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Saudi Arabia and Russia to sign arms deal soon

Even old Russian junk in the hands of Hauthis has destroyed hundreds of military vehicles belonging to the incompetent Saudi led coalition which consists mostly of modern western equipment.

Go troll elsewhere. The US made jets had done enormous destruction to the Russian junk. The Patriot also turned your Scuds to some lovely fire works.
Go troll elsewhere. The US made jets had done enormous destruction to the Russian junk. The Patriot also turned your Scuds to some lovely fire works.

If anyone is a troll it's you. Your pathetic coalition lost about 400 armored vehicles (all verified with pictures and dates).

Those ancient scuds also hit Saudi bases in Saudi Arabia killing scores of soldiers including generals. I say generals loosely because the Saudis don't have any real generals that you would find in real militaries.
by the way did the jew sauds made mentio nof iran or syria etc? i wonder if putin couldnt resist the luxury billions from saudi atm if he give up on iran?syria?.
If anyone is a troll it's you. Your pathetic coalition lost about 400 armored vehicles (all verified with pictures and dates).

Those ancient scuds also hit Saudi bases in Saudi Arabia killing scores of soldiers including generals. I say generals loosely because the Saudis don't have any real generals that you would find in real militaries.

1 million vehicles in fact.:lol:

No matter how much you cry, the Chechens alone did 100 times the harm than the 1000 times bigger and more numerous Yemen have done to KSA. A Chechnya that was not even a country and had no real army, lol.

Shatoy Ambush

Nothing more is needed to be said.


The attack was led by Ibn al-Khattab!

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

There are literally 100's upon 100's of such old videos and this occurred at a time when cameras were 100 times rarer than today.

Let alone Afghanistan.

Or Ukraine (Donbas) where 2000 + Russian soldiers
have died:


Are you talking about the same scud firecrackers that have all been intercepted?

Sure in an parallel universe maybe. In such a parallel universe where KSA and the Arab coalition does not control 85% of Yemen but in fact the Houthis, Saleh and allied tribes.

Hopefully KSA will not waste any money on Russian junk despite the collapsing Russian economy probably wanting that to occur badly.

Russian equipment made on precision European machinery (that Saudi Arabia has access to)

and in the american way ( that Saudi Arabia ) has learned now

With hybrid electronic equipment from the west ( that saudi arabia can procure )

on cheaper industrial base ( that Saudi Arabia already has )

is going to be a very scary proposition for enemies.

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If anyone is a troll it's you. Your pathetic coalition lost about 400 armored vehicles (all verified with pictures and dates).

Those ancient scuds also hit Saudi bases in Saudi Arabia killing scores of soldiers including generals. I say generals loosely because the Saudis don't have any real generals that you would find in real militaries.
Yeah white candy, 400 of them. Scud is scaring us to death and the Patriot is as pathetic as a retired Russian prostitut in Dubai.
1 million vehicles in fact.:lol:

The exact number is actually 496, all with photo evidence, vehicle type and location. With around half of the equipment being Saudi. The actual number is actually higher since there is no pictures of scud damage inside Saudi Arabia.

Oh, wait...wait, it's fake right? The Hauthis just purchased Abrams and Oshkosh's at the local bizarre :lol:

Here since you will be too lazy to click the link:




No matter how much you cry, the Chechens alone did 100 times the harm than the 1000 times bigger and more numerous Yemen have done to KSA.

Yemen is open dessert with clear sunny skies. Chechnya was urban street fighting as well as fighting in thick forests with fog, snow, and thick cover. Many places in Chechnya were not even accessible by vehicles and the weather conditions made air support impossible at times.

Your coalition lost almost 500 vehicles fighting in open dessert with clear skies. Try fighting a war Chechnya 23 years ago without all the modern equipment you have. Saudis don't even reveal their casualties, that is how bad it is.

A Chechnya that was not even a country and had no real army, lol.

Chechnya did have a military and most Chechen fighters served in the Soviet military. You guys, on the other hand are being beat down by 16 year old kids with sandals :lol:

Shatoy Ambush

Nothing more is needed to be said.


The attack was led by Ibn al-Khattab!

There are literally 100's upon 100's of such old videos and this occurred at a time when cameras were 100 times rarer than today.

Let alone Afghanistan.

