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Saudi wants peace with Israel in exchange for Nuclear help


Sep 6, 2010
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Israeli flights are allowed over Saudi
There cooperation that’s going on between the two countries already behind the scenes and we’re seeing it all emerge.

It’s key to note that Palestinians have been left out of this and there is nothing for them in this deal

A Saudi-Israel deal could also extinguish the flickering Palestinian hopes of creating an independent state. For decades, the Saudis have said publicly that a Palestinian state is a prerequisite for recognizing Israel. Saudi Arabia faces unique pressure to stand firmly with the Palestinians, whose plight resonates with millions of Arabs and Muslims around the world.
source: WSJ

If Pakistan stops bottom kissing of Iran, then Pakistan too can help Saudis in all types of nuclear technology.
After all the first centrifuge Iran had was also from Pakistan.
But elements in Pakistan are slaves to Iran and let the Saudis go elsewhere instead of a mutually beneficial relationship with the kingdom
If Pakistan stops bottom kissing of Iran, then Pakistan too can help Saudis in all types of nuclear technology.
After all the first centrifuge Iran had was also from Pakistan.
But elements in Pakistan are slaves to Iran and let the Saudis go elsewhere instead of a mutually beneficial relationship with the kingdom

Unfortunately 20% of population are sellouts to the Shia nazi state. They should be dealt with strictly but I agree.

Saudi foreign policy is light years ahead of pakistans
If Pakistan stops bottom kissing of Iran, then Pakistan too can help Saudis in all types of nuclear technology.
After all the first centrifuge Iran had was also from Pakistan.
But elements in Pakistan are slaves to Iran and let the Saudis go elsewhere instead of a mutually beneficial relationship with the kingdom
Your xenophobia against Iran is severely clouding your judgment.

Pakistan can't even fulfil its obligations to build a pipeline to import gas from Iran, interesting definition of "bottom kissing" and being "slaves to Iran".

About "the first centrifuge Iran had was also from Pakistan", Khan stole centrifuge designs from URENCO then sold those to many countries via middlemen, including North Korea, Iran, Libya, Iraq and others.

It's not Iran's fault the US doesn't want Saudi Arabia to have a civilian nuclear power programme. That is the Saudis' legal right and no one can stop them from pursuing it.
Israeli flights are allowed over Saudi
There cooperation that’s going on between the two countries already behind the scenes and we’re seeing it all emerge.

It’s key to note that Palestinians have been left out of this and there is nothing for them in this deal

source: WSJ

And even if this "news" was true, what is the business to you, whether Arab or Israelis want to live in peace?

Are you an Arab or a Jew?

Last time I checked Israeli and Israelis have never hurt KSA. The same thing cannot be said about the Iranian Mullah's that you are simping for. Outside of online forums and deluded nationalists, nation states act according to their interests, not some kind of kinship ideas. By the same token it could be argued that Palestine would be better off if they joined hands with Jordan but everyone wants their own fiefdom.

Arabs and Jews have much in common historically, culturally, linguistically, religiously, even genetically. 2/3 of all Israeli Jews are Arab Jews from Arab countries.

This news is nonsense, KSA has received nuclear help from China and Pakistan ages ago. Israel is not needed for this.

It is Israel that is desperate for KSA's acceptance as they know that KSA has the most clout in the Arab world. If KSA recognizes Israel, most other Arab states will follow suit.

Yet, KSA has time and time again keep insisting that a requirement for the recognition of Israel, is the Israeli recognition of Palestine. It is very simple.

KSA could long ago have abandoned the Palestinians completely as Israelis have much more to offer them. Not to mention the Israeli/Jewish influence in the US and West. No offense.
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And even if this "news" was true, what is the business to you, whether Arab or Israelis want to live in peace?

Are you an Arab or a Jew?
Do you not have any sense of irony constantly trying to tell people they are not allowed to have an opinion on world events relating to Arabs/Jews (only when their POV differs from yours, of course) because they are not Arab or Jewish when you are a Pakistani living in Denmark?
Do you not have any sense of irony constantly trying to tell people they are not allowed to have an opinion on world events relating to Arabs/Jews (only when their POV differs from yours, of course) because they are not Arab or Jewish when you are a Pakistani living in Denmark?

