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Saffron terror: Why then has Shinde not banned the BJP?

It's a bogus claim by Shinde & other congress leaders.

Hindu terror? No such group in Govt’s list of 34 banned

Contrary to Union Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde’s outlandish claim on Hindu terror, not a single outfit related to the majority community was banned under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, 1967.

Home Ministry’s data showed that 13 Islamic outfits figure in total of 34 such entities banned under UAPA. This list of proscribed groups is placed on the Union Home Ministry’s official website.

Incidentally, the NIA chargesheets against the right wing terror accused in various cases are exclusively based on confessional statements that have subsequently been questioned in courts.

The banned Islamist groups include Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT)/Pasban-e-Ahle-Hadis, Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM)/Tahrik-e-Furkan, Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), Indian Mujahideen (IM along with all its formations) and Hijbul Mujahideen/Hizbul Mujahideen Pir Panjal Regiment among others. Other banned Jehadi groups are Al Umar Mujahideen, Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Front, Deendar Anjuman, Al Badr, Jamiat-ul-Mujahideen, Al Qaida and Dukhtaran-e-Millat.

Four banned outfits, including Babbar Khalsa International, Khalistan Commando Force, Khalistan Zindabad Force and International Sikh Youth Federation, are related to Khalistan movement.

Three Maoist outfits banned under the Act include Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), Maoist Communist Centre and Communist Party of India (Maoist).

Likewise, three Tamil groups — Tamil Nadu Liberation Army, Tamil National Retrieval Troops and Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam — find a mention in the list of banned organisations.

Ten other outfits pertain to Northeast insurgency — United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA), National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB), People’s Liberation Army (PLA), United National Liberation Front (UNLF), People’s Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (PREPAK), Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP), Kanglei Yaol Kanba Lup (KYKL), Manipur People’s Liberation Front (MPLF), All Tripura Tiger Force (ATTF) and National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT). Akhil Bharat Nepali Ekta Samaj (ABNES) also finds a mention in the list.

Besides these, the Union Home Ministry has also banned organisations listed in the Schedule to the UN Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism (Implementation of Security Council Resolutions) Order, 2007 made under Section 2 of the United Nations (Security Council) Act, 1947 and as amended from time to time.
Hindu terror? No such group in Govt

Looks like Shinde's statement is backfiring badly..

Congress distances itself from Shinde remark on 'Hindu terrorism'

Actually we Hindus are only asking for BAN on RSS, BJP & Mr. Modi...........Pls ban them & see the CONSEQUENCES :D

stop speaking for all hindus

''we hindus'' means Internet hindu/RSS cyber wing? and what consequences? Will they open more camps hmm?

So you are demanding Shinde's removal for not banning BJP and not taking action - his foremost duty as home minister of india?

We are.
..same reason why Shiv Sena, MNS, MDMK etc are not banned...let nation see their real face and vote them out from every state..
Shinde speaks the truth. BJP and its racist policies and promotion / encouragement of Hindutva agenda will bring the demise of India.
Thats true. This is nothing but divide and rule. This is an attempt to make sure minorities do not vote based on real issues but based on fear.

The real issue in this case for indian muslims should be why has shinde not banned and arrested BJP??? But I guess thats too inconvenient to answer. Similar to answeing - how many terrorist attacks in india have happened targetting hindus and how many targetting muslims???

Actually we Hindus are only asking for BAN on RSS, BJP & Mr. Modi...........Pls ban them & see the CONSEQUENCES :D

This is what Im talking about-

Such irresponsible statements create a sense of alienation,victimhood and even provides enough ammunition to Islamist terrorist groups to acquire cannon fodder using the time tested formula "islam khatre main".

I'm not posting the iimages as such, just the url.


stop speaking for all hindus

''we hindus'' means Internet hindu/RSS cyber wing? and what consequences? Will they open more camps hmm?

We Hindus meaning we Hindus. What is the need for epithets ? Do you agree with my categorization of you as a jehadi/internet muslim/madarsah mad fellow etc ?

..same reason why Shiv Sena, MNS, MDMK etc are not banned...let nation see their real face and vote them out from every state..

Same reason why MIM, IUML, SP etc are also not banned. Bet your victim hood ridden mind did not see that. Stop thinking as if the whole of India is somehow out to get you innocents. This victim hood complex is good for no one, not for you, not for us and not for the nation.
The GAME for 2014

(1) the Congress is in the problem as they have forecast that the people are against them as they failed to controlling price rise, inflation, highest corruption, Rape cases (security of people) and taking any steps against killing innocent soldiers of India.
(2) Congress has given chance to the Sarad Pawar to rise the price by giving permission to "satta Bazar" as such bargaining rise the prices of the food grains and basic needs
(3) Congress party understand that the people are against the congress and hence they play the "Immotional Game" with the people by meeting of Jaipur and then announce the Rahul Gandhi as a second leader, this all Nautanki is made, moreover the family drama played at the Jaipur by Crying etc. are the something extraordinary. the Gandhi family took the name of the Indira and Rajiv for getting the simpathy from people, media who may be bribed for the news have given such news in favour of congress and rahul.

(4) the intension of the dialogs are to make Muslims awair that they are nothing without the congress and if BJP elected they will be victimise of the so called 'saffron terrorism" congress wants its own right to rule the India by hook or crook.