Obviously you are talking out of your rear end. Again, Chechnya consisted of urban street fighting and fighting in mountainous forests where tanks could not go and aircraft could not help because of poor weather conditions. You jokers get ambushed in open dessert. In about 2 years in Syria Russia lost only about 30 soldiers despite fighting in Aleppo, Palmyra and many other urban cities. Saudi losses are in the thousands.

Khattab and all of his goat bumpers are long dead.

Or Ukraine (Donbas) where 2000 + Russian soldiers

You know nothing about the conflict in Ukraine.
Ukraine claimed Russian nuked them and that they have the best trained soldiers in Europe. None of those claims are true and there is zero proof for that 2000 soldier estimate. Just Pork-oshenko making an idiot out of himself.

Are you talking about the same scud firecrackers that have all been intercepted?

You clearly don't know what the hell a scud even is. It's no "firecrackers", they are powerful weapons, which hit Saudi bases.

Little firecracker:

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The exact number is actually 496, all with photo evidence, vehicle type and location. With around half of the equipment being Saudi. The actual number is actually higher since there is no pictures of scud damage inside Saudi Arabia.

Oh, wait...wait, it's fake right? The Hauthis just purchased Abrams and Oshkosh's at the local bizarre :lol:

Here since you will be too lazy to click the link:


View attachment 406449

View attachment 406448

Yemen is open dessert with clear sunny skies. Chechnya was urban street fighting as well as fighting in thick forests with fog, snow, and thick cover. Many places in Chechnya were not even accessible by vehicles and the weather conditions made air support impossible at times.

Your coalition lost almost 500 vehicles fighting in open dessert with clear skies. Try fighting a war Chechnya 23 years ago without all the modern equipment you have. Saudis don't even reveal their casualties, that is how bad it is.

Chechnya did have a military and most Chechen fighters served in the Soviet military. You guys, on the other hand are being beat down by 16 year old kids with sandals :lol:

Obviously you are talking out of your rear end. Again, Chechnya consisted of urban street fighting and fighting in mountainous forests where tanks could not go and aircraft could not help because of poor weather conditions. You jokers get ambushed in open dessert. In about 2 years in Syria Russia lost only about 30 soldiers despite fighting in Aleppo, Palmyra and many other urban cities. Saudi losses are in the thousands.

Khattab and all of his goat bumpers are long dead.

You know nothing about the conflict in Ukraine.
Ukraine claimed Russian nuked them and that they have the best trained soldiers in Europe. None of those claims are true and there is zero proof for that 2000 soldier estimate. Just Pork-oshenko making an idiot out of himself.

You clearly don't know what the hell a scud even is. It's no "firecrackers", they are powerful weapons, which hit Saudi bases.

Little firecracker:

View attachment 406450

Too much nonsense to counter.

KSA has lost less than 50 vehicles and equipment. There are no photos of any damage in KSA from scuds because none of them have managed to damage anything. You think that huge damages can be hidden in 2017 in a country like KSA which has the highest social media penetration in the world?

Yemen is one of the most mountainous countries in the world. The weather is often cloudy and it rains often in the mountain regions. Yemen is 100 times bigger than Chechnya and more challenging. Mountainous regions 50 times the size of Chechnya, 1000's of valleys, desert areas, forests etc. As for urban fighting, there has been much more of that in Yemen too.

KSA could have easily leveled Sana'a (home to as many people as all of Chechnya combined) to the ground like "you" (I doubt that you are even a Russian) did with Grozny after losing the first war against tiny Chechnya, your own territory moreover.:lol:


What a joke.

As I said KSA is fighting against the most heavily armed terrorist group in the world (Houthis) and an actual national army (Yemeni army loyal to Saleh) and not against people armed with a AK47 and nothing else.

KSA has lost less than 500 soldiers. You have lost 4 times as many in Ukraine alone let alone Chechnya where you lost well over 20.000 soldiers.

The ambush that I posted, you lost 200 soldiers alone in that ambush and 50 vehicles were destroyed at once.

Sure, as you are doing no fighting Syria expect for carpet bombing people armed with AK47's. Even despite that you have lost many soldiers and you are hiding the number of casualties.




Another thing, KSA is a regional power, your beloved Russia on the other hand claims to be a superpower that is able to challenge USA despite losing the cancerous USSR in the dustbin of history forever.:lol:

Of course. The videos of dead Russian soldiers in Donbass are all fake. Every intelligence service reports the same. Even Russians within the system leaked those numbers and of course they were silenced. Political enemies in Russia tend to die or disappear, even abroad.

