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Russian envoy: US invasion of Afghanistan was aimed at spying on Pakistan, China, Russia

Google in last month there were two guys caught with uranium bar finding a customer to sold them ...

I am not a kid and know the difference between propaganda and reality ... reality is usa has kept his eyes closed and infact provided capability in getting nuclear weapons ... you have such a loose controls that some tom dick and harry is finding customers for selling uranium bars ...

So why the western world did not condemned loose control of india and infact going to every level to gift NSG membership to india ? Sir admit it ... it is not about morral code but it is about interest ... currently it is in usa interest to project india power so that china get engaged with india and trying to use india as his proxy against china ... so everything is fine with india ...

Who has the worst history with nukes ? Isnt it usa bombing two cities ? Isn't it russia and japan with leaking nuclear reactors ??? But no it is Pakistan as they were helping muslim countries in getting the nuclear tech ... so can you answere me if usa russia india and even israel could have nukes then why cant muslims have it ? And if they are so dangerous to humanity then why dont ao called world policeman usa and the claimant of world peace keeper permanent members of un security council dismantelled their own nukes ... as nukes of pakistan are puny in comparison to them ...

In this very thread one of the indian member was saying that pakistanis should be thanked to ussa that they did not point nuclear weapons after 9/11 ... and an american member was clapping for his statement ... my question is WTF Pakistan has to do with 9/11 even if it was done by OBL which is still not proved in any court of law then it was nothing to do with Pakistan ... still we were said to be put o stone age ... so isnt it in the definition of terrorism ... we were forced to get into another fight ???

So brother atleast be honest to yourself ... the whole drama and propaganda is not about humanity and threat to the world but to keep the dominance in the world ...

People forget no matter how much lies they tell to the world ... the size of their grave will be same ....

Conclusion: everyone hands are dirty so stop tbis propaganda war of lies ....

Of Course noone is perfect .But it is the way of administration ,policies and reactions that creates our own case record .NSG was solely created for isolating and sanctioning India .Except the stealing of some radioactive soil from near of a Canadian sponsored reactor ,we didnt have any help from anywhere .Not even from USSR .

But we knew the key to the responsibility is coming from responsible actions and self reliance.Within 34 years of isolation we developed our own technology .Neither we asked any help nor we support anyone .Some rogue nations tried a lots of tricks for our help but we didnt budge .At that time you were the blue eyed boy of so called west .

But our efforts began to paid off after 3 decades.
But Iran publicly acknowledged your help and one of your scientist became exposed .World needs evidences and you gave them reasons .
Then again administrative record of Pakistan was also problematic .

West came for us because we have credible ,vibrant institutions .And we are a established democracy .
Not against China .Becuase Chinese are also the partners of India and West
Just some imaginations and over estimations my friend .
War mongering is quite easy but real time war needs long preparations .First movements would be the choking of possible escape route and support .

But that is out of topic .

When it comes to the Pakistan ,US dont have any limitations .

So Indians are spokesperson for USA now too.

Yes we know of your long term war preps - to cut off GB is one aim but that's not going to work. Try all you want. GB war and then the final war with India are inevitable but you still will not succeed even with the help of West.

Soviets couldn't break us up, you think USA can!? We are not Iraq or Libya or Syria. No force on this earth can undo Pakistan.

And before you bring 1971 as usual, Bangladesh doesn't count, and good riddance anyways - too far and not practical to retain anyways, no country can retain two unattached lands with a huge enemy land inbetween. It won't be long before you get thrown out of Afghanistan yet again, just like you were after Soviets humiliating exit.
So Indians are spokesperson for USA now too.

Yes we know of your long term war preps - to cut off GB is one aim but that's not going to work. