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San Francisco popular restaurant forced to shutter over massive crime

Deal without guns.

these are not real , Tik Tok videos are in millions showing staged dramas .But i appreciate whatever you do to control terrorism and crime in your country. Hope western countries adopt your system to save their civilisation.
whatever you do ,
You manage better than the white liberal secular woke countries who have become paradise for criminals because of the liberal laws, courts and liberal policies . Moreover they are importing third world cultures in the name of multiculturalism , that is making US and Europe lawless hell hole .
You are right, too many third world gobarbhakts here bringing their nasty culture like dowry and caste system with them, along with scams, fake degrees etc, they should be deported.
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You are right, too many third world gobarbhakts here bringing their nasty culture like dowry and caste system with them, along with scams, fake degrees etc, they should be deported.
Most dangerous thing west is unknowingly importing from third world culture is terrorists , criminals , pedophiles , religious bigots without morals . These lowly humans are cheating the west by their immoral behaviour . Europe and America is doomed by these terrorists .
Woke democrats liberal multiculturiste diversity lovers are destroying these beautiful western countries .


Yup, thats exactly how every Canadian feels when they see hounds of Indians with fake degrees and nasty habits, criminal culture entering and destroying their country. Woke liberals should be voted out of power and 500,000 Indians who entered in the past 5 years should be rounded up and desported back to the shitty shining land of gaumata to keep this a diversity free utopia

Yup, thats exactly how every Canadian feels when they see hounds of Indians with fake degrees and nasty habits, criminal culture entering and destroying their country. Woke liberals should be voted out of power and 500,000 Indians who entered in the past 5 years should be rounded up and desported back to the shitty shining land of gaumata to keep this a diversity free utopia

I hope all terrorists are deported from white countries to their third world shit hole countries .
Than tell me how your police deal with criminals in daily life if they have no guns lol

It goes often like this.

1. Censoring. They cordon-off with specially trained police.

Any incident, disaster, protest etc., the first reaction by the party security apparatus is not to let it be seen.

This includes completely erasing the people, places, artifacts from the internet. Not to allow it to be mentioned.

2. Blockage and arbitrary detention. Those involved in protests, riots etc. are blocked off. They are put in a room, and sometimes kept there for couple of months without any info. Their families, too, remain unaware of their whereabouts. No phone call. No lawyer. No charging with crime oftentimes.

3. Blackmailing. Relatives of those kept under arrest are threatened. The suspect is told not to repeat the offense, otherwise the relatives will be arrested, too.

Constant harassment by party gangs.

4. Complete surveillance. There is a reason why the party-land loves electronic payment and AI face detection. It empowers the regime. Gives a total control over people's movements, financial and personal.

5. And many security-crazy stuff: They make you drink from your bottle if you want to enter the metro with a water in hand. Every place has detection and security. All places, homes and offices are barred and guarded. In many places, knives in restaurants are chained to the work table.

And many more measures to terrorize, frighten and subdue regular people. Because, it is of the party, by the party, for the party.
It goes often like this.

1. Censoring. They cordon-off with specially trained police.

Any incident, disaster, protest etc., the first reaction by the party security apparatus is not to let it be seen.

This includes completely erasing the people, places, artifacts from the internet. Not to allow it to be mentioned.

2. Blockage and arbitrary detention. Those involved in protests, riots etc. are blocked off. They are put in a room, and sometimes kept there for couple of months without any info. Their families, too, remain unaware of their whereabouts. No phone call. No lawyer. No charging with crime oftentimes.

3. Blackmailing. Relatives of those kept under arrest are threatened. The suspect is told not to repeat the offense, otherwise the relatives will be arrested, too.

Constant harassment by party gangs.

4. Complete surveillance. There is a reason why the party-land loves electronic payment and AI face detection. It empowers the regime. Gives a total control over people's movements, financial and personal.

5. And many security-crazy stuff: They make you drink from your bottle if you want to enter the metro with a water in hand. Every place has detection and security. All places, homes and offices are barred and guarded. In many places, knives in restaurants are chained to the work table.

