucky enough to be in range.

Please DO NOT reply to this, if you can help yourself; for reasons that should be obvious to you, I will see as much of that reply as I will of Donald Trump's notes to himself during preparation for any typical TV interaction.
Most Indians, died in Modi era, Modi n BJP responsible for maximum Indian security forces of all types ever!!!!
There are many reasons I want Modi to be back in 2019. One of them, which will make me very happy, especially in PDF , is the heartburn it will cause Liberals like @Joe Shearer I really would like to see them crying for another 5 years.

They have still not accepted that it is not their India anymore where they can rule as they like
As well as a Huge Increase of Kahsmiri youths joining Kashmiri freedom fighter groups under the time when Modi came into power
There are many reasons I want Modi to be back in 2019. One of them, which will make me very happy, especially in PDF , is the heartburn it will cause Liberals like @Joe Shearer I really would like to see them crying for another 5 years.

They have still not accepted that it is not their India anymore where they can rule as they like
Yall lost 2 jets and a helicopter...oh and ur self respect. If yall had any to begin with
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