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Shabbar Zaidi's Letter to PM Imran Khan & Finance Minister

Death Professor

Sep 3, 2018
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What are the budget proposals sent by former chairman FBR, Mr. Shabbar Zaidi to the government?
Exclusive interview of Shabbar Zaidi with Shuja Qureshi only on Karobar TV!

Good programme, I agree with most of his suggestion, though some I don't.

1) I would have to disagree with him about closing shops at 6pm. 10pm should be fine, currently it helps in electricity consumption. We also have an issue of capacity payment so...
2) Also when he presented the bill about 50,000Rs purchase should present NIC, he should have done that and should have gone for 500,000 Rs purchase. Imo, it would have resonated well with the people and would have a lesser resistance.
3) Also, I disagree with his opinion on dual nationality. It will lower remittances, on top people who have the means will get out of the country without even looking, atleast dual nationals when they see junk in the west, the have the nostalgia to come back, setup here and start something. India lost 600,000 people in last 5 years, who threw their nationality and got foreign nationality. And usually these are either the wealthy people or the one's who are educated and cream of the lot( who later settle in foreign countries and get their citizenship)
4) Implement trace and track. Also put 3000% tax on Alcoholic beverages, make it legal to consume even is the person is Muslim. No consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places. They can only buy it, if they want to consume do it in their own private spaces.
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He wants to close shops at 6pm? Why?

Probably, to create some kind of discipline in the market, he did say he want's people to stay at home, read poetry, listen to music, read a book, enjoy family life. Doesn't have any positive impact on economy but it's a good structural social recommendation. Trying to copy the west model, sure in China it could be done but very hard to implement in South Asia.
Keep the essential markets open like grocery, meat, dairy, fruits and vegetable shops till 10PM. Rest should close by 6pm.(Pharmacies are already 24/7) This will force people to get to work early in the morning like insan ke puttar rather than reaching their work place at 12pm. Otherwise Lahoris are out till midnight, this will save electricity and less people out at night time.
Probably, to create some kind of discipline in the market, he did say he want's people to stay at home, read poetry, listen to music, read a book, enjoy family life. Doesn't have any positive impact on economy but it's a good structural social recommendation. Trying to copy the west model, sure in China it could be done but very hard to implement in South Asia.

He's being stupid. In the UK we have shops open 7 days a week, 24/7 supermarkets, most retail places are open longer on weekends. In our country it's very warm during the day, people prefer to come our during the evening, so why curb commerce at that time.
This guy is quite strange. At 13:04 he denies the existence of forex companies in Pakistan. I wonder where he thinks we get our money from when we go on holidays.

I can't beleive this idiot was in government, no wonder we're so f**ked economically. He suggests Pakistani nationals living abroad ought to declare income they earn abroad to FBR. He also wants to end dual nationality because the Indians have.
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I think it's essential we all watch this video. You will realise exactly how stupid the people who run our government are. I have read infinitely more common sense on PDF.
Everybody has a thousand recommendations but when this guy was given the position he failed and resigned within a few months. No point of the recommendations now.

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