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Selling uranium to India could make world safer.


Is it even worth it?

Okay I will do the job your education system clearly failed to do.

1. Hyderabad and few other princely states voted to go with Pakistan during partition, but India INVADED them and forced them to join India.

Hyderabad remained independent, we took it and held a plebiscite. Mandvadar chose to join us. Junagadh joined Pakistan then the ruler chickened out causing anarchy, paving the way for our "invasion". Stupid rulers make it easy for India. :P

2. Portugal took Goa when there was no such thing as "Republic of India" thus ROI had no legal way to get Goa, so they invaded it. Again, hardly the actions of a peaceful state.

In that case India and Pakistan were taking away the sovereignty of UK when we gained independence? Goa was not an invasion, just an extension of the Independence movement.

4. You deny that India was readying to launch an invasion into East Pakistan?
No, we weren't ready to invade East Pakistan, we liberated it.

5. :blah: It doesn't matter who did what and where. The fact remains that your "peaceful India" helped create, fund and support a terrorist organizational in a different country.
Sri Lanka supported Pakistan, so we did it to keep them on their toes. When LTTE went rogue, we worked on destroying it (see:IPKF in Sri Lanka). Though it ended disastrously for us with our Prime Minister's death, it paved the way for the relative peace today (if you see the operations, we retook Jaffna in a week, something Sri Lanka had been trying for a year).

Right, You don't have good relations with any of your neighbors mainly due to your own actions.
Yeah right, Nepal? Myanmar? Maldives? Afghanistan?

you are the world's largest arms importer while having the worlds largest starving population
And still this "largest importer" only spends 2.5% of her GDP on defence. Yeah, I think that's a fair amount to prevent wars which could only cause economic collapse.

and yet you somehow live in this delusional world where India is a Galactic supa dupa pawa.
Keep dreaming kid because dreams are free.
Well, you seem to be living in some Utopic world. We reduced poverty from 60% to 30%, and in a similar time span, only China did better. Pakistan only did from 21% to 14%. Who's dreaming?!!

Is it even worth it?

Okay I will do the job your education system clearly failed to do.

1. Hyderabad and few other princely states voted to go with Pakistan during partition, but India INVADED them and forced them to join India.
I would hardly call invading and forcing people to join you the acts of a "peaceful" state.

2. Portugal took Goa when there was no such thing as "Republic of India" thus ROI had no legal way to get Goa, so they invaded it. Again, hardly the actions of a peaceful state.

4. You deny that India was readying to launch an invasion into East Pakistan?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...a-could-make-world-safer-2.html#ixzz235lovkER

Pakistanis might be ok with foreign powers ruling them, Indians aren't. Hyderabad had some Iraqi/Arab Nizam and Goa was ruled by Portuguese. Both had majority Hindu (Indian) population. These faggot nizams and Euoropean colonialists were the invaders and we kicked them out and are damn proud of that.

And please lets not even talk about Bangladesh, the whole world knows whose fck up that was. Keep whining.

You talk like Pakistan has the best relationship with all its neighbours. :lol:
Selling india uranium would just strengthen the arms of hindutva terrorist and their saffron brigade genocidal army. But that just what the judo-christian world wants. Hypocrisy at its best. For these zionist judo-christian-hindutva alliance, a safer world means oppression & genocide of muslims and dominance of their satanic states.

A well trained mind would be lost if you burst a nerve. Cool down.
Title of thread should be 'selling uranium to india to make money'.... Western world knows how to twist everything and make it right.... Same countries before blamed india and now same countries running out of money and suddenly they decided to make world safer by selling uranium to india....
Mods please do close the thread. Trolls are derailing it from Uranium selling, to "nuclear-armed-Hindu terrorist state trying to oppress it's neighbours".
The title should be "Selling uranium to India could put world at risk"
Selling india uranium would just strengthen the arms of hindutva terrorist and their saffron brigade genocidal army. But that just what the judo-christian world wants. Hypocrisy at its best. For these zionist judo-christian-hindutva alliance, a safer world means oppression & genocide of muslims and dominance of their satanic states.

Same BS.. repeating every post. do you have anything more...
so many Indans talking a lot but not a single one seems to comprehend the subject.

So let me say this again, very very slowly so that even you guys can understand.

Buddy said India is a "peaceful state"
I showed how it was not by the fact that India invaded the principalities with FORCE.
It invaded Goa with FORCE
It meddled in Pakistan with FORCE
It implemented the Froward policity with FORCE

All of those decisions India too were not defensive, "peaceful India" used it's military and force in all those situations.
These are not the actions of a "peaceful country" Thus India is by no means a peaceful country.

now you can justify what you did till the cows come home, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you used offensive force.

Of course I don't don't expect you people will understand what i am trying to say, in some of your minds you are already a supa dupa Galactic pawa. And there is no reasoning with that kindly of loonacy.
so many Indans talking a lot but not a single one seems to comprehend the subject.

So let me say this again, very very slowly so that even you guys can understand.

Buddy said India is a "peaceful state"
I showed how it was not by the fact that India invaded the principalities with FORCE.
It invaded Goa with FORCE
It meddled in Pakistan with FORCE
It implemented the Froward policity with FORCE

All of those decisions India too were not defensive, "peaceful India" used it's military and force in all those situations.
These are not the actions of a "peaceful country" Thus India is by no means a peaceful country.

now you can justify what you did till the cows come home, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you used offensive force.

