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Saudi Arabia builds major Islamic Centre in Afghanistan

i dont know what the hell AFG have done against saudis that they deserve to be damaged by them like that.
hopefully Iran right now is rebuilding herat.now they have hospitals,schools 24/7 electricity and ... and this city is becoming even better than kabul.
Hyperboles and strawmen are not logical arguments and as such do not logically counter an argument. Your statement still doenst mean anything.

Please quote me again and tell me where I have said that "women are special" and should be given "privilege" ? I am not sure if you even read my post. I am talking about freedoms that a person MUST have. Be it a man or a woman. Freedoms are every person's right, they are not privileges. Of course in Islamic societies it is a privilege indeed.

I will not let you lead the argument to the conclusion you want. I will state what I stated earlier. Women should have social, political, legal, sexual, professional and educational freedoms. So should men. If a law is based on religion and if it mandates a particular code of conduct based on gender, then yes, such laws are backward and wrong.

Yeah, so women have the freedom to free themselves of abusive men or of relationships they dont want to be in. You think women initiate a divorce for the heck of it? What do you know about each of those cases of divorce, the relationship between the woman and the man that she divorce etc? I am sure you dont. Then how can you make a judgement? I have seen tons of women staying in marriages where they actually need to divorce their husbands, but they dont for the sake of kids and what not. Which finally ends up being harmful for them.

Extrapolating a statistic to extraordinary claims that freedom for women is what causes all social evils does not show any understanding of "stats and studies". It merely shows that your understanding of relationships and social issues is rudimentary.

Strawman and irrelevant comparisons. I am talking about laws based on religion setting standards for people based on gender. You are talking about robbing and toxic waste dumping, which doesnt even compare. As for going to the beach naked, yes the govt should not bother if you wanted to sunbathe naked. Such beaches exist in a lot of places. However this doesnt mean people run around naked, which will be a stupid extrapolation, the kind you seem to be making.

I am not sure if you even live in the west. Do you?

This is where your understanding fails. This is not about getting "naked". This is about FREEDOMS. Ill repeat it once again. Women should have social, political, legal, professional, educational AND sexual freedoms. Religion should NOT dictate what they can or cannot do when it comes to personal freedom. (dont come up with the murder, rape and robbing analogy, it doesnt follow and it is a strawman). If it does, then yes, it is extremism and it is wrong. Period. Also, please quote me where I said, they can go out naked in public? There is a minimum amount of decency everyone everywhere adheres to. I was talking about topless beaches, which exist. And if women wanna sunbathe topless then that is not against the law even in the US, in a lot of places. It is their prerogative, their choice. There, they dont dictate gender roles and behavior for women based on religion. Islamic law does, and hence it is backward and wrong.

I agree with all your points Wickerman except you forget that was is acceptable by society is based on where one lives. All those things you listed people in the US want and so they have and they consider it a perfect society whereas if you go to KSA and you some of those things lacking while you might yourself feel that as an injustice society over there considers it morally justifiable. You say Islamic society and way of thought is backward and wrong but if you go over there they will be appalled by Western Society and way of thought so it really does just come down to preference which is why both of you guys arguing is foolish at best.

This is where clash of civilizations comes in both sides must realize that the other may or may not want your way of life and only then can there be peace. That is why US trying to impose their lifestyle on Afghanistan is pointless.
i dont know what the hell AFG have done against saudis that they deserve to be damaged by them like that.
hopefully Iran right now is rebuilding herat.now they have hospitals,schools 24/7 electricity and ... and this city is becoming even better than kabul.

Yes of course, Building A university, Hospital, sports centers and residential areas is so damaging. Iran should drop bombs on few people to rectify that damage.

Oh sorry I thought we were playing idiot logic again. :no:
Interesting priorities.

The wealth Saudis spent on this could have been put on infrastructural developments to earn the respect of Afghans.

I mean don't they have enough mosques already?
If that center is built, believe me that will be another mega curse for us.

I'm afraid it already is becoming a reality, mate.

It is only upto you people to decide your priorities.
In Pakistan and in many other countries where Saudi have decided to build a thing they have made sure it gets completed

And what happens after KSA's sponsored Institutions are complete ? :azn: ... I suppose that you do not know nothing about the " imported interpretation of Islam " in the 80's from your favorite country via Madarsa and " freedom fighters " and the effect it had on us even till today ? Or I suppose you were/are happy with it ? Pick your choice !
i dont know why our internet awaam hates madrasahs so much now i have never been to a madrassah but the people who go there are nice not inolerent terrorists talk to them they are just like you and me i hate hen the police in Islamabad pulls over a van carrying madrassahs students just because they are wearing topi dont bve judgemental
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