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Saudi Arabia beheads Pakistani for smuggling heroin

I was there in 2003 - have things changed radically since then? I wouldn't know, as I haven't had long exposure with Saudi since then!

Oh, that's a long time ago! You are a senior. I often forget that.;)

Yes, they have. At least when it comes to drugs. Earlier the problem was not big but it was easier back then as the authorities underestimated the amount of drugs smuggled into the country. KSA has changed tremendously since 2003. That's ages ago in terms of recent KSA history. You should visit in the next few years. A LOT has changed on all fronts.

Drugs worth SR1bn seized; 875 held | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

You should watch this documentary about the war on drugs in KSA. In Arabic but it's world language and will come handy for you and everyone else.;)

Short report from Riyadh;

Foreigners involved again;

I understand street Arabic pretty well......... can converse pretty good too, problem is reading and writing! :D

Oh, that's a long time ago! You are a senior. I often forget that.;)

Yes, they have. At least when it comes to drugs. Earlier the problem was not big but it was easier back then as the authorities underestimated the amount of drugs smuggled into the country. KSA has changes tremendously since 2003. That's ages ago in terms of recent KSA history. You should visit in the next few years. A LOT has changed on all fronts.

Drugs worth SR1bn seized; 875 held | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

You should watch this documentary about the war on drugs in KSA. In Arabic but it's world language and will come handy for you and everyone else.;)

Short report in Riyadh;

Foreigners involved again;

Alleged heroin

Are you implying that they just took a random Pakistani, put him on trial for fun and then executed him? If that is the case why is the over 1 million big Pakistani community in KSA not suffering 1000 times more from such absurd behavior that you are suggesting?

This guy was caught red-handed when smuggling large amounts of heroin into the country. If I did the same from Denmark into KSA I would get the same verdict. Just accept it. Like you guys don't have dozens of such people at home.

The laws regarding drug smuggling are crystal clear in KSA and only idiots attempt to bypass them. I mean even before you get a visa you are informed about the laws and what not to do. There are signs everywhere.

Ever been to Singapore, China etc? It's the same there.

I understand street Arabic pretty well......... can converse pretty good too, problem is reading and writing! :D

Are you implying that they just took a random Pakistani, put him on trial for fun and then executed him? If that is the case why is the over 1 million big Pakistani community in KSA not suffering 1000 times more from such absurd behavior that you are suggesting?

This guy was caught red-handed when smuggling large amounts of heroin into the country. If I did the same from Denmark into KSA I would get the same verdict. Just accept it. Like you guys don't have dozens of such people at home.

The laws regarding drug smuggling are crystal clear in KSA and only idiots attempt to bypass them. I mean even before you get a visa you are informed about the laws and what not to do. There are signs everywhere.

Ever been to Singapore, China etc? It's the same there.

No, the allegation is not that a random pakistani was beheaded, but that we rarely hear an arab being caught and beheaded for same act. if I understood correctly @Hyperion
People are not specifically opposing strong anti drug law yet on this thread, as long as rule of law is implemented without favour.
Now I know you will post news about arabs being executed as reply to my post.
I can give you a possible explanation: as south asians in KSA are usually poor, they have higher chance of being lowest level foot soldier and geting caught. They have weak defence in courts consequently.:coffee:
No, the allegation is not that a random pakistani was beheaded, but that we rarely hear an arab being caught and beheaded for same act. if I understood correctly @Hyperion
People are not specifically opposing strong anti drug law yet on this thread, as long as rule of law is implemented without favour.
Now I know you will post news about arabs being executed as reply to my post.
I can give you a possible escape route: as south asians in KSA are usually poor, they have higher chance of being lowest level foot soldier and geting caught. They have weak defence in courts consequently.:coffee:

Which is pure nonsense as the vast majority of the executed criminals are LOCALS and many migrants in KSA are ARAB too.

You know nothing about KSA and @Hyperion is with all due respect not any authority on legal matters in KSA and the man himself admitted that he has not visited KSA in over 10 years.