Now KSA is in control of 85% of Yemen while you cannot even control 50% of much smaller Syria which only has desert landscapes and urban centers. Yemen is 1000 times more difficult territory.

To this day there are attacks on your police, soldiers etc. in Caucasus on a weekly basis.

Anyway hopefully KSA won't buy any of your junk or bankroll a collapsing economy or that dwarf Putin.

China should make half of Russia a colony as what is Russia today, 95% of the territory, is stolen (recently even) land from natives. China could use more space and more natural resources and forests, lol. Fake Russian.
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Gentlemen,@Sharif al-Hijaz , @Full Moon @ptldM3

Both Saudi Arabia and Russia are huge countries, with an immensely long history.

We can make more progress by respecting each other, and finding ways of working together.
No one is a perpetual enemy and no one is a perpetual friend.
Too much nonsense to counter.

KSA has lost less than 50 vehicles and equipment.

At this point I am arguing with a troll that disregards facts and evidence. I have a database that has pictures showing Saudi Arabia lost hundreds of vehicles. As I said you are too damn lazy too look at the link and too stubborn to admit it.

Furthermore, you seem to be fixated on the Russian military from more then 20 years ago when they had no money, outdated equipment and poor training. Russia has reformed, got combat experience and modern equipment yet you keep taking about ancient history. It's like bringing up Vietnam and Korea and saying the Saudi military is better then the US. In the here and now, the Saudi military is performing extremely poorly while the Russian military is considered ouststanding on both a strategic and tactical levels.

There are no photos of any damage in KSA from scuds because none of them have managed to damage anything.

They managed to destroy Saudi bases and kill your generals.

You think that huge damages can be hidden in 2017 in a country like KSA which has the highest social media penetration in the world?

The funny thing is you are ignoring evidence of hundreds of destroyed Saudi vehicles but then claim in today's day and age with cameras it's impossible to hid anything. So when evidence is presented to your face you ignore it. At this point I am seriously questioning your sanity.

Yemen is one of the most mountainous countries in the world. The weather is often cloudy and it rains often in the mountain regions. Yemen is 100 times bigger than Chechnya and more challenging. Mountainous regions 50 times the size of Chechnya, 1000's of valleys, desert areas, forests etc. As for urban fighting, there has been much more of that in Yemen too.

First of all the Saudi coalition is only fighting in a small area of Yemen. Secondly the fighting in Chechnya took place in Ingushetia, Dagestan and Chechnya. Yemen does not have thick forests, nor has the Saudi coalition done any heavy urban fighting.





Look at all those forests and mountains in Yemen :lol:


KSA could have easily leveled Sana'a (home to as many people as all of Chechnya combined) to the ground like "you" (I doubt that you are even a Russian) did with Grozny after losing the first war against tiny Chechnya, your own territory moreover.:lol:

Your pathetic coalition bombs, funerals, schools, hospitals and homes. You have a coalition of many countries fighting in open dessert and you guys are getting wasted by little teenagers wearing sandals.

If Yemen is such a disaster for Saudi Arabia with coalition help I would love to see the Saudis fight alone in Chechnyen forests, cities and villages where tanks and aircraft can't even operate.


What a joke.

As I said KSA is fighting against the most heavily armed terrorist group in the world (Houthis) and an actual national army (Yemeni army loyal to Saleh) and not against people armed with a AK47 and nothing else.

Chechnya had a military including tanks and helicopters. Russia was fighting soldiers and ex soldiers. It really is painfully obvious you no nothing about Chechnya.

KSA has lost less than 500 soldiers.

A lie with zero proof.

You have lost 4 times as many in Ukraine alone let alone

Zero proof for that claim. How is that even possible to know? How would Ukraine possibly know? Ukraine claimed they got nuked by Russia

Chechnya where you lost well over 20.000 soldiers.

No, Russia lost a trillion soldiers.

The ambush that I posted, you lost 200 soldiers alone in that ambush and 50 vehicles were destroyed at once.

Sure, as you are doing no fighting Syria expect for carpet bombing people armed with AK47's. Even despite that you have lost many soldiers and you are hiding the number of casualties.

