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Share pics of yourself as a Kid!

Me decades ago...when it regularly snowed on the mountains..Now it doesnt.

No pictures at all? Give me your parents' phone numbers, I will punish them. :D

previously in sub continents it was rare to note down the birthday of your child and most people only knew which season they were born..not the date or the month...Taking pictures was extremely rare.

my dad only knew that he was born when wheat was being harvested..thats all..
and there was no tradition of celebrating birthdays....
if yoh dont beleive me ask your grand perents.
Safriz, that's a vintage photo. Thanks for sharing.

its years before disposable diapers / pampers..were invented and salute to all the moms of that era who used to wash our diapers and reuse them.....
Moms of this era say being a mother is hard wlrk.but at least they dont have to wash soiled poopy cotton rags.
no one took any pictures of me in childhood, they were too busy with my older brother and than younger one. My biggest frustration..

I understand the frustration you feel, BRO.

I was a middle Child myself and I can totally relate to your frustration.
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