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Six people killed in southern China knife attack at kindergarten

Still nothing mentioned on xinhua about the stabbing...should we be surprised.
As opposed to providing free advertisement for sociopaths to target children? No wonder so many Americunt kids die each year to school massacre.
As opposed to providing free advertisement for sociopaths to target children? No wonder so many Americunt kids die each year to school massacre.

LOL! You and your typical Chinese "Me Me Me" logic.

Apparently posting stories about Kindergartners in France being stabbed a month ago is fine.

This is just the same old story of China making sure to highlight social problems in other countries but HIDE social problems in their own to make it look like a pure Utopia.

This story is a classic example of this and you just don't want to admit it...so you make up your typical weak excuses to do everything but admit it. It's all part of the quick to react glass-hearted Chinese defensive psyche.
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LOL! You and your typical Chinese "Me Me Me" logic.

Apparently posting stories about Kindergartners in France being stabbed a month ago is fine.

This is just the same old story of China making sure to highlight social problems in other countries but HIDE social problems in their own to make it look like a pure Utopia.

This story is a classic example of this and you just don't want to admit it...so you make up your typical weak excuses to do everything but admit it. It's all part of the quick to react glass-hearted Chinese defensive psyche.
Hey you Americunts already posted that news, we can surely publish it in English. You do realize most people don't read news in English in China right? Just making sure since you are retarded.
Hey you Americunts already posted that news, we can surely publish it in English. You do realize most people don't read news in English in China right? Just making sure since you are retarded.

Oh I see the English version of Xinhua is just you Chunts simply rehashing western news reports like puppets without thought. But of course no reporting of any news in China that ruins the Utopian image portrayed by the Communist Party.
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Still nothing mentioned on xinhua about the stabbing...should we be surprised.

This story was already headline news in every news outlet in China six days ago. It was highlighted on various websites of the Xinhua News Agency.

Please don't make up rumors off the top of your head.


Knife attack on children is a common form of attack in China. This is not the first.
It's not the first time a kindergarten attack has occurred in China. But in China, this kind of incident can become sensational news in a country of 1.4 billion people.

If it happened in the USA or India, it would probably be a daily news item, like a weather report. Because you're used to this kind of violence, and we're not.
Six people killed in southern China knife attack at kindergarten
A 25-year-old man has been detained after attack that also left one person injured

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A man has killed six people, three of them young children, and injured a seventh in a knife attack at a kindergarten in southern China.

The 25-year-old began his rampage in the town of Lianjiang, in Guangdong province, at 7.40am local time on Monday, police said.

The victims included one teacher, two parents and three children, Agence-France Presse reported, citing a local government spokesperson. The attacker has been detained and an investigation is under way.

Authorities revealed few other details. Police and local officials declined to comment when contacted by the Guardian. But the attack sparked anger online, with news of the tragedy at one point the most-read item on the Chinese internet.

By the end of Monday more than 400 million people had read about the deaths on the Chinese social media platform Weibo, and many responded with demands for the attacker to face the death penalty.

“Please immediately carry out the death penalty! Those who wave a butcher’s knife at kindergarten kids are the lowest of cowards, scum of society. They deserve the most brutal punishment!” said one user with the name God’s Eagle, who has 2.5m followers.

The deaths are the latest in a string of killings at Chinese schools and childcare centres dating back more than a decade.

Owing to gun laws, attackers have used knives, cleavers, hammers and homemade explosives to kill dozens of people and injure hundreds more.

In 2010, China’s the then-premier Wen Jiabao went on TV after the first spate of attacks to promise better security at schools as well as stronger efforts by government efforts to tackle underlying social problems that may lead to mass murder.

However, similar attacks have continued for years, including most recently in August at a kindergarten in south-eastern Jiangxi province, where an attacker killed three and injured six others.

In 2021, a man armed with a knife killed two children and injured 16 at a kindergarten in Guangxi, and in the same province in 2020 another assailant stabbed 37 children and two teachers as they arrived at school, though all of them survived.

Some commentators are calling for better protection outside schools. “In recent years, there have been many incidents of individuals armed with knives targeting kindergartens,” wrote one user in Jiangsu province.

“Most kindergartens employ elderly men with no capacity to fight as ‘security guards’, so they are not able to ensure the safety of children. It is hoped that this issue will receive attention, and genuine security guards, who are young, strong, and professionally trained, can be employed instead.”

@F-22Raptor @Hamartia Antidote Take a look at the image in the op!!! Parts of China resemble war zones with severe poverty.


Lianjiang Town only is a village, and belonging to Lianjiang County.

China doesn't have the luxury of building skyscrapers and high speed trains in a remote village yet.

You can Google what the urban area of Lianjiang County looks like.

Even though Lianjiang County is only a 6th tier city that you can't find on a map, it has a stronger infrastructure than most American cities.


Please don't make up rumors off the top of your head.
Please show the article on the URL site I have mentioned over and over in this thread before saying that. If you can’t then do us a favor and retract your statement.

RIP to the victims. If only typing "RIP" would be able to bring those lives back and prevent these tragedies from occurring.
Ok so lock up 1.4 billion Chinese

All Han Chinese are terrorist and extremist they did a stabbing
You are a moron.
Please show the article on the URL site I have mentioned over and over in this thread before saying that. If you can’t then do us a favor and retract your statement.

This is a report from the website of Phoenix Satellite Television, a subsidiary of Xinhua News Agency:

This is from two of the largest portals in China:

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Oh I see the English version of Xinhua is just you Chunts simply rehashing western news reports like puppets without thought. But of course no reporting of any news in China that ruins the Utopian image portrayed by the Communist Party.
Because the English version on Xinhua is meant for dumb Americunts like you. Enjoy your 5000 school shootings a year while you're sitting here mocking an isolated incident. If you ever managed to procreate, hopefully your kids get the full Americunt school experience.
Please show the article on the URL site I have mentioned over and over in this thread before saying that. If you can’t then do us a favor and retract your statement.

Now you're asking us to provide only Xinhua news as evidence.

In the future, will you only be able to provide Associated Press news as evidence?
Things beijingwalker will never post about

You mean xinhua.

They'll make sure to post one that happened in France but one in China...forget it

see for yourself




Modus Operandi of Chinese Government:
problems in other countries quickly.
Suppress news of China's problems.

That's the party policy of creating positive vibe domestically.


Enjoy your 5000 school shootings a year while you're sitting here mocking an isolated incident. If you ever managed to procreate, hopefully your kids get the full Americunt school experience.

LOL! Hey Chunt..keep living in Canada instead of your wretched country. At least I'm not a quitter like you. Maybe that Asian Utopia has edge cases that excluded people like you.

Now you're asking us to provide only Xinhua news as evidence.

In the future, will you only be able to provide Associated Press news as evidence?

I was specifically saying the English Xinhua site reported the French stabbing but mysteriously is not mentioning the OP stabbing. I was asking if anybody could elaborate why....so why are you posting other sites instead of the one I am asking about??

Use its searcher

knife (finds the French one)


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