Russia is regarded as having one of the most experienced and professional militaries in the world. This is NATO generals saying this.
In Syria Russia lost just a few dozen soldiers and changed the course of the war. The Saudis are incompetent morons from top to bottom. People that have trained with Saudi soldiers have stated they are literally morons, with horrible command structure and displine. The US had to talk Saudi pilots through on combat missions like a father showing a teenager how to drive.

Another thing, KSA is a regional power, your beloved Russia on the other hand claims to be a superpower that is able to challenge USA despite losing the cancerous USSR in the dustbin of history forever.:lol:

KSA regional power? Saudi Arabia is disrespected by everyone, the Turks, Russians, Iranians, Quatar, etc are shitting on Saudi Arabia, you guys can fight as far as you can drive :lol:

An entire Arab collection got hammered by some Hauthis in sandals.

Now KSA is in control of 85% of Yemen while you cannot even control 50% of much smaller Syria which only has desert landscapes and urban centers. Yemen is 1000 times more difficult territory.

You are high. When did Saudi Arabia storm a city the size of Aleppo? Look at Faluja, Al-Bab, Mosul, etc city fighting is some of the most difficult and costly. Saudi Arabia has never fought in any large cities in Yemen yet they are suffering massive casualties.

To this day there are attacks on your police, soldiers etc. in Caucasus on a weekly basis.

There are suicide bombing and daily beheading in your trash country.

Anyway hopefully KSA won't buy any of your junk or bankroll a collapsing economy or that dwarf Putin.

The Russian economy is still much bigger then the Saudi economy and atleast we are literate and educated. You guys can't produce anything and are uneducated. All you have is oil.
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At this point I am arguing with a troll that disregards facts and evidence. I have a database that has pictures showing Saudi Arabia lost hundreds of vehicles. As I said you are too damn lazy too look at the link and too stubborn to admit it.

They managed to destroy Saudi bases and kill your generals.

The funny thing is you are ignoring evidence of hundreds of destroyed Saudi vehicles but then claim in today's day and age with cameras it's impossible to hid anything. So when evidence is presented to your face you ignore it. At this point I am seriously questioning your sanity.

First of all the Saudi coalition is only fighting in a small area of Yemen. Secondly the fighting in Chechnya took place in Ingushetia, Dagestan and Chechnya. Yemen does not have thick forests, nor has the Saudi coalition done any heavy urban fighting.


View attachment 406456
View attachment 406459

View attachment 406460

Look at all those forests and mountains in Yemen :lol:

View attachment 406457 View attachment 406458

Your pathetic coalition bombs, funerals, schools, hospitals and homes. You have a coalition of many countries fighting in open dessert and you guys are getting wasted by little teenagers wearing sandals.

If Yemen is such a disaster for Saudi Arabia with coalition help I would love to see the Saudis fight alone in Chechnyen forests, cities and villages where tanks and aircraft can't even operate.

Chechnya had a military including tanks and helicopters. Russia was fighting soldiers and ex soldiers. It really is painfully obvious you no nothing about Chechnya.

A lie with zero proof.

Zero proof for that claim. How is that even possible to know? How would Ukraine possibly know? Ukraine claimed they got nuked by Russia

No, Russia lost a trillion soldiers.

Russia is regarded as having one of the most experienced and professional militaries in the world. This is NATO generals saying this.
In Syria Russia lost just a few dozen soldiers and changed the course of the war. The Saudis are incompetent morons from top to bottom. People that have trained with Saudi soldiers have stated they are literally morons, with horrible command structure and displine. The US had to talk Saudi pilots through on combat missions like a father showing a teenager how to drive.

KSA regional power? Saudi Arabia is disrespected by everyone, the Turks, Russians, Iranians, Quatar, etc are shitting on Saudi Arabia, you guys can fight as far as you can drive :lol:

An entire Arab collection got hammered by some Hauthis in sandals.

You are high. When did Saudi Arabia storm a city the size of Aleppo? Look at Faluja, Al-Bab, Mosul, etc city fighting is some of the most difficult and costly. Saudi Arabia has never fought in any large cities in Yemen yet they are suffering massive casualties.

There are suicide bombing and daily beheading in your trash country.

The Russian economy is still much bigger then the Saudi economy and atleast we are literate and educated. You guys can't produce anything and are uneducated. All you have is oil.

