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Salahuddin Ayyubi

Salahuddin ayubi is one of the greatest commanders who never agreed on peace treaties :guns:

Erm no? He honoured peace treaties unlike the Crusaders. Refer to the crusader Reynald De Chatillon. He broke the peace treaty by attacking muslim caravans and mudering and looting everyone and everything. (God wills it, lol).
Anyways Salahdin promised that he would kill Reynald himself as he did after Hattin. Also he promised to recapture Jerusalem, which he did as well. So the man kept his promises as well.
Having discussed the achievements of Salahdin one noteworthy failure was his failure to capture Tyre after Jerusalem. This resulted in the Crusaders getting a lifeline, and subsequently when reinforcements arrived from Europe (King Richard) he was defeated at the Battle of Arsuf. Though Jerusalem never fell again, but crusader presence remained in the region.


Grave of Salahdin in Damascus
Shiites have problem with everyone..back in the day when British colonials ruled Iraq, the british heavily invested in matams of ashura and kept video reels of it. When the king of Iraq traveled to UK in 1950 to request an end of Iraqi occupation, the British offered to show him a document on Iraq. He was shown the documentry and sucessfully convienced that Iraq has savages running wild which required continued hold of British crown to maintain regional stablity and introduce civilization in Iraq.
The king returned silently to Iraq.

The founder of Pakistan was also a Shiite.
Erm no? He honoured peace treaties unlike the Crusaders. Refer to the crusader Reynald De Chatillon. He broke the peace treaty by attacking muslim caravans and mudering and looting everyone and everything. (God wills it, lol).
Anyways Salahdin promised that he would kill Reynald himself as he did after Hattin. Also he promised to recapture Jerusalem, which he did as well. So the man kept his promises as well.

This goes to show how easily history can get tainted with lies of the enemies... To get a good record of history, the historian has to be a person of very good sense of balance and justice...
I havent read much about him, Kingdom of Heaven did show a good potrayal of him. From what I have heard about him, he was brilliant tactian, humane person for his time, a great warrior.

Heaven of Kingdom showed him as a very respected, honourable and professional man.

Kingdom of Heaven movie is not historically accurate.

However, the character of Salahuddin was well done.
Salahuddin Ayyubi was a Kurd who rose for his people mainly out of his Islamic sentiments.
The arab despots ruling at that tried to calm the people saying the europeans were far to powerful to fight with. And they were coming in peace just to raise the cross on Jerusalem. So they must be given the way peacefully as they are strong and we are weak. Ayyubi proved them wrong.

The role of Arab corrupt monarchy working against muslims is evident accross the history.
Salahuddin Ayyubi was a Kurd who rose for his people mainly out of his Islamic sentiments.
The arab despots ruling at that tried to calm the people saying the europeans were far to powerful to fight with. And they were coming in peace just to raise the cross on Jerusalem. So they must be given the way peacefully as they are strong and we are weak. Ayyubi proved them wrong.

The role of Arab corrupt monarchy working against muslims is evident accross the history.

You got reference of that somebozo?

I read that at least one of the Caliphs supported Salahuddin completely... This is why he even had the title of Sultan (although he was not the Caliph himself)
what about mahud zengki, nur ud din ....

Unfortunatly a name most people are not too familiar with. It all starts and ends with Salahudin but the seeds for Salahudins victory lay with the Turk Zengi and his master plan of uniting Syria and Egypt under one rule. If it hadnt been for Zengis constant raids on the Crusaders from Syria, Egypt would have fallen to the Crusaders after Palestine.

However firstly he managed to unify Syria under his strong rule thus preventing the crusaders from expanding eastwards. Then he sent Shirkuh (Salahduins uncle) to Egypt to depose the weak Fatimid ruler who had even gone as far as allying himself with the Christians to save his own rule. Subsequently his own son joined the ranks of Zengi and aided Shirkuh in his invasion against his own father.

After Shirkuhs death, his nephew Salahudin succeeded him in Cairo and with the death of Nurudin Zengi, Salahudin united both Damascus and Cairo under his rule. Salahdin now had the Crusaders pressed from both sides, West and East. The rest we all know.
Zengi is also greatly blessed in having seen the Prophet (P.B.U.H) in a dream. The famous story deals with two kafirs trying to dig into the prophets grave. Heres the story:

It was a peaceful night in Damascus in the year 1162 A.D. He had just gone to bed after completing his mid-night prayers. As he descended into deep snooze, a noble saint with face shining came to him and pointing towards two men with blue eyes, said, “Protect me from these two”. He just could not absorb it anymore and woke up trembling in distress. He performed ablution and offered prayers and again went to sleep. The same saint interrupted him again asking to protect against the evil of the two men. He woke up again and offered prayers and went to bed. The dream repeated for the third time and he just jumped out of this bed asserting, “It’s too much of slumber!!” He immediately called for his noble vizier Jamal Ad Din and shared his dream with him. The vizier advised him to keep the matter undisclosed and immediately head off to Madina. The man was Sultan Noor-ud-Din Ad Din Zangi, who ruled the Muslim lands bordering Crusader States in Palestine during tenth century. The noble saint who came in the dream was Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) himself.

The Sultan departed for Madina with a few men and loads of luggage on speedy camels. After sixteen days of journey the royal caravan entered Madina. The Sultan went straight to the Prophet’s Mosque and offered two raka’s of prayers. After while he gathered Medinaites and began distributing valuable gifts. Then began the royal feast for all the inhabitants under strict orders from the Sultan that no one was allowed to miss. Meanwhile the Sultan kept careful eye on all the attendees to recognize the faces of the two men whom Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) had pointed to. The feast passed on but all in vain.

The Sultan asked curiously if anyone was left out from the feast, the crowd denied. It was after repeated insistence by the Sultan that he came to know about the two westerners staying near the mausoleum of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). They had a public reputation of being celibates purely devoted to prayers all the time. They were brought before Sultan who took no time recognizing them; they were the same blue-eyed men shown in his dream. The Sultan inquired about their identities and motives. They cunningly produces the story that they were pilgrims from the West, had come to attend annual Hajj but the strong desire to stay nearer to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) held them in Medina. The Sultan went into their room where all he could find were some scattered books. This situation left the Sultan in serious puzzle amid frequent requests of pardon by the Madinaites defending the two men being very pious who would regularly visit Jannat al Baqee Graveyard and would generously spend in charity during drought years.

The embarrassing situation remained until an idea struck Sultan’s mind and he quickly removed the prayer mat where there was a rock. He removed the rock and in his extreme shock and anger found a tunnel dug deep leading to Prophet Muhammad’s (Peace Be Upon Him) grave. The Sultan immediately arrested the two men and forced them to disclose the reality. The two men revealed that they were Christian spies dispatched and funded for a special mission by Christian Kings to enter prophet’s grave and take his body away. The Sultan infuriated by the plot, had those evil spies executed. Moreover under his orders, a channel dug around the Prophet’s grave and filled with molten copper to protect his grave from any further mischievous attempts forever.

General Knowledge: August 2010
Sultan ayubi was a really great person and a person who made a history for Muslims. great person

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