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Sexually abused and seen as the lowest of the low: life as an 'untouchable' Dalit woman

Who Denying It its Already recorded in NHRC Data And There Law of the Land Crimes are also Done on Religious,Ethnic,And Goegraphical context Example NE People And Attacks by Shiv Sena or MNS ob UP & Bihar People No matter which caste they are belong to Pretext Are Tackled With Law

There SC/ST Act Now you sayutilits not Effective so is Law of rape and Murder Its part Of Social Problem Like any other

Is Dalits Even a constitutional term but a Political word Used for Political word SC/ST constitutional word
coming from Dalit Caste Myself i Know when guys tag Dalit to relate us. Ask us we Hate this Dalit terminology Tagged to us by Political Parties And Media .Constitution given us our terminology SC/ST we are happy with It

I Mentioned about it... some incidents take place even though, they are aware of Dalits ... some merely instantaneous without knowledge about them... politics are everywhere, Congress, CPI, CPM, even BJP... look at the BJP alliance in Kashmir.... these alliance is kinda unusual, and the results we all aware of it... every one seek opportunity and try to utilise it.. if you think only Congress play dirty politics you are wrong ... each and every party does ...
I Mentioned about it... some incidents take place even though, they are aware of Dalits ... some merely instantaneous without knowledge about them... politics are everywhere, Congress, CPI, CPM, even BJP... look at the BJP alliance in Kashmir.... these alliance is kinda unusual, and the results we all aware of it... every one seek opportunity and try to utilise it.. if you think only Congress play dirty politics you are wrong ... each and every party does ...
Yes they Do Look its getting Political ,But Both BJP & Congress Play cast Politics But Since they both are National parties they are Not Mostly Relied on Caste based Politics Exception few states
Parties Like BSP ,SP ,JDU RJD,Shivsena,AIDMK,DMK,TRS,TMC ,MNS there Whole Existence was Based on core Caste or Identity Based Politics The moment they get Situation to make caste or Identity Situation
they Usually Make it Large issue

BJP on the other Hand Play Much dangerous Politics of religion
Congress Play Appeasement

Well Im More Defense Enthusiast guy ,Enough Politics
I swear i had exact feeling about south witnessing no discrimination in north in my city, i guess i was wrong about south because of brahmin hate and stuff in news. It mainly seems like a problem in backward rural areas, which is bound to go away with economic progression as people get educated not just literate i guess.
Exactly.. In my village my parents and and grand parents were not allowed into temple at that time...bt we managed to progressed now our incomes are almost on par with others.. So now my generation face absolutely no discrimination.. On top of that they also invite us if there is any festivals in temples! Economical progress is the key!!I don't know why everyone blames braminhs they are one of most generous(i have many braminh frnds we even had dinner together in their home alot times) much more than.. Varmas and naidus (they mostly fight because they like different movie stars ...stupid)
Exactly.. In my village my parents and and grand parents were not allowed into temple at that time...bt we managed to progressed now our incomes are almost on par with others.. So now my generation face absolutely no discrimination.. On top of that they also invite us if there is any festivals in temples! Economical progress is the key!!I don't know why everyone blames braminhs they are one of most generous(i have many braminh frnds we even had dinner together in their home alot times) much more than.. Varmas and naidus (they mostly fight because they like different movie stars ...stupid)
Its far easier to incite people than do opposite. Controlling crowd is an art which US has mastered, controlling their own crowd as well as crowd of contries where their media has branches. They had assisted their close allies and EU resolve their internal conflicts in past who really enjoy mocking country like ours which gives them motivation to stay united.

If you are rich, you are respected no matter which community you belong.Today young generation don't give a damn about caste system. But those who give a damn are those who write countless articles on Hinduism, trying to revive caste system and indirectly telling you look this is here you belong and reminding you this this you should be doing to your fellow Hindu. History and Social science students are most susceptible to propaganda because they are most targeted. One can read countless books and post articles, but if he has failed to understand its surroundings or make a positive change in society or is biased because of hatred, then his efforts are worthless. Sadly most of the bright minds at younger age opt for science related subjects while social studies or history are usually ignored, which are no less important in nation building, infact more important today as media is more lethal than weapons. Our nation has a weak skeleton with corruption in every sector. Narrative of every institution/organisation is controlled by head, rest just follow to save thier jobs and daily wages, no one really cares about country or its people. But i am hopeful things will change for good in future as average age of nation rises slowly since population growth has slowed down.
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