Most of the drug trade is centered around migrants. That's a well-known fact too. Just read the link I posted earlier in this thread or find an Arab to translate that report and documentary about the war on drugs in KSA.

You and others can oppose or support whatever you want to. The laws dealing with drugs in KSA will remain the same and zero tolerance will be shown.
Take it or leave it that's sharia law and to be frank no human rights group can not do anything about it ..

Human rights stand above "shariah law". Human rights stand above any otehr law. You have them simply because you are human. Being a stone age barbarian is no excuse for this
Which is pure nonsense as the vast majority of the executed criminals are LOCALS and many migrants in KSA are ARAB too.

You know nothing about KSA and @Hyperion is with all due respect not any authority on legal matters in KSA and the man himself admitted that he has not visited KSA in over 10 years.

Most of the drug trade is centered around migrants.
I never said I know about KSA... and I am not saying hyperion is a KSA expert either...
Up until 2003 I had first hand knowledge about Saudi, however, right now, most of it is from colleagues staying there and some very influential Saudi friends, in fact one of them is my business partner in Dubai. We both run a financial services firm together, I'm also sort of godfather to both of his sons, a pretty cool guy, I've known him for ages since our time abroad. What he says carries weight, and from what I've heard, the drug trade is at all time high. He himself didn't want to stay much in Saudi and found Dubai a much civilized place to bring up his own sons. I don't know who is wrong and who is right, what I say is from prolonged discussions with people who matter, on both sides of the divide.

Which is pure nonsense as the vast majority of the executed criminals are LOCALS and many migrants in KSA are ARAB too.

You know nothing about KSA and @Hyperion is with all due respect not any authority on legal matters in KSA and the man himself admitted that he has not visited KSA in over 10 years.

Most of the drug trade is centered around migrants. That's a well-known fact too. Just read the link I posted earlier in this thread or find an Arab to translate that report and documentary about the war on drugs in KSA.

You and others can oppose or support whatever you want to. The laws dealing with drugs in KSA will remain the same and zero tolerance will be shown.
I never said I know about KSA... and I am not saying hyperion is a KSA expert either...
A criminal is a criminal, regardless of race or nationality. And kudos to Saudi government for being ballsy. In Pakistan, the state won't dare hang even the most hardened terrorists. Had Pakistan government beheaded captured terrorists, the prospective terrorists would have thought twice before joining such organizations.

My family has close ties to all sectors of KSA society. Being a Makkawi Hashemits this is not surprising. My immediate family knows Al-Saud family members personally. I know what is going on in KSA. Mostly in Hijaz. So you own business in the "evil Arab world"?:o:

Did I not just write to you that the the drug trade have grown in size and that the authorities have declared a war on drugs? I did.

The point is here that migrants are the ones that are mostly involved with the drug trade for reasons that are obvious and it is also clear that most of the executed people are locals. That migrants are part of that statistic is not that strange when KSA has some of the biggest migrant population in the world.

To even remotely reply that this Pakistani drug smuggler and criminal was executed only because he was a Pakistani and that an Arab would never be that in this situation is simply pure and utter nonsense. For God's sake the authorities just executed 4 Saudi Arabian brothers in Najran not many weeks ago for smuggling drugs into the country in large quantities and here you have 1 Pakistani who keeps insisting or alluding to this criminal being innocent or some random Ali taken from a plane.

Or our Iranian friend comparing the killing of a Pakistani soldier for no apparent reason with a criminal caught red-handed and put on trial. Yes, makes perfect sense.

Come on, this is silly. I know that most people are clueless about KSA but still.:rofl:

A criminal is a criminal, regardless of race or nationality. And kudos to Saudi government for being ballsy. In Pakistan, the state won't dare hang even the most hardened terrorists. Had Pakistan government beheaded captured terrorists, the prospective terrorists would have thought twice before joining such organizations.

Is the drug problem not quite huge in Pakistan? I know that it is enormous in nearby Afghanistan and Iran and last time I checked all 3 countries also put people to death for smuggling lethal drugs in huge amounts. Or are those laws just there but not really enforced? Just asking.
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