(5) the Rajiv Gandhi was victimise of atttack due to his own worse policy. when the peace keeping force sent to the srilanka the soldiers were welcomed by the Tamils but even the peace talk going on the srilankan army kills two tamils on which the tiger took the steps and kill the some srilankan soldiers. Rajiv need not to take part any way in it, though he order indian military to kill Tamils and he paid the price for that. and Rahul wants to get gain for that cry.

(6) same for the Indira Gandhi, she ordered to attack on suvana mandir "Golden temple"

the casulaties where The Army placed total casualties at:[10]

* Military: 83 (4 officers, 16 Junior Commissioned Officers and 63 other ranks) and 220 wounded.
* Civilians: 492 dead
* Militants: 433 out of the 1592 people apprehended were segregated as militants

Some of the estimates include (wiki)

many innocent civilians were killed, one question which was asked was If this type act done by the muslim terrorist at Jama Masjid did Indira order to attack on masjid at same way? on the such the bodyguard who was first in support to Indira turned against him took the help of other body guard and kill her. after that he surrrendered to the personels but they brutally killed them even they surrender, one of which survived and later he was hanged for the offence.

One thing is clear to us as Indians NO more congress, no more chance no more mistakes. we have great simpathy for Rahul for the Rajiv and Indiraji but now please bare us. be off from the Satta and play role as oppossition only.
We Hindus meaning we Hindus. What is the need for epithets ? Do you agree with my categorization of you as a jehadi/internet muslim/madarsah mad fellow etc ?

RSS Cyber wing members do that frequently. Never asked for my approval.
And yes you can put up your view but you can't speak for all hindus. Simple. because the extremists are just a small minority.

Same reason why MIM, IUML, SP etc are also not banned. Bet your victim hood ridden mind did not see that. Stop thinking as if the whole of India is somehow out to get you innocents. This victim hood complex is good for no one, not for you, not for us and not for the nation.
1. Yes any party indulging in any sort of terrorist activity should be banned.
2. It's time for the RSS cyber wing to play victim :D. And please don't read between words. Where you smelling the victim hood? Don't tell me what's good for me. And what's good for nation, I hope you agree that terror camps and terrorists are not good for the nation.

Bottom line:
All the RSS cyber wing guys.. you are just a minority...Don't speak for hindus. hindus are not terrorists/terrorist defenders.
RSS Cyber wing members do that frequently. Never asked for my approval.
And yes you can put up your view but you can't speak for all hindus. Simple. because the extremists are just a small minority.

Oh yes I can speak...that makes better sense than you dividing a community into extremists and moderates depending whether they kow-tow to your demands ';)

Bottom line:
All the RSS cyber wing guys.. you are just a minority...Don't speak for hindus. hindus are not terrorists/terrorist defenders.

Hope they get reservation in colleges too. Under 'minority' quota.

And Im actually laughing at your juvenile attempt in patronizing the Hindus by somehow addressing the RSS. lol
Oh yes I can speak...that makes better sense than you dividing a community into extremists and moderates depending whether they kow-tow to your demands ';)

Hope they get reservation in colleges too. Under 'minority' quota.

And Im actually laughing at your juvenile attempt in patronizing the Hindus by somehow addressing the RSS. lol

Yes. reservation in Jail If spreading hate. lol

You are trying to defend RSS by linking it to all hindus. RSS doesn't represent hindus. I wonder what they teach in US Shakha. ;)
Yes. reservation in Jail If spreading hate. lol

You are trying to defend RSS by linking it to all hindus. RSS doesn't represent hindus. I wonder what they teach in US Shakha. ;)

Correct , Same way peaceful muslims(non practitioners) don't represent all muslims as they are in minority .

On the side note , does RSS say it represent all hindus ? or even hinduism ? sikhism ? jainism ? buddhism? i think you know that hindutva is not equal to the term hindu?
Yes. reservation in Jail If spreading hate. lol

You are trying to defend RSS by linking it to all hindus. RSS doesn't represent hindus. I wonder what they teach in US Shakha. ;)

I dont know who u r and what u knw,

but dont tlk off ur bum.
You are trying to defend RSS by linking it to all hindus. RSS doesn't represent hindus. I wonder what they teach in US Shakha.

I as a Hindu have more say in that than you . You just worry about the Owaisis and Imam Bukharis and hope they dont lead you to your doom, if they have not already ;)

People can rant all day against RSS..but as they say kutte baunke hazaar, haathi chale bazaar..the haathi (RSS) will move on no matter how many kutte bark at them. ;)
Now in addition to scoring a self goal w.r.t Pakistan and making Shri hafiz Sayed ji mock at us, this comment of Shinde may also cause another round of victim hood complex among a section of the Indian muslims through arguments like "look SIMI is banned just because it is Muslim..but BJP/RSS are not banned because they are Hindus...double standards..we muslims are persecuted boo hoo", as if the existing thing is not enough..

Ha ha...Try even harder dude...Open your eyes...listen to your heart..

What r u guys saying? Did he say anything wrong?

Who were behind nanded,mecca masjid, samajotha blasts?

Yes. reservation in Jail If spreading hate. lol

You are trying to defend RSS by linking it to all hindus. RSS doesn't represent hindus. I wonder what they teach in US Shakha. ;)

No...They host pak flag in Tahasildar office in karnataka....Owaisi lost to them actually...

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