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Featured Senate passes bill 'criminalising' torture, custodial deaths

.......So you are rejecting it not because of the bill itself but because of who presented it? To do so, you are presenting only conjecture? And moronic ad hominem? Against the rights and overwhelming benefit of regular innocent Pakistanis who are subjected to these atrocities everyday? And possibly your future self? The same right you currently enjoy in the country that you live in? And you are calling others idiots? Good job, bud. Goes to show why we are where we are.

Apart from the fact that no one, including terrorists and criminals, can or should be subjected to anything without due process. But then again you haven't exactly displayed the capacity to grasp simple and well established concepts.

The real question here is that if existing laws against such abuses have not been respected, what makes anyone think that this new law will change anything substantively?
The real question here is that if existing laws against such abuses have not been respected, what makes anyone think that this new law will change anything substantively?

It will not change anything by itself, especially since the only people who stand to benefit from it, such as @Taimoor Khan, can't see past their own noses and political agendas.

But maybe one day, through some divine miracle, the justice system's machinery will start kicking and the dormant laws will become useful.
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It will not change anything by itself, especially since the only people who stand to benefit from it, such as @Taimoor Khan, can't see past their own noses and political agendas.

But maybe one day, through some divine miracle, the justice system's machinery will start kicking and the dormant laws will become useful.

Waiting for miracles usually takes far longer than actively working towards achieving them, but you make a good point.
Waiting for miracles usually takes far longer than actively working towards achieving them,

Would if we could "see past our noses and political agendas".

What a pathetic moron, still cannot understand and comprehend the issue under discussion. Losers like you are the reason why our state has been taken for ride, where the turd has been sold as honey and we have been asked to swallow it without question. 18th amendment comes to mind?? The same suspects are at work here, and timing cant be more obvious.

My current country of residence has not been subjected to foreign sponsored terrorism for last two decades, neither it lost 70K citizens and 30K law enforcement personal in these terrorist activities. Neither its judiciary, due to loopholes in the law, allowed countless terrorists to go scot free, who in turn caused more terrorism. Congratulations, now you have another loophole, this time, targeting the people who are trying to protect you and your families. Kinda feel pity for you, just in your attempt to comes across as intellectual, you just made a clown of yourself.

@VCheng See what I mean? Some people are living case studies on the follies of democracy. Apparently 200 million or so at least.
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Would if we could "see past our noses and political agendas".

Now THAT would be miraculous indeed! :D

@VCheng See what I mean? Some people are living case studies on the folly of democracy. Apparently 200 or so million at least.

PDF is but a microcosm of the real thing, that is all I can say here.
This thread an example why our country is in mess. People don't have any ability to think critically.

This chap, Eid Gul, an Afghan refugee, his whole family was on 4th schedule, and he was the only one not on it. End up taking lives of three Pakistani citizens in Lahore bomb blast. Any country worth its salt, would have deported the whole family long time ago.

Some pseudo intellects think we are living in utopia in Pakistan. At the time we need to strengthen our laws, support the law enforcement officials, we are making them the targets. This is as absurd as it gets.

Yes, if there are issues at Punjab or Sindh police, tackle them by police reforms, not by targeting officials, threatening them with jail terms.
The csp's wont lift a finger because of lack of field experience and interest so it all boil downs to the rankers -------

I wonder how they gonna extract a confession by remaining non violent ? coz majority of them are only familiar with the language of boot and stick . Besides even though there are some smart ones in the ranks not everybody is Sherlock
this doesn't have anything to with ppp or anything. it's a good law so that police can behave themselves with suspects under custody.

Given the structure and overall protocols governing police service its impractical
The csp's wont lift a finger because of lack of field experience and interest so it all boil downs to the rankers -------

I wonder how they gonna extract a confession by remaining non violent ? coz majority of them are only familiar with the language of boot and stick . Besides even though there are some smart ones in the ranks not everybody is Sherlock

Given the structure and overall protocols governing police service its impractical

Petty crimes and its responses are least of worries. Who these so called "lawmakers" are referring to as "public servant"? Army chief by mere definition is a public servant.

any public servant involved in torture would face up to 10 years imprisonment and a fine of up to Rs2 million.
@krash, sort yourself out. If you cant have intellectual debates then dont get involved.

@The Eagle , educate your buddy

When you repeatedly resort to unprovoked infantile personal insults and attacks without ever actually presenting an intellectual argument, you a) forfeit all rights to any debate, b) unquestionably exhibit the lack of any intellectual capacity whatsoever and the understanding of what it actually is, c) have no debate or argument at all, d) can be tossed aside for the absolute waste of the 2 bytes that you are, and d) not worth my time or attention.

When you then keep coming back despite my repeated attempts to take the high road, you only further make a show of your small dog syndrome. Please reign it in before you are made to.
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Petty crimes and its responses are least of worries. Who these so called "lawmakers" are referring to as "public servant"? Army chief by mere definition is a public servant.

any public servant involved in torture would face up to 10 years imprisonment and a fine of up to Rs2 million.

Mar nahi piyar did work in school education department
Though one authoritative person ovesighting things make it easy for stakeholders when speeding the timeline is desired. But at what expense ???

