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I'm not even Shia. Is @Mosamania Shia ? he doesn't agree with Wesal either. @Mosamania why don't you tell this retard that i'm no Shia.

I'm not scared of any channel i'm teaching you something here, such channels create more braindead cretins than they convert people. You're an example.
if you are not scared then shut up. and stop complaining.
I'm not even Shia. Is @Mosamania Shia ? he doesn't agree with Wesal either. @Mosamania why don't you tell this retard that i'm no Shia.

I'm not scared of any channel i'm teaching you something here, such channels create more braindead cretins than they convert people. You're an example.

Turn on the Arabsat or the Nilesat channels, you will find for every Wesal channel there is 4 Shia extremism channels. There are Shia channel RIGHT NOW airing calling for Jihad in Syria against the Nusairi Wahabi Kuffars. Go anf flip through the channel yourself, a few days ago I found my father watching a Shia channel and laughing his *** off at it, you wanna know why? Because they had 1 hour long episode in which they show how Nusairis are Kuffars and there are Hadiths that call for killing them.

I am against both Wesal filth and that Shia filth as well. All they do is flame the fans of war, as if it needs any flaming.
Turn on the Arabsat or the Nilesat channels, you will find for every Wesal channel there is 4 Shia extremism channels. There are Shia channel RIGHT NOW airing calling for Jihad in Syria against the Nusairi Wahabi Kuffars. Go anf flip through the channel yourself, a few days ago I found my father watching a Shia channel and laughing his *** off at it, you wanna know why? Because they had 1 hour long episode in which they show how Nusairis are Kuffars and there are Hadiths that call for killing them.

I am against both Sunni filth and that Shia filth as well. All they do is flame the fans of war, as if it needs any flaming.

I have not seen those channels, actually I don't even watch Middle Eastern tv. But can you find me a scene of their channel on Youtube when they called for or were applauding terrorism, i'd like to see. I've seen Wesal applauding terror attacks on civillians before.

Corrected the last sentence for some good equality, besides i'm teaching the cretin something he should be thankful as the amount of brain-damage he has got is FUBAR.

Besides I was born and brought up in Europe, wasn't brainwashed to hate any group therefor i'm not on any of those religious sides spreading vermin.
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I have not seen those channels, actually I don't even watch Middle Eastern tv. But can you find me a scene of their channel on Youtube when they called for or were applauding terrorism, i'd like to see. I've seen Wesal applauding terror attacks on civillians before.

Corrected the last sentence for some good equality, besides i'm teaching the cretin something he should be thankful as the amount of brain-damage he has got is FUBAR.

Besides I was born and brought up in Europe, wasn't brainwashed to hate any group therefor i'm not on any of those religious sides spreading vermin.

If you know Arabic I am sure a simple research will suffice, I really hate digging into the Arabic side of the internet. But I get it you read and write Arabic well, I am sure you will be able to spend a few week going through them all.
I'm not even Shia. Is @Mosamania Shia ? he doesn't agree with Wesal either. @Mosamania why don't you tell this retard that i'm no Shia.

I'm not scared of any channel i'm teaching you something here, such channels create more braindead cretins than they convert people. You're an example.

If you're not a Shiite then I'm Saddam Hussain and I'm telling you I'm still alive.
first thing i thought of is missiles so MLRS is the best possibility. and maybe other types of missiles.
if you know someone who is well informed about Chinese military equipment tag him
want something better than rocket artillary get Nasr BRBM (not with nukes though)


it is highly manoeuvrable during the flight
it was specially designed to keep in mind any missile defence(specially iron dome) system india can field
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If you know Arabic I am sure a simple research will suffice, I really hate digging into the Arabic side of the internet. But I get it you read and write Arabic well, I am sure you will be able to spend a few week going through them all.

Names of the channels will do, but I already know you're talking bullshit. Those channels you will list on none of them will I find anyone praising terror attacks on civillians, that simply is because Sunni Islamists are way worse than Shia Islamists. The latter are more civilized whatever you try to tell us.

You tried it on the Shia groups in Iraq, been proving you wrong all along. You might be atheist and all but you were brainwashed since you were a kid, you even admitted here that you're biased so what can we expect ? i'm waiting to see.
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Names of the channels will do, but I already know you're talking bullshit. Those channels you will list on none of them will I find anyone praising terror attacks on civillians, that simply is because Sunni Islamists are way worse than Shia Islamists. The latter are more civilized whatever you try to tell us.

