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SHAHEEN III actual range 5000 KM ????

In all probability, this news is very true. When it was announced pre-May 1998 that Pakistan was a nuclear weapons state, everyone laughed and scoffed at the idea. The indians claimed that it was impossible for us Pakistanis to have nukes, even with Chinese assistance. Yet we achieved that impossibility. Pakistan does at the very least have ICBM capability or 5000+ kms range missiles but cannot publicly disclose this as the neocons and indians will claim we are going to destroy the world and we would face a massive international outcry and backlash. Especially in light of the fact we have been developing H-bombs and thermonuclear weapons since 2011:


Now with those 5000 km+ missiles and H-bombs and thermo-nukes, the indian threat and threats from any other foreign powers have well and truly been neutralized. Least the tragedy of Iraq and Afghanistan befalls us.
Lol..Really you didn't understand?? :disagree: It means it can cause an imbalance of power in the region.:P
I understood most...I think but the mention of Adam (a Prohpet's name) stumped me and I couldn't make sense out of it :)
Thanks for clarification

We strongly deny this assessment, the Shaheen-III cannot go an inch beyond the stated range. @Hyperion @Oscar
And I totally agree with you :enjoy:
Well definitely Pak have long range missiles compare to tested ones,Proof is whenever in the recent past india test its latest missile,Pak responce was according to the new challenges.We got news years back from persons working in labs,that Guys have long range missiles.But the bad news is india recent interceptor missiles test,which is really threatening National security. Seems this time Pak have nothing to replay except yelling in United Nations and it will take years to build something accordingly
india recent interceptor missiles test,which is really threatening National security. Seems this time Pak have nothing to replay except yelling in United Nations and it will take years to build something accordingly
It has already been taken care of..Though Indian test wasn't successful but, nonetheless, they are working on it and also acquiring S400 from Russia. However SIII addresses that and most of Pakistan ballistic missile have been modified to address it and that is why you so many repeated test of the same missile over and over again and the ISPR statment just tells that "all the parameters have been met" and what are those parameters, outsiders like you can only guess.
SHAHEEN 3 would need a range of 4100 KM to be launched from any part of Pakistan and still reach any part of India.
Did you ever heard a word like map...this is a thing that has the locations of countries and cities on it, try to consult the damn thing and a clue...some of them are totally free and pretty good too :woot:for example google maps..just use it
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perfect time
Looks like Pak Military have to wait this time ,till the happy birth day of India interceptor missile or let it grow few years. 1998 nuke test within days we respond, As Prithvi rises as Ghori comes ,now interceptor and we going to UN or "Concerns ":feminist:
Pakistan doesnot have to give Detail of any Missile etc..... Keep them in Mistery.
I shut my mouth on this.thanksyou
Hey come on, it was not to offend you but like every country, Pakistan has to keep certain things secret and it is better to surprise the enemy in case of war than allowing him to know everything in advance and plan accordingly. Though it would be great to share all the details with the people of the country that will of course reveal it the enemy...just wait for the right moment.
Interesting.I remember that Chinese military's PLA Academy of Military Sciences also stated that India's Agni-V missile has an actual range of 8000km and that India is downplaying Agni-V's capabilities

The Agni-V actually has the potential to reach targets 8,000 kilometers away, but the Indian government had deliberately downplayed the missile's capability in order to avoid causing concern to other countries, Du Wenlong, a researcher at China's PLA Academy of Military Sciences, told the Global Times that -Global Times

Source: http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/705683.shtml

@Zarvan @war&peace @Horus @PAKISTANFOREVER @Chauvinist @Talwar e Pakistan
Interesting.I remember that Chinese military's PLA Academy of Military Sciences also stated that India's Agni-V missile has an actual range of 8000km and that India is downplaying Agni-V's capabilities

Source: http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/705683.shtml

@Zarvan @war&peace @Horus @PAKISTANFOREVER @Chauvinist @Talwar e Pakistan
Hey read my post # 29. It may help you understand. I'm quoting it below for convenience;
Even the rudimentary knowledge of ballistics will tell you that there is no fixed range...not a constant number 2750 km. It depends on the mainly on two factors (1) payload/warhead capacity (2) the trajectory followed by.
Range is inversely proportional to the weight of the payload/warhead...i.e. a decrease in the weight of payload will result in a corresponding increase in the range given all other parameters are kept constant i.e. fuel, route or trajectory.
Trajectory of the ballistic missiles is much longer than the range (range is the displacment or direct distance between the launching point and the target/destination). Shaheen III was designed to account for any missile defence system that enemy i.e. India may apply thus it can alter its course and vary the speed to avoid them and still making sure that it reaches 2750 km from its launch point. Furthermore Shaheen-III is extremely high speed missile and reaches upwards of M=10 during the flight and even higher in the re-entry phase. Also the rocket motors were designed to support MIRV load capacities which is underdevelopment and will either be called Shaheen IV or a separate series (not HATF). Thus if SIII is launch with a lighter warhead on a trajectory with minimal obstructions i.e. missile defence shields etc, it can reach much farther than the stated range (more than double)
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