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Salvage capabiliy: China did this 40+ years ago


Feb 21, 2012
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China admits secretly salvaging British submarine HMS Poseidon


HMS Poseidon
Credit:The Real Poseidon Adventure: China’s Secret Salvage of Britain’s Lost Submarine

Displacement: 1,475 long tons (1,499 t) surfaced
2,040 long tons (2,070 t) submerged
Length: 260 ft (79 m)
Beam: 28 ft (8.5 m)
Draught: 13 ft 8 in (4.17 m)

HMS Poseidon (P99) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A diagram of the collision between Yula and HMS Poseidon, probably sketched by a crew member of HMS Maidstone.
Credit: http://www.battleships-cruisers.co.uk/hms_poseidon.htm

By Julian Ryall in Tokyo 3:25PM GMT 13 Nov 2009

Beijing has only confirmed that it raised and scrapped the Poseidon in 1972 after its fate was reported by The Daily Telegraph shortly after the anniversary of the sinking on June 9.

Rest of the article here: Link







Puri Jeter "salvage
Indian bulk carrier "Puri Jeter" ship length 172.24 m, width 22.8 m, depth 14.7 meters, full load displacement of 33,339 tons. Ship repair in Qingdao in August 2004 during the evening of 5 suddenly flooded, Shen sit seabed. I Bureau sent a large salvage project boat "Zhifu Island" was on September 10 arrived salvage site, on the 11th officially began operations.

Salvaging sunken vessels from seabeds are difficult cases, salvage site command groups developed on the front of the boat difficult Batten plugging, pumping from the floating bow, stern and hard to increase the shelf two 500 tons of float helping salvage program. The ship hull during repairs due to open a large number of welds and openings, all welds and openings are required in a short time eleven divers patched, this huge workload, while the hard deck of the ship and cabin scaffolding clouds, to inconvenience divers underwater divers to overcome difficulties, overtime for the job, as of September 22, a total of more than 300 m seam sealing, plugging 30 square meters, manhole 24, basically completed the difficult boat Batten down the front of the work of plugging and find it difficult to floating boat lay a solid foundation.

September 22, pumping hard ship began preliminary work, bow first to floating; September 24, two 500 t salvage pontoon in place; 29, "Puri Jeter" round up float once successful, from the float total displacement of 30,000 tons.

Puri Jeter is the same area within the overall one-year successful second ship large salvage wreck salvage northern China is also successful in the history of the past 30 years the biggest shipwreck salvage, the salvage project hit a bureau in the shortest time record of successful salvage large wrecks, which marks the bureau in the same industry have a high level of technology.

net translation
50,000 tons semi-submersible ship construction project contract signing ceremony was held in Guangzhou


50000吨半潜打捞工程船总长228.12米,宽43米, 深13.5米,载重吨为52500吨,是一艘采用电力驱动的自航半潜打捞工程船。

September 11, 2013, the Bureau 50,000 tons semi-submersible salvage ship construction project contract signing ceremony in Guangzhou Huangpu Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. held. Rescue and Salvage of Ministry of Transport, Deputy Secretary Yang Xiaoren attended the ceremony and delivered a speech.

50,000 tons semi-submersible vessel salvage project length 228.12 m, width 43 ​​m, depth of 13.5 m, deadweight of 52,500 tons, is a use of power-driven self-propelled semi-submersible vessel salvage project.

According to reports, the ship has broad application prospects in Unrestricted navigation and operation, mainly for large-scale emergency rescue and salvage ship, damaged the ship's loading and disposal, 80,000-ton transport ship overall salvaged. Both offshore oil and gas exploration, mining equipment required for large sea, large ships loading and transportation.

Implementation of the project will enhance China's large tonnage, great depth salvage capabilities, enhance our ability to fulfill international conventions, to enhance China's status in the international maritime community and influence.

net translation

Asia's largest salvage ship "Hua Tian Long"


我国自行设计和建造的亚洲最大打捞起重船—— 4000吨全回转打捞起重工程船。


“华天龙”号 由上海振华港口机械(集团)股份有限公司制造。












Brief introduction

Our own design and construction of Asia's largest salvage crane - 4,000 tons full swing salvage crane engineering ship .

Hua Tian Long was the birth of China's equipment manufacturing power for China's development of offshore oil and gas and maritime salvage salvage business to provide an indispensable escort heavy equipment .

Hua Tian Long was by the Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery ( Group ) Co., Ltd. manufacture .

4000T whole slew twelve major feature floating crane

4000T whole slew twelve major feature floating crane

1. the crane arm with a welded high-strength steel WNQ690 truss structure, a tensile strength of 690Mpa, the yield strength of 590Mpa. The high-strength steel from Wuhan steel production.

