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Saudi clampdown: ‘Over 120,000 Pakistanis sent back since 2009’

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ای ایران

Apr 3, 2010
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
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Looking at the figures and list of countries, Pakistanis must be the biggest migrant people on Earth today, even going to failed states like Libya! Then their commerce minister has the nerve to complain when illegal immigrants are deported back to Pakistan. What a fool. Deportation is what's supposed to happen to illegals. What does he want? For them to be imprisoned in these countries instead?

Saudi clampdown: ‘Over 120,000 Pakistanis sent back since 2009’
Foreign ministry says 0.25m have been deported in last five years
By Zahid Gishkori
Published: November 3, 2014

ISLAMABAD: Saudi Arabia has deported as many as 123, 527 illegal immigrants from Pakistan since 2009, the ministry of foreign affairs informed the lower house of parliament on Sunday.

Revealing details of the clampdown on foreign migrants in the Saudi kingdom, the ministry said that on average 67 Pakistanis were deported by the authorities in Riyadh over a five-year period.

In response to a question by Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) lawmaker Sahibzada Tariqullah, the ministry stated that up to 140 Pakistani nationals have been expelled every day from 49 countries, raising the total number of deportees to 253, 894 since 2009.

“Why has the foreign office not lodged its protest with Saudi Arabia?” the JI leader questioned.

According to the official figures obtained by The Express Tribune, as many as 1.9 million Pakistanis are working in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi authorities rounded up tens of thousands of people for deportation since an amnesty for illegal foreign workers expired last year.

Commenting on the issue, Commerce Minister Khurram Dastgir Khan said that ‘illegal immigrant’ is a technical term, adding that there should not be any discriminatory laws for immigrants.

“We’ve taken up this issue with Saudi Arabia to end the forced expulsion of Pakistanis,” he said.

Citing several reasons behind the mass expulsion of Pakistanis from various countries, the minister claimed deportees deliberately misplace their travel documents to prolong their stay.

Interestingly, the figures presented by the foreign ministry clearly contradict statistics the government had submitted before the parliament earlier this year. In January, the foreign office had informed the National Assembly that 380,000 Pakistanis were repatriated during the last five years.

Since 2009, Iran has deported as many as 21 illegal immigrants on a daily basis, followed by an average of 19 Pakistanis from United Arab Emirates and 16 from Oman, the ministry stated.

More than 39, 203 Pakistanis were sent back from Iran, 36, 371 from Qatar while Oman has expelled 29, 945 illegal Pakistanis during this period.

Similarly, figures released by the ministry show that Greece sent home around 13, 274 Pakistanis immigrants, United Kingdom 4, 831, Kuwait 1, 908, Hong Kong 682, Qatar 618, 438, Bahrain, 390 during the last five years.

Responding to a question, the ministry revealed that 1, 500 to 2,000 Pakistani immigrants were residing illegally in Libya. It also claimed that the Pakistani mission has evacuated 5, 769 Pakistanis from Libya through special flights.
Their nation their rules. We Pakistanis are hard working people. Unlike Iranians who are dipped in oil wealth and well deep dung of false racial pride, we make a life for ourselves no matter where we are under whatever conditions. There is nothing wrong in migration as its natural and necessary for human growth.

Pakistan's economy is recovering and its just a matter of time we would generate jobs and SMEs at home to utilize our economic potential. Yes Pakistanis work under often inhumane conditions in the Middle east, however when a man believes in providing for the family at all costs, the conditions become irrelevent.
Their nation their rules. We Pakistanis are hard working people. Unlike Iranians who are dipped in oil wealth and well deep dung of false racial pride, we make a life for ourselves no matter where we are under whatever conditions. There is nothing wrong in migration as its natural and necessary for human growth.

Pakistan's economy is recovering and its just a matter of time we would generate jobs and SMEs at home to utilize our economic potential. Yes Pakistanis work under often inhumane conditions in the Middle east, however when a man believes in providing for the family at all costs, the conditions become irrelevent.

There is everything wrong with illegal migration. It is unwanted and it is burdensome on other states and societies. It is also immoral and irresponsible of governments to wilfully ignore or even encourage their citizens to illegally migrate, not to mention that it puts the lives of the migrants in danger along with immorally fuelling discord in other countries.

Pakistanis seem to be a really gullible people, working in slave like conditions in Arab countries or ending up in failed states like Libya. Why go to Libya? What does Libya offer to Pakistanis that their own country cant? Is Pakistan really worse off that people from there would illegally migrate even to a place like Libya?
There is everything wrong with illegal migration. It is unwanted and it is burdensome on other states and societies. It is also immoral and irresponsible of governments to wilfully ignore or even encourage their citizens to illegally migrate, not to mention that it puts the lives of the migrants in danger along with immorally fuelling discord in other countries.

Pakistanis seem to be a really gullible people, working in slave like conditions in Arab countries or ending up in failed states like Libya. Why go to Libya? What does Libya offer to Pakistanis that their own country cant? Is Pakistan really worse off that people from there would illegally migrate even to a place like Libya?

