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Satellite images reveal russians digging mass graves in Butcha

The russians have proven to be weak. They can only harm civilians. They will be destroyed on Ukraine soil. And then war will be waged on russian soil. Its inportant to create a 250 km wide demilitarized zone inside Russia.

And you think NATO can do that without risking a nuclear war. And do you think China will not get involved ?
And you think NATO can do that without risking a nuclear war. And do you think China will not get involved ?

Russian regime are cowards. Putin saved his little yacht before he started the war. A man who cares about bullshit like this doesnt go to nuclear war

That said, the russian unit who committed the crimes in Butcha is identified. Their names, adress and families are known. Ukrainian defense minister said Ukraine will let them pay. Thats the interesting thing about 21st century. In old times such crimes were anonymous. Now nothing can be hidden.

None of those soldiers cant be too sure to not come one day at home and find his own family in the garage.

This is about genocide now. Europe is determined to destroy the russian regime.
This war has been nothing but western propaganda. I have never seen such unprecedented propaganda, shouting and crying at top their lungs, making fake stuff. Ukranians are also big drama liars, a nation that follows tv shows like religion is bound to be such, they even elected a comedian because he played a role of President in a drama very well. So what can one expect from such a nation. Pakistan should reduce relations with ukraine and stay away from these racist hateful morons.
Commentators in Germany demand that all trade with Russia including gas must be stopped now. No trade with this monster.

As it looks now when we see recent EU comments its nearing the moment of complete cut off from Russia. Russian ships wont be allowed to enter european harbors and baltic sea will be closed for all russian ships.

We have the moral obligation to defend Ukraine.
Genocide is the modus operandi for the russian army. Its based on terror, fear and barbarism and always was. Maybe study european history.

What we see in Butcha is typical for them.

There have been two times of color revolutions in Ukraine. After the second color revolution, the United States summed up its experience. Color revolutions alone are not enough. There must be hatred. So Americans support the Ukrainian Nazis to create hatred between Ukrainians and Russians.

Russia's military operations are targeting NATO and the Nazis in Ukraine.

Americans and Brits are the best directors of Holocaust-like. They kill people all over the world and then blame others.
Russian regime are cowards. Putin saved his little yacht before he started the war. A man who cares about bullshit like this doesnt go to nuclear war

That said, the russian unit who committed the crimes in Butcha is identified. Their names, adress and families are known. Ukrainian defense minister said Ukraine will let them pay. Thats the interesting thing about 21st century. In old times such crimes were anonymous. Now nothing can be hidden.

None of those soldiers cant be too sure to not come one day at home and find his own family in the garage.

This is about genocide now. Europe is determined to destroy the russian regime.

Be sensible and practical, man. You are simply desiring for your hatred to become the force on NATO deciding tables that launch operations on Russia. Do you think NATO will do it ? We are not talking about a yacht here but a country. The Russian citizens will put pressure on Putin to resist with every available method.
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Be sensible and practical, man. You are simply desiring for your hatred to be the force on NATO deciding tables that launch operations on Russia. Do you think NATO will do it ? We are not talking about a yacht here but a country. The Russian citizens will put pressure on Putin to resist with every available method.

Lets see. All that matters now is to destroy all russian forces in Ukraine. There is no need to respect any russian interests anymore. Thats not my words, thats what german foreign minister said.
"When the world is blind and nobody is going to help
This means the democracy has come into your home".

Very right ! And so apt was the shot of Obomba laughing at the atrocities.

Weren't you in the South African military fighting against the Communists ? Though I am a Communist you are generally a good person who once agreed with me that Hamas is a force encouraged by Israel in its early years so that Israel can put it to counteract against the PLO and others. But in this post of yours you are not being sensible. Please see the truth of the matter. :)

I shake my hate for this irrational hate of yours. And demilitarize Russia ? What, a no-fly-zone near the border ? Against Russia ?

Lastly, I am unable to access your linked article.
I dont respond to you. So, please keep your opinions to yourself and dont engage with me.

The russians have proven to be weak. They can only harm civilians. They will be destroyed on Ukraine soil. And then war will be waged on russian soil. Its inportant to create a 250 km wide demilitarized zone inside Russia.
Russians have gone beyond insanity.