You tried it on the Shia groups in Iraq, been proving you wrong all along. You might be atheist and all but you were brainwashed since you were a kid, you even admitted here that you're biased so what can we expect ? i'm waiting to see.
why do we have to prove anything to you. the fact that you are lazy to search tells us there is no point of wasting time on a troll like you. what do you want exactly ? so if i proved that shia is false fabricated terrorist religion will you actually change your mind ?! and il prove it from their books and imams no muslim scholars involved. just pure shia books and imams.
from the way you talk you dont look interested in understanding anything let alone changing your mind.
as for wesal both of you can hate it. it wont change a thing. both of you can make lies against wesal tv and safa tv. again it will only make you look bad. cuz you can turn on your TV now on wesal and safa. very simple.
i watch them everyday. they do reports they bring shia books and read from them they do what educated scholars do. why do you think its making all ppl worried ?! cuz its simply opening ppls eye for the first time by showing them what shia imams say on video and from books that no one shia can deny or say its fabricated.
i swear to god many shia imams said on tv that now they have to watch what they say cuz of wesal and safa! if you have nothing to hide why do you worry about what you say cuz of other ppl or channels ?! the videos are on YT im not posting anything cuz you are lazy and stubborn. you want the truth find it yourself cuz every monkey knows how to use YT.
if you really care and want proof i can send you now 10s of videos to your inbox. cuz we are off topic here. but if you dont give a sht then stop wasting everyone's time
why do we have to prove anything to you. the fact that you are lazy to search tells us there is no point of wasting time on a troll like you. what do you want exactly ? so if i proved that shia is false fabricated terrorist religion will you actually change your mind ?! and il prove it from their books and imams no muslim scholars involved. just pure shia books and imams.
from the way you talk you dont look interested in understanding anything let alone changing your mind.
as for wesal both of you can hate it. it wont change a thing. both of you can make lies against wesal tv and safa tv. again it will only make you look bad. cuz you can turn on your TV now on wesal and safa. very simple.
i watch them everyday. they do reports they bring shia books and read from them they do what educated scholars do. why do you think its making all ppl worried ?! cuz its simply opening ppls eye for the first time by showing them what shia imams say on video and from books that no one shia can deny or say its fabricated.
i swear to god many shia imams said on tv that now they have to watch what they say cuz of wesal and safa! if you have nothing to hide why do you worry about what you say cuz of other ppl or channels ?! the videos are on YT im not posting anything cuz you are lazy and stubborn. you want the truth find it yourself cuz every monkey knows how to use YT.
if you really care and want proof i can send you now 10s of videos to your inbox. cuz we are off topic here. but if you dont give a sht then stop wasting everyone's time

The only thing i'm asking for are the names of the TV channels, if you have the effort to type this amount of shit you can give the names as well.
1st you can google them.
2nd im making a point here.
3rd if you have the courage to change your ideas or rethink. i dont mind the effort at all. give you names send you links what ever it takes.
but you dont get what im saying.

The only thing i'm asking for are the names of the TV channels, if you have the effort to type this amount of shit you can give the names as well.
want something better than rocket artillary get Nasr BRBM (not with nukes though)


it is highly manoeuvrable during the flight
it was specially designed to keep in mind any missile defence(specially iron dome) system india can field

beautiful ma shaa Allah.. will have some. with nukes please. :agree:

you know what.. give us the whole thing :smitten:
List of missiles of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

im sure saudi is working with pakistan in some of those missiles project ? do you know anything about it ? or what pakistani missiles we already have ? i think it might be confidential
Names of the channels will do, but I already know you're talking bullshit. Those channels you will list on none of them will I find anyone praising terror attacks on civillians, that simply is because Sunni Islamists are way worse than Shia Islamists. The latter are more civilized whatever you try to tell us.

You tried it on the Shia groups in Iraq, been proving you wrong all along. You might be atheist and all but you were brainwashed since you were a kid, you even admitted here that you're biased so what can we expect ? i'm waiting to see.

You can look for it themselves, I am not going to buy a satellite dish and then lost the names of the channel for you. You can ask anyone in fact. Hahaha shia Islamists are more civilized, Hahahaha. You should consider a job as a comedian

Also you not knowing Arabic script explains a loooooot why you don't know what those Shia propagandist say and write and not as exposed to it as the Arsbic speaking/reading population. If you did you will find that Rakan is a mild version of how those people are.
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You can look for it themselves, I am not going to buy a satellite dish and then lost the names of the channel for you. You can ask anyone in fact. Hahaha shia Islamists are more civilized, Hahahaha. You should consider a job as a comedian.

I found an example for you, praising terror attacks on innocent civillians.

Now show me Shia channels doing the similar. Don't buy any satellite dish you have the internet, I want to learn. If anything outrageous happens on a TV channel it'll end up on Youtube.

Perhaps look on Anti majoos productions

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