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Scientific Proved Miracles of Kaaba

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The very fact that you are breathing, reading this, is a miracle. This entire existence is a miracle.
Every bird in the sky, every blade of grass on the Earth, every drop of water in the ocean is a miracle.
2500 years ago Indian scientists knew what Quantum Physics is trying to figure out now.. How can subatomic particles that create this universe, blink 3 trillion times a second ? This reality itself is an illusion of the senses. All matter is illusion bound in space/time.

Science can only create more questions, not answers. All that we need to know everything there is, is WITHIN us.. If only we could look within.
trust me, nothing to be proud of...
but still no proof that mr Abraham built it. the likelihood is that it was a pagan place of worship. (like ram janambhoomi) on which a mosque was built.

Like i said you have no knowledge about islam.

Idols were worshiped there and were destroyed by prophets time to time and this story is written in quran also.

Prophets were sent to the nations and after their death people use to make their idols and start worshiping them, Allah wanted all people to worship him directly that is why new prophets were sent to the nations to destroy these idols and to give them the massage of Allah.
screw you dick and **** off to a post regarding your religion, as for this you dont belong here so quit trolling........

Your religion/my religion ..you/me ..this is mother of all ignorance. All of us come from the same source and go back to the same source, just like gravity works the same for everyone. The law of nature is the only law one needs to know, its the same everywhere.
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