Russian people themselves are being fed propaganda nonsense which is totally fake. those who want to object are being silenced with 15 year prison sentences.

Putin days are numbered. He will be taken out from within in one year. Mark my words; even in soviet time which he is trying to recreate, they did quiet putchs - so this will not be any different except it will be from his billionaire minions.

Sooner or later we will find out more attrocities.

I see the same same play book of using tyres to burn people and incite terror in civilians - same KGB/Soviet play book they used in southern africa.
I dont respond to you. So, please keep your opinions to yourself and dont engage with me.

That's arrogant, especially because this is a discussion forum.
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The russians have proven to be weak. They can only harm civilians. They will be destroyed on Ukraine soil. And then war will be waged on russian soil. Its inportant to create a 250 km wide demilitarized zone inside Russia.
Just like hearing Bosniaks and Turks:

"The Serbs can only fight unarmed civilians"

In a bit you'll tell us about how justified was the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany.

This war has been nothing but western propaganda. I have never seen such unprecedented propaganda, shouting and crying at top their lungs, making fake stuff. Ukranians are also big drama liars, a nation that follows tv shows like religion is bound to be such, they even elected a comedian because he played a role of President in a drama very well. So what can one expect from such a nation. Pakistan should reduce relations with ukraine and stay away from these racist hateful morons.
I have to agree with you here.
There have been two times of color revolutions in Ukraine. After the second color revolution, the United States summed up its experience. Color revolutions alone are not enough. There must be hatred. So Americans support the Ukrainian Nazis to create hatred between Ukrainians and Russians.

Russia's military operations are targeting NATO and the Nazis in Ukraine.

Americans and Brits are the best directors of Holocaust-like. They kill people all over the world and then blame others.

Just like hearing Bosniaks and Turks:

"The Serbs can only fight unarmed civilians"

In a bit you'll tell us about how justified was the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany.

I have to agree with you here.

Of course you do. You also,laughed about that elderly women mourning the loss,of her son. You laughed because she could not even breath anymore amd grasped for air.

You show what your believe system stands for.

Its people like you who sit in church and pray empty prayers and then outside mock god wizh most evil and vile acts.
Of course you do. You also,laughed about that elderly women mourning the loss,of her son. You laughed because she could not even breath anymore amd grasped for air.
When did I laugh at the woman? I didn't even click on the video.

Why are you making stuff up? Are you a compulsive liar?
When did I laugh at the woman? I didn't even click on the video.

Why are you making stuff up? Are you a compulsive liar?

You did laugh you mocked the victims.

Enough of this anyways..

Now only matters to free ukraine completly
You did laugh you mocked the victims.

Enough of this anyways..

Now only matters to free ukraine completly
No no no,you will not accuse me with lies and then say "enough of this". I never laughed at the victims and didn't even watch that video with the old woman. Stop with the personal attacks,like others have said,because you'll get another ban.

Take a screenshot and show me where I laughed and mocked the victims and not some idiot's post.
Satellite images show mass graves dug out from russian troops in Butcha Ukraine before their retreat.

So far 410 dead civilians have been found. Women, children, old people. Youngest victims are 6 years old, oldest 94. Some show signs of torture. Nose and ears cut of, fingers broken. Most have their hands tied behind their back and got executed with headshots.

EU send teams to log all crimes and issued yesterday to start a tribunal against Russias crimes against humanity.

It appears that the russian military started systematicly to kill ukrainian people in the areas it did hold. There are indication for government planned genocide in the areas that russia did hold. It stopped when ukrainian forces hunted the russians out. Only god knows what happens in eastern parts still under russian controle.

We see massacres in Katyn style. Its absolute shocking.

Yes but Apollon according to your own moral principles we shouldn't give a damn. These people are not the same as us so we shouldn't give a rats *** what happens to them just like you don't give a rats *** about Iraqi's, Afghani's, and ourselves. Right? I do care about these people because they are humans, maybe you should adopt humanity as a morality before you come around posting stuff like this. If anyone is curious what I'm talking about I'd be happy to source some of the stuff this guy has been saying around here lately.
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