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Send your ideas and views to Mr. Modi about Australia Visit.

He sud be on top OF CIA most wanted list .. Killer of innocent muslims.
He sud be on top OF CIA most wanted list .. Killer of innocent muslims.
Without any proofs if you are charging him of crime.In the same way I can say pakistan is a failed terrorist state.I hope you get my intentions very clear.
He sud be on top OF CIA most wanted list .. Killer of innocent muslims.
Yeah i also think .....fascist like him who is mass murdered of muslims should on the top of CIA MWL :(
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IT co operation
Educational institution cooperation.
Uranium deal.
Naval co operation.
Joint air exercises with MKI's and Hornets.
Social security issues.
Tourism deals.
Agricultural deals.
Infrastructure deals and Job creation.
Problem is, he has da best designers in business. Point is, he has his own style and his designers have to revolve around his circumference. Hence you wont see any drastic change in designs no matter what customizations u try to do.
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