No, because I am not telling anyone what to do like that guy is implying. I find it funny that internal Arab affairs become global Muslim affairs online. That is all. I don't see Arabs telling Pakistanis if they should make peace with Indians or not or telling Bangladeshis to support Rohingyas or not.

And what is my point of view, can you explain it here for everyone to see?

I am critical of the Zionist regime, does not mean that I have any problem with ordinary Jews, Judaism etc. Similarly with Iranian Mullah's, I don't like their policies in the region, does not mean that I have anything against ordinary Iranians or Iran as a country.

My point of view is that Israel is an occupying force in Gaza and the West Bank and that Palestine should be an independent state. I also believe that the Palestinian leaderships are useless by large much like Muslim leaderships worldwide.

Now what is your agenda as an Iranian? To make Palestinians and Arabs fight with Jews forever and not live in peace and develop, while you at the same time, naively or deliberately, sing praises of so far completely useless agreements between KSA and Iran when the only thing that matters, is the ground realities and what both parties do, in particular the Iranian Mullah's.
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No, because I am not telling anyone what to do like that guy is implying. I find it funny that internal Arab affairs become global Muslim affairs online.
While you yourself engage in discussing these affairs as a non-Arab too?
nice, peace in the middle east.. MBS leading the charge !

He is not leading anything, KSA just woke up from its slumber and started to act like they were supposed to be acting decades ago. All that was needed was just a remotely semi-competent political elite. That and the removal of a a few clerical/ultraconservative dinosaurs.

It was always a joke that small countries like UAE had a bigger clout (on some fronts) than a regional giant like KSA. Competition is good and all though.

KSA and UAE are allies but KSA are making moves that hurt UAE such as demanding international communities in the region to make their headquarters in KSA (worked mostly so far). Same with the growing tourism sector etc. This already has hurt Egypt as well, another ally.

It is a dog-eat-dog world and progress usually only occurs when there is competition.

While you yourself engage in discussing these affairs as a non-Arab too?

For the same reason that you are.

Learn the difference between having an opinion and "telling people what to do" as an outsider. For instance I am not telling you what to do in your home and vice versa. I could have an opinion on that matter and so could you. Two very different things.
He is not leading anything, KSA just woke up from its slumber and started to act like they were supposed to be acting decades ago. All that was needed was just a remotely semi-competent political elite. That and the removal of a a few clerical/ultraconservative dinosaurs.

It was always a joke that small countries like UAE had a bigger clout (on some fronts) than a regional giant like KSA. Competition is good and all.
True, but he's the one who finally set the ball rolling. Like anywhere, the youth there are aspirational, and he's a real hero to many.

The young brince is tremendously popular, and for good reason. Now if only the Iranians an do something about their nutjobs (clergy), that region will prosper beyond anyone's wildest estimations. Paisa hai, black gold hai, people eager for change.. I'm very bullish on Saudia. Big fan of MBS here, their future is bright.

I'm also happy the Modi admin is stepping up its diplomatic game in the middle east.

^2015, when our flankers visited.. Modi sarkar started this diplomacy in their first year.
Saudis sell out for few shekels, Palestinians have been sold out since days of fall of ottoman.
muslim world is ruled by coward bhegairat leaders who dont know jack about true freedom, a true freedom in this world is related to monetary and economy, gaddafi was doing this by switching to gold dinar, but jew rothschild and gulf sell outs attacked libya.
With the key difference that I don't tell people that news relating to Arab countries are none of their business since they are not Arab. To do that whilst also commenting on said news as a non-Arab is quite comical.

Problem is that you cannot distinguish between opinion and lecturing.

Yes, I find it funny that an Iranian user or a Pakistani is saying/implying that Arabs and Jews should not have peace or falsely implying (contrary to all facts on the ground) that KSA has abandoned Palestine, as if KSA was the sole responsible nation for Palestine or some kind of guardian or whatever he imagines.
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