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Seymour Hersh Pakistan-US nuclear security plan

Do you forget east india company?

Yeh it was a lesson learned but there were no ISI .. Pakistanis has turned out to be quiet nationalist nation than i expected Esp in last few years ... First time ever the whole nation is more or less united than ever before we have a common platform which is Pakistan in decades.
Well every body knows our government is puppet and well corrupted

A govt which the people voted in and can vote out in the next election.

but they are dealing with foreigners against the pakistan sovereignty but

Hopefully members on this forum can get together and make chart-list ,on all the people in govt and find out how much land-money-companies they own in pakistan and abroad ,which person is a dual citizen ect....i think we should also know in which countries do there children live in.

Does army knows all about these activities and do you really think Army have some plan to engage to defend any thing,

I think the army should make sure that free election are held on time and let the people choose there leaders......the system should change but the concept of representative govt is the only way.
I think if you check it was the "army" that opened the door to foreign meddling.
Yeh it was a lesson learned but there were no ISI .. Pakistanis has turned out to be quiet nationalist nation than i expected Esp in last few years ... First time ever the whole nation is more or less united than ever before we have a common platform which is Pakistan in decades.

Sir, I'm afraid that you are much mistaken. Please don't take this post as a post from an Indian, just read it with unbiased eyes.

Yes, IMO, Pakistanis are not united. There's no doubt about patriotism. Every Pakistani wants to see better Pakistan. But the bad thing is - there are extreme differences in opinions.

Pakistani people look so confused. The well-educated and well-informed members have exactly opposite views on many critical issues.

I know that all "difference of opinions is accepted in democracy, different opinions help society to grow..." stuff. But when the nation is at war and in danger, you must trust someone. any person/institution. But the condition is it should be only one.

If you look into the history of world, only those nations have succeeded who had faith in one leadership. They were united. Unless Pakistan gets its unanimous leadership, I won't call Pakistan 'united'.
Balance;550346]Sir, I'm afraid that you are much mistaken. Please don't take this post as a post from an Indian, just read it with unbiased eyes.Yes, IMO, Pakistanis are not united. There's no doubt about patriotism. Every Pakistani wants to see better Pakistan. But the bad thing is - there are extreme differences in opinions.

No BS or hard feelings but you are a Indian so is your point of view is Indian ! you dont live here and you don know the ground realities and i can understand where you are coming from and that India is also panicked it self, the truth Pakistan is your neighbour and directly or indirectly India and Indians will suffer the effects of what happens in Pak. You know why i am confident in saying Pakistanis are united "i am not a Big admirer of generals in armed forces and their prick politics " but at the moment this existing threat we have is pretty much the common enemy identified by most of us and the security forces and agencies are very good and on top of their feet when it comes to save their personal interest. I hope you get it this is about "Pakistan now" and after all this crap we have , more or less every 1 has realised that threat to Pak is a threat to all.

Pakistani people look so confused. The well-educated and well-informed members have exactly opposite views on many critical issues.
I know that all "difference of opinions is accepted in democracy, different opinions help society to grow..." stuff. But when the nation is at war and in danger, you must trust someone. any person/institution. But the condition is it should be only one.
If you look into the history of world, only those nations have succeeded who had faith in one leadership. They were united. Unless Pakistan gets its unanimous leadership, I won't call Pakistan 'united'.

There is a difference in opinion like any other society .... evry one is diferent and has a different opinion but fundamentally we are united at the Pakistan front which is the most important of all. we have our issues like any society but we also have sucesfully identified and steped up on the root causes things media are talking about we never heard before. Sort of issues discused were unheard of if you take things a decade back , To educate masses its not a days process takes years! but we are on the right course.

Also please give me an example of what nation beleive in one Leader? never heard this one before !!
Ok all of this is paranoid bull crap. please do not believe shahid masood he is a man that plays in conspiracy theories all the time. he presented a program a couple of years ago which said the 9/11 was an inside job.

The National Command Authority has under its command more than 20,000 soldiers. Their specific job is to guard the assets 350 americans with no heavy armor are not going to be able to overpower them.

Their is no Blackwater working in pakistan. The US embassy staff is protected by a company called Dyncorp. Everybody needs to calm down. If people here think that the current rulers are not going a good job then they should go out and vote and put some one else in power.
The article is written by Seymour Hersh, and he is known over the years to write controversial anti-muslim articles against Iran, Saud Arabia, Lebanon, Pakistan and on and on. He does speculative reporting, so do not take word for word for his journalistic work. He is a big supporter of Israel and part of the Jewish Community in USA.

Do you even know what the hell you are talking about?

He writes articles dealing with US foreign policies which these days are intertwined with Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan.

So what if he is Jewish?

He doesn't support Israel. He is a big critic of Israel and Israeli policies. Read his articles on Israel's war in Lebanon, Israel and Iran, Israeli nuclear weapons, and Israeli attack on Syria in 2007.

Do some research for your self instead of relying on nuts like Zaid Hamid to do your research and form your opinions for you.
View from US: What ‘Sy’ said
By Anjum Niaz
Sunday, 22 Nov, 2009

‘SY’ is short for Seymour Hersh, the indefatigably curious journalist. He’s a news digger; a scoop scavenger. The type we call ‘investigative.’ This New Yorker fella loves saucy, spicy stories and has never been shy of broadcasting the brine to the world around.