And many more measures to terrorize, frighten and subdue regular people. Because, it is of the party, by the party, for the party.
But why you dare not even reveal your nationality? what's about your origin made you so shameful to the point that you have to hide it forever?
It goes often like this.

1. Censoring. They cordon-off with specially trained police.

Any incident, disaster, protest etc., the first reaction by the party security apparatus is not to let it be seen.

This includes completely erasing the people, places, artifacts from the internet. Not to allow it to be mentioned.

2. Blockage and arbitrary detention. Those involved in protests, riots etc. are blocked off. They are put in a room, and sometimes kept there for couple of months without any info. Their families, too, remain unaware of their whereabouts. No phone call. No lawyer. No charging with crime oftentimes.

3. Blackmailing. Relatives of those kept under arrest are threatened. The suspect is told not to repeat the offense, otherwise the relatives will be arrested, too.

Constant harassment by party gangs.

4. Complete surveillance. There is a reason why the party-land loves electronic payment and AI face detection. It empowers the regime. Gives a total control over people's movements, financial and personal.

5. And many security-crazy stuff: They make you drink from your bottle if you want to enter the metro with a water in hand. Every place has detection and security. All places, homes and offices are barred and guarded. In many places, knives in restaurants are chained to the work table.

And many more measures to terrorize, frighten and subdue regular people. Because, it is of the party, by the party, for the party.

Wow this is the right thing to do with people of India . We need this system .
I support California over conservatives on this. I think the result is good.

It's ok if China does some antifreedom because of so much threat of espionage and havoc by western criminals. If there weren't so many western criminals in China who would leap out the gate to do damage there and steal things, then China wouldn't need to be like that. Imagine if China did what the west wanted and did not do any of that. Western whites would pour in and start hoovering up everything they can find and try to destroy it. If western nations weren't abject, rampant criminals, China wouldn't need to do it.
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Wow this is the right thing to do with people of India . We need this system .

Just take a regular dictatorship, add high-tech features and advanced psychological approaches.

There, you have it.

But, I don't think regular folks would like it. Over zealot party hacks and fedayees, elites and oligarchs, and low-income desperadoes on the regime's pay list would like it, though.
Lol China is heaven lol

Chinese folks in general are far smarter, more educated, disciplined and civilized than most other non-Chinese. Which helps in their business operations and generally in how their large country is run.

You'd know if you visited their country.

However - China is not a great place for undisciplined scumbags.

Chinese leaders can be a part of a party, however it is a meritocracy, unlike the West. Educated people running things makes a huge difference. Educated people who are ACCOUNTABLE, even those at the highest level, who have innocent affairs.

Just to quote, they can get online-ordered packages shipped from one end of their huge country to the other, generally in less than a day.

Yes - a day.

Within town, they get it in less than an hour.

Efficiency in almost all business operations reigns supreme.

More efficient than Korea and Japan in most cases. And with the added advantage of having lower cost.

Ordering stuff through Amazon in my neck of the woods still takes more than a few days via Prime.

Although Amazon still stocks these things in more than a couple dozen regional warehouses all over LA.
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Chinese folks in general are far smarter, more educated, disciplined and civilized. Which helps in their business operations and generally in how their large country is run.

You'd know if you visited their country.

However - China is not a great place for undisciplined scumbags.

Chinese leaders can be a part of a party, however it is a meritocracy, unlike the West. Educated people running things makes a huge difference. Educated people who are ACCOUNTABLE, even those at the highest level, who have innocent affairs.

Just to quote, they can get online-ordered packages shipped from one end of their huge country to the other, generally in less than a day.

Yes - a day.

Within town, they get it in less than an hour.

Efficiency in almost all business operations reigns supreme.

More efficient than Korea and Japan in most cases. And with the added advantage of having lower cost.

Ordering stuff through Amazon in my neck of the woods still takes more than a few days via Prime.

Although Amazon still stocks these things in more than a couple dozen regional warehouses all over LA.

Not always that fast. It depends. Also, fast may not mean much for many.


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