Most of them are or were Afghan refugees with Pakistani passports or fake travel documents.
Unlike Iranians who are dipped in oil wealth and well deep dung of false racial pride
what does this thread have to do with iran ?

oil wealth ? bet iran's non-oil exports double your whole economy ? :lol:

their country their rules , right .... that of course does NOT apply to shia iran .

also , if pakistan is doing alright , why are your people flooding into my country ?

into IRAN ?
Most of them are or were Afghan refugees with Pakistani passports or fake travel documents.
Do you have any proof of this? If that was true then your government officials and religious parties wouldnt be complaining about Saudi Arabia seeking out illegal Pakistani migrants and deporting them back home, which is what is mentioned in this article.

Sounds like you are in denial.
There is everything wrong with illegal migration. It is unwanted and it is burdensome on other states and societies. It is also immoral and irresponsible of governments to wilfully ignore or even encourage their citizens to illegally migrate, not to mention that it puts the lives of the migrants in danger along with immorally fuelling discord in other countries.

Pakistanis seem to be a really gullible people, working in slave like conditions in Arab countries or ending up in failed states like Libya. Why go to Libya? What does Libya offer to Pakistanis that their own country cant? Is Pakistan really worse off that people from there would illegally migrate even to a place like Libya?

Pakistanis go and find work wherever they can. Just like any other nation. Sorry if the Iranians don't get as welcoming arrival as Pakistanis. Be happy living in that closed mind society of yours.
what does this thread have to do with iran ?

oil wealth ? bet iran's non-oil exports double your whole economy ? :lol:

their country their rules , right .... that of course does NOT apply to shia iran .

also , if pakistan is doing alright , why are your people flooding into my country ?

into IRAN ?

What are Iran's non oil exports, give me some figures.
Sorry if the Iranians don't get as welcoming arrival as Pakistanis.
agian , DAFUQ does this thread has to do with iran ?

also , welcoming arrival ? sorry bro :lol: your people are getting both expelled and beheaded in those countries :lol:
Pakistanis go and find work wherever they can. Just like any other nation. Sorry if the Iranians don't get as welcoming arrival as Pakistanis. Be happy living in that closed mind society of yours.
Welcome arrival? :laugh: You call well over 200,000 Pakistanis being deported back home within the past 4 to 5 years from multiple countries a welcome arrival?

Dont be a fool.
Welcome arrival? :laugh: You call well over 200,000 Pakistanis being deported back home within the past 4 to 5 years from multiple countries a welcome arrival?

Dont be a fool.

You should look out for boat loads of Iranis stacked in Australia's Manas Island, Christmas Island and Papua detention cells. If Iran is a place of milk and honey, why are they running away in droves?
What are Iran's non oil exports, give me some figures.
this thread has nothing to do with iran , but since u asked :

The image of Iran's economy as oil, carpets, and pistachios was always flawed, but has now become badly dated. The Islamic Republic is in the midst of a non-oil export boom -- it has the potential to remain a middle-income country even with no oil exports, and the reserves to finance the transition in the meantime. For years, Iran's leaders called for reduced reliance on oil but did little to meet that goal. Western sanctions have seemingly spurred them to action -- in his annual Nowruz address on March 21, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei acknowledged for the first time that restrictions on the country's oil exports had made a serious impact: "The sanctions have had an effect, which is because of an essential flaw that we are suffering from. The flaw that our economy is suffering from is that it is dependent on oil." He also acknowledged that Iran's "economic weakness" had led to "harsh conditions for certain groups of people." Rather than change Iranian nuclear policy, however, he argued, "We can turn every threat into an opportunity...The sanctions caused the massive domestic capacities of the Iranian nation to become activated

Iran Beyond Oil? - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

its 57 billion freaking dollars worth in cash .......

comparison u want ? here u go :

Pakistan - Export value index (2000 = 100) - Country Comparison
You should look out for boat loads of Iranis stacked in Australia's Manas Island, Christmas Island and Papua detention cells. If Iran is a place of milk and honey, why are they running away in droves?
u did the same didn't u ?

also your buddies are fleeing to iran and saudia .... not australia
Welcome arrival? :laugh: You call well over 200,000 Pakistanis being deported back home within the past 4 to 5 years from multiple countries a welcome arrival?

Dont be a fool.
Pakistanis who have overstayed their work visas are being deported. I really don’t see the controversy or a reason for us Pakistanis to be upset over this.o_O
There is everything wrong with illegal migration. It is unwanted and it is burdensome on other states and societies. It is also immoral and irresponsible of governments to wilfully ignore or even encourage their citizens to illegally migrate, not to mention that it puts the lives of the migrants in danger along with immorally fuelling discord in other countries.

Pakistanis seem to be a really gullible people, working in slave like conditions in Arab countries or ending up in failed states like Libya. Why go to Libya? What does Libya offer to Pakistanis that their own country cant? Is Pakistan really worse off that people from there would illegally migrate even to a place like Libya?

You just blew his arguments to pieces.:tup:
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