Why is this bill a bad one ? We all know what dictatorship (control of one person on all decision making) leads to. We know where Musharaf brought us to by his one man show. Power of decision should lie with board of directors. Which can be appointed from provinces as well as federal plus China.

I think this is a good step. One can disagree.
Imran Niazi pti became pm with support of invisible powers thy wanted to change fate fortune of Pakistani nation make it riyaste madina for naya new Pakistan but unfortunately nothing happened no promise fulfilled except eating foreign funds creating hype of corona first second third fourth so many layers still coming until Jewish policy fully collapse your collapsing economy already education business sector badly effected so many funds from so many countries no one know where it gone so many pti politicians involved in severe corruption but nab useless department will only act when they are not in government no recovery from previous corrupt political leaders on which imran pti promised 1000 times in dharna time but 0% recovery no improvement in justice system insaf slogan word is useless of pti heavy taxes imposed on poor nation in the form of utility bills daily need items car home medicines clothes onions tomato petrol cooking oils etc etc price change never heard in history cost of living become miserable for common person except imran lavish life style and his ministers including previous corrupt politicians sarkari official beurocrats on the hard earned money of public no infrastructure no roads repaired no new mega projects just playing making fun of already humiliated tortured nation since Musharraf time when every minute every where was suicide blast GOD bless SAVE Pakistan from Evil hands in the form of humans

.......So you are rejecting it not because of the bill itself but because of who presented it? To do so, you are presenting only conjecture? And ad hominem? Against the rights and overwhelming benefit of regular innocent Pakistanis who are subjected to these atrocities everyday? And possibly your future self? The same right you currently happily enjoy in the country you live in? And you are calling others idiots? Good job, bud. Goes to show why we are where we are.

Apart from the fact that no one, including terrorists and criminals, can or should be subjected to any punishment without due process, let alone extra judicial punishment by one of the most corrupt and notoriously incompetent troop of monkeys in the country. You see, that's how we make sure that innocents don't get rolled over, deliberately or otherwise. But then again, you haven't exactly displayed the capacity to grasp simple and well established concepts.
Imran Niazi pti became pm with support of invisible powers thy wanted to change fate fortune of Pakistani nation make it riyaste madina for naya new Pakistan but unfortunately nothing happened no promise fulfilled except eating foreign funds creating hype of corona first second third fourth so many layers still coming until Jewish policy fully collapse your collapsing economy already education business sector badly effected so many funds from so many countries no one know where it gone so many pti politicians involved in severe corruption but nab useless department will only act when they are not in government no recovery from previous corrupt political leaders on which imran pti promised 1000 times in dharna time but 0% recovery no improvement in justice system insaf slogan word is useless of pti heavy taxes imposed on poor nation in the form of utility bills daily need items car home medicines clothes onions tomato petrol cooking oils etc etc price change never heard in history cost of living become miserable for common person except imran lavish life style and his ministers including previous corrupt politicians sarkari official beurocrats on the hard earned money of public no infrastructure no roads repaired no new mega projects just playing making fun of already humiliated tortured nation since Musharraf time when every minute every where was suicide blast GOD bless SAVE Pakistan from Evil hands in the form of humans
Imran Niazi pti became pm with support of invisible powers thy wanted to change fate fortune of Pakistani nation make it riyaste madina for naya new Pakistan but unfortunately nothing happened no promise fulfilled except eating foreign funds creating hype of corona first second third fourth so many layers still coming until Jewish policy fully collapse your collapsing economy already education business sector badly effected so many funds from so many countries no one know where it gone so many pti politicians involved in severe corruption but nab useless department will only act when they are not in government no recovery from previous corrupt political leaders on which imran pti promised 1000 times in dharna time but 0% recovery no improvement in justice system insaf slogan word is useless of pti heavy taxes imposed on poor nation in the form of utility bills daily need items car home medicines clothes onions tomato petrol cooking oils etc etc price change never heard in history cost of living become miserable for common person except imran lavish life style and his ministers including previous corrupt politicians sarkari official beurocrats on the hard earned money of public no infrastructure no roads repaired no new mega projects just playing making fun of already humiliated tortured nation since Musharraf time when every minute every where was suicide blast GOD bless SAVE Pakistan from Evil hands in the form of humans

Imran Niazi pti became pm with support of invisible powers thy wanted to change fate fortune of Pakistani nation make it riyaste madina for naya new Pakistan but unfortunately nothing happened no promise fulfilled except eating foreign funds creating hype of corona first second third fourth so many layers still coming until Jewish policy fully collapse your collapsing economy already education business sector badly effected so many funds from so many countries no one know where it gone so many pti politicians involved in severe corruption but nab useless department will only act when they are not in government no recovery from previous corrupt political leaders on which imran pti promised 1000 times in dharna time but 0% recovery no improvement in justice system insaf slogan word is useless of pti heavy taxes imposed on poor nation in the form of utility bills daily need items car home medicines clothes onions tomato petrol cooking oils etc etc price change never heard in history cost of living become miserable for common person except imran lavish life style and his ministers including previous corrupt politicians sarkari official beurocrats on the hard earned money of public no infrastructure no roads repaired no new mega projects just playing making fun of already humiliated tortured nation since Musharraf time when every minute every where was suicide blast GOD bless SAVE Pakistan from Evil hands in the form of humans


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