2. the use of double cylinder rotatably supporting bearing, lower bearing and hull welding. Above plus rotating wheel, roller, double cylinder diameter of about 28m. Slewing crane is multi-row roller type, with four tracks, the whole total of 552 500mm diameter wheel, rubber block with pressure equalizing and precision machining to make it.

3. the main body of the winch is fully enclosed gear box, without open gears. Fence-style multi-layer winding reel using up to nine layers layers. Fully enclosed gearbox lubrication advantages of good, clean, greatly improving the life of gear. Fence-style rope reel has the advantage of neatly arranged. Main hook mechanism adopts four 850kw motor, auxiliary hook with 4 sets 850kw motor horn with 2 sets 850kw motor.

4. in the rear suspension load 4000t fixed, the front end has a jacking bracket, turn the wheel in order to reduce the pressure.

5. the rotary drive mechanism used by the AC inverter drive motor through planetary reduction gearbox and the pin for pin wheel drive mode. Using eight 400kw motor.

6. 4000t's main hook is four claw single hook, the main hook of the hanging and leptospirosis are split, and roller thrust bearings located in the lower part of leptospirosis. By Shanghai Heavy Machinery Plant forged.

7. deputy hook into the water 150m operations, its bearings made ​​of stainless steel, can prevent seawater corrosion.

8. features can be fixed primary and secondary hook hook fixtures to prevent hook shaking at sea operations.

9. has a living area for 300 people and a helicopter landing platform.

10. there are two sets of 1500Kw full rudder propellers, steering flexible.

11. anchor winch with a fully enclosed gear box drive without open gears, can accommodate Ф76mm rope 2200m.

12. the whole machine with variable frequency electric drive, there is a large enough reserve power for 10% overload operation.

net translation
Ship advances deep-sea salvage rescue work
Updated: 2012-08-07 03:25 By Tan Zongyang ( China Daily)


China's largest submersible-support vessel was delivered and put into service on Monday in Qingdao, Shandong province, marking a breakthrough in the development of the country's deep-water salvage force, officials said.


Shenqianhao, China's first ship that carries a saturation diving system allowing divers to work at depths of up to 300 meters, is put into operation in Qingdao, Shandong province, on Monday. Yu Fangping / for China Daily

The Shenqianhao is the nation's most advanced submersible-support vessel, capable of completing submarine rescue and lifting missions as well as other underwater projects, according to a statement from the rescue and salvage bureau under the Ministry of Transport.

The ship was built by Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry and will be managed by Shanghai Salvage Co, which is affiliated with the bureau.

The vessel is equipped with a deep-water saturation diving system, which allows 12 divers to work in turns at a depth of 300 meters — 100 meters deeper than in the past, said Shen Hao, director of Shanghai Salvage Co.

The system has living capsules, adapter modules and other life support facilities, the statement said. It allows divers to live in an enclosed pressurized environment before they enter the water.

A diving bell then takes three divers at a time into deep waters to carry out underwater operations, and returns them to the living capsule to change shifts.

The divers can be decompressed to surface pressure only once — at the end of their tour of duty. The process, known as saturation diving, enables divers to work uninterrupted in deep waters for long periods without the risk of decompression sickness.

Saturation diving technology is widely used in underwater operations performed in waters more than 120 meters deep or that require divers to stay in the sea for more than one hour.

The technology is different from that of the Jiaolong, the Chinese manned deep-sea research submersible that can dive to a depth of more than 7,000 meters.

"Divers can work for 28 days straight with the support of the system," Shen said. He said innovations have been made to tackle the technical problems of saturation diving at great depths.

The 13,000-ton ship is 125 meters long — about the length of 28 sedans if placed end to end.

The ship is equipped with a helicopter landing platform and a crane with a lifting capacity of 140 tons, capable of pulling sunken ships and cargo from the sea.

The large submersible carrier fills the vacancy of such ships in the country. It will greatly enhance China's ability to clean up large oil spills, respond to maritime accidents and conduct deep-water, large-tonnage salvage, said Xu Zuyuan, vice-minister of transport.

At Monday's delivery ceremony, Xu also said developed countries have long possessed saturation diving technology, while China's new breakthrough in the field will be further applied to maritime rescue, salvage and ocean resource exploration.

Eight countries have used this technology to allow divers to work 400 meters below sea level, China Central Television reported on Monday.

The ministry's next goal is to develop saturation diving technology that will make it possible for divers to work 500 meters below the sea, the statement said.


Shenqianhao, China's first ship that carries a saturation diving system allowing divers to work at depths of up to 300 meters, is put into operation in Qingdao, Shandong province, on Monday. Yu Fangping / for China Daily

Contact the writer at tanzongyang@chinadaily.com.cn

Xie Chuanjiao in Qingdao
More pix of China's salvage ships



Juli Hao


Huahai Hao


Huazhen Hao


Huafa Hao


Some other vessels:



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