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Law of karma takes its own course.The Chinese Virus made to hurt the world is hurting China. People across the world has overcome the Chinese virus but China itself is unable to overcome virus produced by them. Chinese vaccine has failed to give any immunity against Chinese virus to Chinese people.
the virus is made by detrick fort, you genius.
What China is doing made sense a year or two ago but it needs to move on and find a better way.

There is no way to eradicate this virus and so the only way is to learn to live with it.

That 1.4 million deaths assume that every single one of the "unjabbed" old will get the virus and this will simply not happen.

China needs to start building up population immunity so that the virus never reaches it's vulnerable in the first place.

BD has actually had around 100,000 Coid-19 deaths when you look at the excess deaths figure in a population of 165 million. China by comparision in terms of population will get 800,000 deaths.

Now do you not expect China to be able to do a LOT better than poor BD? BD now is barely registering any deaths now due to high population immunity as the virus can never get to the elderly in the first place.

China needs to figure a way to allow the virus to spread while protecting the old. The current way will eventually eat up China both socially and economically.
It's actually been simulated and the minimum deaths is around 1.4mil. Yes only China can do this, I am not bragging, no country has the organizational skill nor capacity to handle this. Whether this will eat out our country remains to seen. We were laughed at 2 years ago too remember, after that the whole world burned while I was blissfully living my life in Shanghai. They will tweak the zero covid strategy to be more effective, this is a self improving system, we are not stupid you know. You have your choice, we have ours. Let's see who is right in a few more months.

Law of karma takes its own course.The Chinese Virus made to hurt the world is hurting China. People across the world has overcome the Chinese virus but China itself is unable to overcome virus produced by them. Chinese vaccine has failed to give any immunity against Chinese virus to Chinese people.
Ooo shut up, 2% of China is locked down and it took us 35 days to contain it. 6 millions yindoos are dead mate. Inaction is not the best strategy, the strategy of the incompetent and suits India very well. I still remember Indians burning corpses in car parks. Lol
It's actually been simulated and the minimum deaths is around 1.4mil. Yes only China can do this, I am not bragging, no country has the organizational skill nor capacity to handle this. Whether this will eat out our country remains to seen. We were laughed at 2 years ago too remember, after that the whole world burned while I was blissfully living my life in Shanghai. They will tweak the zero covid strategy to be more effective, this is a self improving system, we are not stupid you know. You have your choice, we have ours. Let's see who is right in a few more months.

Ooo shut up, 2% of China is locked down and it took us 35 days to contain it. 6 millions yindoos are dead mate. Inaction is not the best strategy, the strategy of the incompetent and suits India very well. I still remember Indians burning corpses in car parks. Lol



Where you got this 6 mil died figure from?

Let face it, in China no one knows how many died because China hides deaths.

Source? And no, we do not treat CCP as source.
According to WHO's report, it should be India that concealed the figures?
While not 6 million, 4.7 million is a staggering number.
It's actually been simulated and the minimum deaths is around 1.4mil. Yes only China can do this, I am not bragging, no country has the organizational skill nor capacity to handle this. Whether this will eat out our country remains to seen. We were laughed at 2 years ago too remember, after that the whole world burned while I was blissfully living my life in Shanghai. They will tweak the zero covid strategy to be more effective, this is a self improving system, we are not stupid you know. You have your choice, we have ours. Let's see who is right in a few more months.

Ooo shut up, 2% of China is locked down and it took us 35 days to contain it. 6 millions yindoos are dead mate. Inaction is not the best strategy, the strategy of the incompetent and suits India very well. I still remember Indians burning corpses in car parks. Lol

Did you pull out 6 million figure from the back side of dictator Xi? In covid times, China locked its Citizens in their houses to die. Indian doctors wdnt doors to doors to treating people.
Ooo shut up, 2% of China is locked down and it took us 35 days to contain it. 6 millions yindoos are dead mate. Inaction is not the best strategy, the strategy of the incompetent and suits India very well. I still remember Indians burning corpses in car parks. Lol

Yep around 5-6 million Indians died due to incompetence and neglect on the part of Modi.