I did not read your nonsense. Obviously you got a seizure due to the ground realities being exposed and your miserable loses against tiny Chechnya which moreover was part of your own territory de facto.:lol:

This is Yemen:

Yemen desert regions:


And this is the Saudi Arabian-Yemeni border:

Nothing like that in Chechnya.

Most of the fighting was urban fighting in flat Grozny. Nice joke.

Flat as a pancake:

Yemen is 100 times bigger than Chechnya and 100 times more challenging and the number of Houthis, allied tribes and Yemeni military (Saleh) is many times more potent and numerous than a few Chechens armed with AK47's. Call me next time when Chechens even had any scuds let alone other firepower. Yemen is also the country with most weapons per capita in the world after the US and it is a country battle-hardened after 50 + years of war. Chechnya is a joke in comparison yet you lost against a tiny Chechnya after losing over 20.000 soldiers and getting the most embarrassing spanking in the entire history of a supposed fake superpower:lol:

Now you are slaughtered in Ukraine against an impoverished Ukrainian army.
I did not read your nonsense. Obviously you got a seizure due to the ground realities being exposed and your miserable loses against tiny Chechnya which moreover was part of your own territory de facto.:lol:

This is Yemen:

Yemen desert regions:

View attachment 406463

Yemen is 100 times bigger than Chechnya and 100 times more challenging and the number of Houthis, allied tribes and Yemeni military (Saleh) is many times more potent and numerous than a few Chechens armed with AK47's. Call me next time when Chechens even had any scuds let alone other firepower. Yemen is also the country with most weapons per capita in the world after the US and it is a country battle-hardened after 50 + years of war. Chechnya is a joke in comparison yet you lost against a tiny Chechnya after losing over 20.000 soldiers and getting the most embarrassing spanking in the entire history of a supposed fake superpower:lol:

Now you are slaughtered in Ukraine against an impoverished Ukrainian army.

You don't read my contents because you are a troll. I actually read your garbage and laughed but I won't bother anymore. It's clear you are not a reasonable person of that you care to debate, you don't care about proof, you just make crap up. Very dishonest.

Also all the fighting in Yemen is in the desert, stop posting pictures of random areas in Yemen where there is no fighting. Chechnya, Ingushetia, and Dagestan are all heavily forested and mountainous. On top of that Grozny was a large urban city. On the other hand the Saudis are from fighting in flat dessert. Almost every picture of destroyed Saudi coalition armor is in flat desert areas. :lol:

Yemen has second most weapons per capital in the world. Chechnya is flat, Russia lost 2,000 soldiers in Ukraine....too much camel piss is causing hallucinations :lol:
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You don't read my contents because you are a troll. I actually read your garbage and laughed but I won't bother anymore. It's clear you are not a reasonable person of that you care to debate, you don't care about proof, you just make crap up. Very dishonest.

Also all the fighting in Yemen is in the desert, stop posting pictures of random areas in Yemen where there is no fighting. Chechnya, Ingushetia, and Dagestan are all heavily forested and mountainous. On top of that Grozny was a large urban city. On the other hand the Saudis are from fighting in flat dessert. Almost every picture of destroyed Saudi coalition is in flat desert. :lol:

Yemen has second most weapons per capital in the world. Chechnya is flat, Russia lost 2,000 soldiers in Ukraine....too much camel piss is causing hallucinations :lol:

Sure, drunk and drug-addicted Russian peasant.

This map is invented despite it being a neutral source (Risk Intelligence):


The photos that I posted are also invented. Including the video that showed how the Saudi Arabian and Yemeni border looks like.

Not only that this topographic map of Yemen is also invented by me:

Fact of the matter is that tiny Chechnya (part of your own territory) won the first Chechen War and slaughtered well over 20.000 Russian soldiers. The biggest embarrassment of any country in history of this size and population.

Grozny is flat. I posted a photo of it.

Grozny is located 163 meters above sea level. Sana'a on the other hand is located almost 2500 meters above sea level and is one of the highest elevated capitals in the world.


I already posted a link of 2000 Russian casualties in Ukraine. Tons of sources state a similar number. You can cry all you want to.

In fact during the Second Chechen war an esteemed 8.000 to 40.000 Russian soldiers died!


In the First Chechen War around 14.000 Russian soldiers were killed or went missing. Between 18.000 to 50.000 were wounded.


