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Sex addiction is on the rise in India

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Sep 3, 2012
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Sex addiction is on the rise in India - The Times of India

BANGALORE: Nirmal, 38, is a smooth-talking executive in a Delhi-based software firm. He is married, has two kids and leads a normal life. Except that by now he's had sex with 922 partners, both male and female.

"It started when I was in Class IX," he says. "I found myself suddenly hooked to ****. Then, one day, my friends arranged a girl for me. That was it. By the time I was 35, I had chatted with some 6,500 women. I would leave my number online and then hook up. But it was when I graduated to men that I started feeling mentally tortured. I wanted to stop."

Just that Nirmal, like the growing hordes of sex addicts in a country free, mobile and connected like never before, had nowhere to go for his de-addiction. Sex addiction, which can ruin families and lives, is on the rise in India with bureaucrats, politicians, film stars, doctors and students all falling prey to it. But there are very few clinics in the country that recognize this condition, treated as it is as the hush-hush disease.

Apart from the anxiety of the patients, in a country like India with little security for women (Delhi recorded a 24% rise in rape cases in 2012), it can also be downright dangerous. It's easy for these addicts to turn into sexual predators.

Steven Pinker, professor of psychology at Harvard, recently told TOI: "Ordinarily, men woo and seduce women. But in unregulated settings, and when men are desperate, it can lead to harassment and rape." Sex Addicts Anonymous, a book published in the US in 2005, has first-person accounts by sex addicts who committed rape.

Experts are unanimous in that the time has come to accept that the affliction - also called paraphilia, meaning 'beyond love' - exists in substantial numbers in India and deal with it. "Sex addiction cases I get have doubled in the last decade," says Dr Rajan Bhonsle, head of the department of sexual medicine at Seth G S Medical College, Mumbai. "I have 25-30 cases every month and they come from all parts of India." Sexologist Dr Prakash Kothari says he used to get 1-3 patients a month at KEM Hospital earlier. "Now it's 10-12."

That might be minuscule compared to the US where, according to The Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health, 3-5% of the sexually active population has this problem. "But in India, there is a cloak of hypocrisy," says Bhonsle. "The actual cases would be much more." Even conservative Iran has 1,572 members in Sexaholics Anonymous. India? Just 2. This may change, however, with Sex Addicts Anonymous deciding to start its first India meeting in Delhi on January 28.

Bangalore-based Rajiv, 55, who was hooked to pornography from the age of 11, would perhaps be in attendance. "I would collect 20kg of porno magazines and CDs over a mere six months, dispose them off and buy more," says the engineer. "I had no relations with my wife. For four years, I used escort services and spent Rs 10 lakh on them. I recovered in a rehab abroad. But not all of us can go to foreign countries for treatment. We need such places here. We also need to bring it out of the closet."

OP's statement: This is not a rape thread though it sheds light on a rising mental disease which contributes to the increase of sexual offences in the subcontinent. There are several factors spanning across the commodification of weaker humans' bodies to a debatable genetic mutation giving birth to elements which cannot be allowed to exist in society. Unless all the factors responsible for the rise of sex addiction are exposed and taken into account, there can't be any effective measures to curb this danger.
Pagal ho gaya hai kya ? this is a defense forum not a sex addiction form...
Sex addiction might be the reason to why rape is so rampant in India.
need me to remind you on the rather wierd google searches pakistan has got ?

India is always #2 on the list. Pot calling the kettle black.

And the city that searches up those weird google searches the most, is you guessed it, New Delhi, India.
India with 7 times of your total population... Still you are on top ???

There's a difference between thinking about it & doing it. Indians are the do-ers & go-getters...
Try to write in English so that those who can't read Hindi with Latin words can understand.

like yourself, pretending to be Indian while being a Pakistani. at-least the other Pakistanis here have shown some guts and keep the Pakistani flag.but you are low life breed.
There's a difference between thinking about it & doing it. Indians are the do-ers & go-getters...

Do you have official figures for both the country or just spreding BS
like yourself, pretending to be Indian while being a Pakistani. at-least the other Pakistanis here have shown some guts and keep the Pakistani flag.but you are low life breed.

I don't care which country you are from but you have been reported for falsely accusing an Indian as a Pakistani and also personal attack with offensive words. Thank you.
sorry for trolling but still cant keep quiet ,india sex addiction ,pakistan **** addiction,sex addiction bad for ur d#CK.....,**** addiction bad for ur h#nd
I don't care which country you are from but you have been reported for falsely accusing an Indian as a Pakistani and also personal attack with offensive words. Thank you.

like anyone gave a RATS behind,fool, everyone here knows what you are and who you are, only you are the one who assumes that no one has seen through your BULLSH!T.
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