Of course I don't don't expect you people will understand what i am trying to say, in some of your minds you are already a supa dupa Galactic pawa. And there is no reasoning with that kindly of loonacy.

So by your reasoning having a colonial power governing your land is the right thing. The Portuguese controlled Goa, and it was Indian land so we took it back. As for Pakistan if you are talking about Bangladesh, it not India's fault, your own army screwed up and there were refuges flooding into India, so we had to take steps. As for forward policy both sides crossed into each others side because there was no definite line of separation.
so many Indans talking a lot but not a single one seems to comprehend the subject.

So let me say this again, very very slowly so that even you guys can understand.

Buddy said India is a "peaceful state"
I showed how it was not by the fact that India invaded the principalities with FORCE.
It invaded Goa with FORCE
It meddled in Pakistan with FORCE
It implemented the Froward policity with FORCE

All of those decisions India too were not defensive, "peaceful India" used it's military and force in all those situations.
These are not the actions of a "peaceful country" Thus India is by no means a peaceful country.

now you can justify what you did till the cows come home, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you used offensive force.

Of course I don't don't expect you people will understand what i am trying to say, in some of your minds you are already a supa dupa Galactic pawa. And there is no reasoning with that kindly of loonacy.

Uh yeah, we are peaceful. If we weren't would Nepal, and Myanmar still be independent? We only retook what was taken from us, in our history we have never invaded another nation (hint: this does not apply to lands that were stolen from us and were taken from us). And we have 4 tons of plutonium, but only 100 nukes? Yeah man, sure we aren't peaceful, we bully our neighbours, whatever helps you sleep at night. :rolleyes:

By the way: policity = policy, loonacy = lunacy, froward = forward
on accession:
land border, religous majority. rulers choice
hyderabad :- India 2 (border and majority), Pak 1 (rulers choice)
junagadh :- India 2 - Pak 1 (as above)
kashmir :- India 1 (rulers choice) - Pak 1 (majority) , 1 neutral land border. So pak and india are sharing it make LOC as intl border

India is the reason man is civilised otherwise the rest are just barbric
so many Indans talking a lot but not a single one seems to comprehend the subject.

So let me say this again, very very slowly so that even you guys can understand.

Buddy said India is a "peaceful state"
I showed how it was not by the fact that India invaded the principalities with FORCE.
It invaded Goa with FORCE
It meddled in Pakistan with FORCE
It implemented the Froward policity with FORCE

All of those decisions India too were not defensive, "peaceful India" used it's military and force in all those situations.
These are not the actions of a "peaceful country" Thus India is by no means a peaceful country.

now you can justify what you did till the cows come home, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you used offensive force.

Of course I don't don't expect you people will understand what i am trying to say, in some of your minds you are already a supa dupa Galactic pawa. And there is no reasoning with that kindly of loonacy.

Even if some of what you said was true (which it is not) the issue is not really how aggresive is the Indian state (by regional standards it is a relative "softy" btw) but about India's nuclear policy and program. In this sense Indi ais one of the safest nuclear bets on Earth, their non-proliferation history is impeccable, their missile testing system is open and apparent, the civil and military nuke programs are completely separated and the civil nuclear industery is arguably the safest in the world as a by product of the GoI being so risk-adverse that all new-build nuke reactors have 3-4 built-in redundant safety features which is well above the industery standard worldwide which is usually 2 such features. Added to that India is an open,stable, transparent democracy that has been open about its nuke industry and had 0 issues with nuke safety or proliferation of nuke technology which even some mebers of the NPT can't claim. And with a "no-first use policy" the Indian nuke weapons are purely defensive in nature.

Much of the world agrees with these points and that is why India will get a NSG-waiver and already as nuclear deals with most major uranium/nuke tech suppliers on the planet. India deserves the reputation it has as a safe and responsible nuke power and has every right to get uranium from the Aussies, if it doesn't that says more about them than anything else and India can afford to not get it-it has many freinds!

reasoning triumphs stupidity!!
Even if some of what you said was true (which it is not) the issue is not really how aggresive is the Indian state (by regional standards it is a relative "softy" btw) but about India's nuclear policy and program. In this sense Indi ais one of the safest nuclear bets on Earth, their non-proliferation history is impeccable, their missile testing system is open and apparent, the civil and military nuke programs are completely separated and the civil nuclear industery is arguably the safest in the world as a by product of the GoI being so risk-adverse that all new-build nuke reactors have 3-4 built-in redundant safety features which is well above the industery standard worldwide which is usually 2 such features. Added to that India is an open,stable, transparent democracy that has been open about its nuke industry and had 0 issues with nuke safety or proliferation of nuke technology which even some mebers of the NPT can't claim. And with a "no-first use policy" the Indian nuke weapons are purely defensive in nature.

Much of the world agrees with these points and that is why India will get a NSG-waiver and already as nuclear deals with most major uranium/nuke tech suppliers on the planet. India deserves the reputation it has as a safe and responsible nuke power and has every right to get uranium from the Aussies, if it doesn't that says more about them than anything else and India can afford to not get it-it has many freinds!

reasoning triumphs stupidity!!

Exactly, this was about nukes, but who will explain it to this guy?

To add to this point: It's a well known fact that among the three major nuclear powers in South and East Asia, India has the highest amount of plutonium, and a lot of HEU as well. Yet we have the least number of nukes, and only upto 60 kiloton yield. If this isn't a good enough track record, I wonder what is.

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