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There are already terrorist groups from both sides

You call them terrorists I call them freedom fighter.. They haven taken arms to defend themself. Pakistani judges are afraid of LeJ . If Pakistan can provide them security why they will take the arms?

I remember one case when a terrorist threat judge by saying "I know who you are and where your kids study".

And FYKI, India don't arm them, They have money to buy such Arms from Pakistani Markets
Its clearly there in Quran in different verses to not divide in terms of sects. Believers identify yourselves as Muslims not like Sunnis or Shia.

[6:159] As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did.

[30:31] Turn ye back in repentance to Him, and fear Him: establish regular prayers, and be not ye among those who join gods with Allah,
[30:32] Those who split up their Religion, and become (mere) Sects,- each party rejoicing in that which is with itself!
Cursing is not abnormal in Islam (both in sunni and shia sect), however violence is not the answer except in selfdefence when your life is danger. What we know from these terrorists is they are blowing shias up from Indonesia to Iraq and Egypt. That some shia curse x or y is not a reason for this terrorist acts. Many civilians lost their lives. TTP and such groups who are anti-shia also attack and kill Pakistani soldiers.

"Cursing is not abnormal in Islam" shows the mentality of Shias, the whole world should take notice of this crap. Cursing is considered one of the worst acts in Sunni way of life and I am sure it is considered the same all over the world in all kinds of religions. A religion is supposed to make people "civilised", this is a universal fact.
Cursing is not abnormal in Islam (both in sunni and shia sect), however violence is not the answer except in selfdefence when your life is danger. What we know from these terrorists is they are blowing shias up from Indonesia to Iraq and Egypt. That some shia curse x or y is not a reason for this terrorist acts. Many civilians lost their lives. TTP and such groups who are anti-shia also attack and kill Pakistani soldiers.
Cursing is not done by muslims against sahaba, it is only unique to shias, they consider "tabara" part of their religion.
And it is not normal thing. If you curse hazrat abu bakar, hazrat omar or hazrat osman or hazrat ayesha infront of me, i would stab you or beat you to death. Or shoot you if i have the gun.
Cursing is not done by muslims against sahaba, it is only unique to shias, they consider "tabara" part of their religion.
And it is not normal thing. If you curse hazrat abu bakar, hazrat omar or hazrat osman or hazrat ayesha infront of me, i would stab you or beat you to death. Or shoot you if i have the gun.

Thats why it is called "Religion of Peace"....
So Pakistan was set up to hate Hindus? Your claims sound more ludicrous by the minute.

No it was a product of intolerance. If tomorrow a group in Pakistan, say Ahmadis who are denied their religious rights come forward and ask for a separate country, would you give them one? Where does one draw the line? But don't get me wrong. Although we disapprove the ideology behind the creation of Pakistan most of us are extremely happy with the result. Pakistan acts as a buffer zone for India. We thank Jinnah for that. ;)
Cursing is not done by muslims against sahaba, it is only unique to shias, they consider "tabara" part of their religion.
And it is not normal thing. If you curse hazrat abu bakar, hazrat omar or hazrat osman or hazrat ayesha infront of me, i would stab you or beat you to death. Or shoot you if i have the gun.

And Hazrat Abu Bakr and Umar, and Usman and Ayesha would be rolling in their graves.
Cursing is not done by muslims against sahaba, it is only unique to shias, they consider "tabara" part of their religion.
And it is not normal thing. If you curse hazrat abu bakar, hazrat omar or hazrat osman or hazrat ayesha infront of me, i would stab you or beat you to death. Or shoot you if i have the gun.
And I would barrelbomb you like assad does with such violent people.

This is because your are a sleeper cell terrorist. Once you are active you will blow up 30 people. If you get mad so fast you have mental problems and you can search for help. This makes the difference: sunni persians live like goats in Afghanistan and Shia persians live like kings in Iran compared to sunni persians.

Question for you, would you also beat up Abubakr for beating Aisha violently? it's confirmed by Bukahri (sunni collection)
Sahih Bukhari Volume 008, Book 082, Hadith Number 828. - Sahih Bukhari Hadith Collection
And Hazrat Abu Bakr and Umar, and Usman and Ayesha would be rolling in their graves.

These are talks of individuals and they have to give their account and no one will be asked for the deeds of others.
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