So those 20.000 casualties were a generous estimation for my part.

Your were slaughtered like dogs so you were forced to do what you do best, destroy everything in your way. Hence why Grozny was 95% destroyed. Sana'a on the other hand is not even 2% destroyed. Therein lies the difference.

As for weapons per capita here is another source cretin:


No, we won't buy your junk for the 100th time.
Sure, drunk and drug-addicted Russian peasant.

This map is invented despite it being a neutral source (Risk Intelligence):


The photos that I posted are also invented. Including the video that showed how the Saudi Arabian and Yemeni border looks like.

Not only that this topographic map of Yemen is also invented by me:

Fact of the matter is that tiny Chechnya (part of your own territory) won the first Chechen War and slaughtered well over 20.000 Russian soldiers. The biggest embarrassment of any country in history of this size and population.

Grozny is flat. I posted a photo of it.

Grozny is located 163 meters above sea level. Sana'a on the other hand is located almost 2500 meters above sea level and is one of the highest elevated capitals in the world.


I already posted a link of 2000 Russian casualties in Ukraine. Tons of sources state a similar number. You can cry all you want to.

In fact during the Second Chechen war an esteemed 8.000 to 40.000 Russian soldiers died!


In the First Chechen War around 14.000 Russian soldiers were killed or went missing. Between 18.000 to 50.000 were wounded.


So those 20.000 casualties were a generous estimation for my part.

Your were slaughtered like dogs so you were forced to do what you do best, destroy everything in your way. Hence why Grozny was 95% destroyed. Sana'a on the other hand is not even 2% destroyed. Therein lies the difference.

As for weapons per capita here is another source cretin:


No, we won't buy your junk for the 100th time.

If you claimed you don't even read my posts why should I read yours? I read all of your junk up until now so don't bother.

Fact is Saudi coalition lost about 500 military vehicles and the Saudi military is highly unprofessional. Comparing Russian losses in Syria (which is a much bigger conflict) to Saudi losses in Yemen is no comparison. The Saudis are getting beat down even with the help of other countries. The fact that you keep bringing up Chechnya from 23 years ago proves you don't have an argument.
If you claimed you don't even read my posts why should I read yours? I read all of your junk up until now so don't bother.

Fact is Saudi coalition lost about 500 military vehicles and the Saudi military is highly unprofessional. Comparing Russian losses in Syria (which is a much bigger conflict) to Saudi losses in Yemen is no comparison. The Saudis are getting beat down even with the help of other countries. The fact that you keep bringing up Chechnya from 23 years ago proves you don't have an argument.

Thanks for admitting defeat by not being able to counter post 27 and all the sourced material. That was well overdue.

Russian engagement in Syria is limited to having bases deep in Al-Assad territory (Latakia) and bombing defenseless cities. To compare that with an outright invasion of a country 2.5 times the size of Syria and a country 100 times more mountainous and difficult to fight in, makes no sense whatsoever.

Let me tell you that not only does KSA control 85% of Yemen (as proven by the Risk Intelligence map) but 40.000 Houthis have lost their lives as per the official spokesman of the Houthis.

Anyway fun aside, what can Russia offer to KSA. A KSA that today demands ToT with every weapons purchase?
Thanks for admitting defeat by not being able to counter post 27 and all the sourced material. That was well overdue.

Russian engagement in Syria is limited to having bases deep in Al-Assad territory (Latakia) and bombing defenseless cities. To compare that with an outright invasion of a country 2.5 times the size of Syria and a country 100 times more mountainous and difficult to fight in, makes no sense whatsoever.

Let me tell you that not only does KSA control 85% of Yemen (as proven by the Risk Intelligence map) but 40.000 Houthis have lost their lives as per the official spokesman of the Houthis.

Anyway fun aside, what can Russia offer to KSA. A KSA that today demands ToT with every weapons purchase?

First off all you are the one that admitted you don't even read what I write so it is you that admitted defeat. why would I continue arguing with you if you refuse to even read my posts? I have already made my point, I have already provided sources and pictures providing what I say yet you don't even read anything I provid and instead make up stories then bring up fake Ukrainian propaganda.

Chechnya is heavily forested and mountainous, Yemen where the Saudis are fighting is not (proven with pictures of destroyed Saudi coalition vehicles).

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