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Samsung Series 9 15" Premium Ultrabook

I am going to say RIP to my DV-6 soon, would be looking out for this :D
Good choice, HP has overheating issues...... I recently got rid of my HP laptop and bought ASUS TF-700, 15 hours of battery back up is just sweet.

Now this looks sexi.. SSDs increase your performance simply by 2x. I didn't like Windows 8 its kind of "shemale" lie between Android and Windows 7 and on top of their usability.. simply sue-able!
congrats for the buy @WebMaster.
how did you find windows 8, viz a viz windows 7??
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Yaar to be honest I am scared about Windows 8 but software stuff I can manage and get it close to Windows 7 usability. I expect the Windows 8 to improve, and they certainly do.

The only issue with my HP was overheating, it's not friendly for let's say PDF usage. So I avoided HP this time for the same reason.
Samsung is cashing in on the reputation of its cell phone product line..... :)

u got 8 GB RAM & Hard Drive Capacity 128GB ?????
Well most of the hard drive is loaded so i only get about 58 GB free space. But it is SSD and i don't plan to store large files.
Returning this, the screen display was garbage.

Now back to "still looking"...
if display is important then go a newer model Macbook Pro with the Retina display
Returning this, the screen display was garbage.

Now back to "still looking"...

The retailer you bought it from is so nice that they will take it back...???? Nice...

BTW, if you want good display, the best in the market, nothing beats apple. Sure their OS is absolute shyte, and Apple lappies aren't really the best thing on the market, but display is top notch.
if display is important then go a newer model Macbook Pro with the Retina display

Mac will require initial investment on part of software (since webby is switching from windows). But I would recommend it. I switched to mac a couple of years ago and haven't looked back. Will need a week to get used to the mac interface. But its much much better and stable than the crappy windows 8 in the long run. And off course is much more good looking :)
if display is important then go a newer model Macbook Pro with the Retina display

lol @WebMaster Corolla/Suzuki ka soch raha aor aap osay ke rahay ho BMW ya Mercedes lelo...

My honest opinion would be to grab a year old Macbook Pro off Ebay (in Pakistan we've OLX) in this price range and it should do a great job for you for the next 5-years.
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Actually Lenovo is not bad.... I bought a new laptop a month ago, and so far its good....
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