His latest yeller on the safety of our nukes and the Pakistan military giving the US access to our arsenal has pulled him back in our political stratosphere once again. Welcome back Sy. We missed you sorely. And now that you’ve gone and interviewed Musharraf who spattered his successor with mega slime, I fear those deadly spores will not get wiped out. Like Anthrax, your latest New Yorker 7000-word article and spilling Musharraf’s incendiary invectives for Zardari will cause some casualties.

I met Seymour Hersh in New York four years ago. He was 68 years old then. I did a full column with photos of the occasion on these pages under the title: ‘Watch out for a nuke traffic jam.’ In those days the friendship between Bush and Musharraf was ‘tight’ in the words of the US president himself.

‘If I were a Pakistani, I would worry… there are frightening times ahead,’ Seymour Hersh warned. ‘You guys are next after Iran,’ he told me when I asked about American designs on our nukes. ‘Your nuclear programme is the target.’ Well wired with intelligence sources, not just in the American CIA, but the Mossad in Israel, RAW in India and the ISI in Pakistan; the Pulitzer Prize winner operates via sources crawling around these intelligence agencies who have over the years gladly handed him classified information.

‘If Musharraf was to go down south (exit),’ Hersh said four years ago, ‘there’ll be a traffic jam! There’ll be the CIA, Mossad and RAW jumping in to grab your nuclear facilities. It will be a free-for-all. The ISI and the Pakhtoons are terribly concerned.’ Earlier, he alleged in a November 2001 New Yorker article that Al Qaida was founded at a 1988 meeting in Peshawar. He quoted a former Pakistani diplomat who said, ‘If you go through the officers’ list, almost all of the ISI regulars would say of the Taliban, ‘They are my boys.’’

I pressed on with my questions on Pakistan’s security issues vis-à-vis Iran and India. How would a nearly nuclear armed Iran react if India and Pakistan were to go to war? In his typical New York accent, he answered, ‘Iran is not making nuclear weapons. It’s Israel you should be worrying about. With 600 nukes bristling under its arm, Tel Aviv is the greatest threat to the regional security. Other than Pakistan, there’s no Muslim country with a bomb.’

Castigating the New York Times, Hersh continued, ‘I throw a challenge to the Times to do a critical piece on Israel’s foreign policy and how it influences America. We must separate ourselves from Israeli interests and stop Israel from confusing the issue.’

Except for two walkouts, the rest of the audience, a 1000-strong, clap and cheer when he speaks of Israeli lobbyists infiltrating the power corridors in America to successfully mind-control policy-makers.

‘Hezbollah is not a terrorist organisation nor is it threatening our security one iota! Why then are the NYT and Washington Post pursuing the Israeli storyline? Israeli agents have infiltrated the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) in Vienna. ‘Muslims are not terrorists, as Israel alleges.’

Scott Ritter, another voice of dissent against US attacking Iraq, is the next forceful speaker. He was the chief UN weapons inspector in Iraq. Ritter tells the audience that he is not a Jew-hating anti-Semitic.

‘I have spent four years with the Israeli intelligence against Iraq. I know how they work. It’s a small little country and will cease to exist should they get hit by a nuclear bomb. There’s no margin of error. Therefore it has no tolerance for nuclear enrichment technology presently underway in Iran. What Israel tells the US is faith-based and not fact-based. This is very dangerous for America as Israel is pushing us towards a military option on Iran. Bush has told Iran that it’s for Iran to prove they don’t have nuclear weapons. How does one prove a negative?’

Hersh’s prediction is spine-chilling for Americans: ‘Iran (when it does have the nukes) will bomb one of our cities. Will it be Boston? New York? Miami? You decide!’ he tells the audience.

Sy is notorious in Washington for having a ‘Rolodex that most investigative journalists covet.’

Did the Department of Defence and the intelligence community plant the nuke story?

DAWN.COM | Columnists | View from US: What ?Sy? said
So yet again people will try to put this guy down for having insider knowledge about US government and affairs that probably only a few people do.
So yet again people will try to put this guy down for having insider knowledge about US government and affairs that probably only a few people do.

No offence Ahsan, but I have seen a couple of Zaid hamid's videos. That guy just rants and rants. I believe he does nothing else but feed hate into the minds of Pakistanis.

And he calls himself a defense analyst (saw it on one of the TV programs). What are his credentials? How does he have insider knowledge about US affairs? Surely just an ordinary citizen cant know anything about how US strategy works behind the scenes?

To me he just seems like somebody making up wild conspiracy theories. He may have got some ideas from some of the Pak based members of this forum!
And he calls himself a defense analyst (saw it on one of the TV programs). What are his credentials? How does he have insider knowledge about US affairs? Surely just an ordinary citizen cant know anything about how US strategy works behind the scenes?

To me he just seems like somebody making up wild conspiracy theories. He may have got some ideas from some of the Pak based members of this forum!

Son of a retired General
Spent 7 years fighting in Afghanistan against the soviets
Worked closely with the CIA, ISI and the Saudi intelligence
No offence Ahsan, but I have seen a couple of Zaid hamid's videos. That guy just rants and rants. I believe he does nothing else but feed hate into the minds of Pakistanis.

And he calls himself a defense analyst (saw it on one of the TV programs). What are his credentials? How does he have insider knowledge about US affairs? Surely just an ordinary citizen cant know anything about how US strategy works behind the scenes?

To me he just seems like somebody making up wild conspiracy theories. He may have got some ideas from some of the Pak based members of this forum!

I was referring to the person mentioned in the topic title (Hersh).
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