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Saudi Arabia to invest in big economic projects in Pakistan

Whatever happened to the $1.5 billion dollar gift Pakistan received from Saudi Arabia? Wasn't it meant for investment in Pakistan projects?
Saudi Arabia to invest in big economic projects in Pakistan
Islamabad, Aug 17, IRNA – Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Pakistan says his country is looking forward to invest in huge economic projects in the country.


According to state media of Pakistan. Nawaf Said Ahmad Al-Malki has said that Saudi Arabia would invest in China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Gwadar port development projects. He said CPEC is a huge project, which will create many investment opportunities.

China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a collection of infrastructure projects that are currently under construction throughout Pakistan. Originally worth $46 billion, the value of CPEC projects is now valued at $62 billion. The project will link Pakistan's Gwadar port to China's Xinjiang province.

Some regional countries, including Iran and Saudi Arabia have shown their interest to join the CPEC.

Ambassador Nawaf Said Ahmad Al-Malki also said Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are cooperating in military, economic and other sectors and their cooperation will increase further in future.

The envoy stressed that the Muslim Ummah should get united to overcome the challenges being faced by it.
Qatar sovereign fund is 400billion $. If GCC even invest(not donate,invest with highest returns in the world and relatively lower risk with their relation) let say 2-3% that would be 20-30 billion $ assuming but nope not going to happen. Like libya they would want to keep their money in france and england (e.g qatar)
Qatar sovereign fund is 400billion $. If GCC even invest(not donate,invest with highest returns in the world and relatively lower risk with their relation) let say 2-3% that would be 20-30 billion $ assuming but nope not going to happen. Like libya they would want to keep their money in france and england (e.g qatar)

Wait till Saudi Arabia takes ARAMCO public sometime next year. I'm hearing rumors that Saudi Arabia's sovereign fund will dwarf Qatar's. Some it will no doubt end up in Pakistan.
Lots of initiatives, MOUs, speeches, envoys called on, ministers meeting. Anything to show or just more talk..
Nothing tangible then, only statements. The Gwadar-China oil pipeline will bring China much closer to the Mid-East as far as importing of oil is concerned so the Middle Eastern oil exporting nations do benefit from CPEC. Question is are they willing to step beyond words and accelerate the project or wait till China constructs and then they avail that infrastructure. Seems like they are opting for the latter option.
Projects go in phases you can't just step in at any phase, there is a whole scientific field called Project Management.. The news are not surprising (to me at least), it was expected..Everything starts with official statements..KSA won't say anything if there was no follow up and seriousness of the matter..
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Saudi Arabia to invest in big economic projects in Pakistan
Islamabad, Aug 17, IRNA – Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Pakistan says his country is looking forward to invest in huge economic projects in the country.


According to state media of Pakistan. Nawaf Said Ahmad Al-Malki has said that Saudi Arabia would invest in China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Gwadar port development projects. He said CPEC is a huge project, which will create many investment opportunities.

China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a collection of infrastructure projects that are currently under construction throughout Pakistan. Originally worth $46 billion, the value of CPEC projects is now valued at $62 billion. The project will link Pakistan's Gwadar port to China's Xinjiang province.

Some regional countries, including Iran and Saudi Arabia have shown their interest to join the CPEC.

Ambassador Nawaf Said Ahmad Al-Malki also said Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are cooperating in military, economic and other sectors and their cooperation will increase further in future.

The envoy stressed that the Muslim Ummah should get united to overcome the challenges being faced by it.
No more isolation please.
Only statements for now!
The scums can just go invest hundreds of billion dollars in USA and call Israel as enemy, bomb Yemen and talk about Muslim Ummah! That is it.

Will believe it when i see it happening!

When are the Saudis making this invisible investment in Pakistan?
indeed..........may your soldier get some food instead of begging for it on youtube

True it is sad

But we see the brighter side

anybody in india is free to use social media to criticise the system. be it govt or establishment :D
True it is sad

But we see the brighter side

anybody in india is free to use social media to criticise the system. be it govt or establishment :D

Nice try....Now tell me.Why has that Jawaan disappeared? When you Indians do drama make sure you have the facts at hand Bessemer Pakistanis will smash you in the face
Nice try....Now tell me.Why has that Jawaan disappeared? When you Indians do drama make sure you have the facts at hand Bessemer Pakistanis will smash you in the face
Do you really care about facts ?

If you think that the particular Jawan has disappeared or he is missing, then check your facts.

And if you believe that Pakistanis and even Pakistani media has guts to question their establishment then check the whereabouts of the reporter of Dawn Leaks :D
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