While BD has not done great it is around 140,000 and the number would have been lower if that turd Modi did not stop the promised supply of UK's AstraZeneca vaccine in late March 2021. BD may have had as "little" as some 80-90,000 deaths from the virus otherwise - 10 times less per capita.

You can see how little Indians care for their people by the catastrophic death toll they had from Covid-19.
Did you pull out 6 million figure from the back side of dictator Xi? In covid times, China locked its Citizens in their houses to die. Indian doctors wdnt doors to doors to treating people.
Seriously want me to post that article? India had a 4-6 mil excess death from 2020 to 2021, that's alrwdy taking into account minor fluctuations. Death rates do not change dramatically in a year or two matey, its just mathematics. Thats how people know. INDIANS ARE BULLSHITING. LOL

Indians Dr's were bashed when they went home because the community were afraid of them. I still remember that.

According to WHO's report, it should be India that concealed the figures?
While not 6 million, 4.7 million is a staggering number.
This study says 6 mil.
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Where you got this 6 mil died figure from?

Let face it, in China no one knows how many died because China hides deaths.

Source? And no, we do not treat CCP as source.
Bhai, we have 5k dead after taking into account the recent surge and thanks to zero covid, our medical system was not overwhelmed, and lives could be saved, even if I am. To inflate the figure by 100x to soothe your ego, it will still. Be just 500k, are you telling me China has a 50% death rate for covid? Lol
Seriously want me to post that article? India had a 4-6 mil excess death from 2020 to 2021, that's alrwdy taking into account minor fluctuations. Death rates do not change dramatically in a year or two matey, its just mathematics. Thats how people know. INDIANS ARE BULLSHITING. LOL

Indians Dr's were bashed when they went home because the community were afraid of them. I still remember that.

This study says 6 mil.

The title of your article said that "It could be". It is purely a guess not backed by any confirmatory study". You should rather worry about your over 200 million connection getting inactive after 1st wave of covid. Your BS government quotes some 4000+ death but it could be at least 10 to 20 millions. The data quoted by your government for Covid death is like 4 death of Chinese soldiers in Galwan declared after 1 year.

India's covid management system was so robust that more than 20 countries asked for the Software from India to manage Corvid pandemic. India's covid death criterion was so strict that if one guy had covid and he died due to any other reason, the death will be considered to have happen because of covid. Every covid case was registered with location on line. All vaccinations linked with Aadhar card. Government health worker team will go door to door to check every individual for covid. It was a herculin effort unmanageable by any other country.
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Yep around 5-6 million Indians died due to incompetence and neglect on the part of Modi.

While BD has not done great it is around 140,000 and the number would have been lower if that turd Modi did not stop the promised supply of UK's AstraZeneca vaccine in late March 2021. BD may have had as "little" as some 80-90,000 deaths from the virus otherwise - 10 times less per capita.

You can see how little Indians care for their people by the catastrophic death toll they had from Covid-19.

What had been the case had India not supplied Oxygen to BD.

What had been the case had India not supplied Oxygen to BD.

Neither here no there to be honest as it was a fraction of the oxygen that BD itself was producing every week.

And why did BD need the oxygen in the first place?

Modi reneged on a contract to supply BD with the UK's AstraZeneca in March 2021.

If BD got the AstraZeneca vaccine as per contract from India then it would never have had the devasting wave in July-August 2021 as the bulk of "vulnerable" would have been protected and Indian Delta would have passed relatively harmlessly through the population.
It's actually been simulated and the minimum deaths is around 1.4mil. Yes only China can do this, I am not bragging, no country has the organizational skill nor capacity to handle this. Whether this will eat out our country remains to seen. We were laughed at 2 years ago too remember, after that the whole world burned while I was blissfully living my life in Shanghai. They will tweak the zero covid strategy to be more effective, this is a self improving system, we are not stupid you know. You have your choice, we have ours. Let's see who is right in a few more months.

Do you still live your life blissfully in green cage?

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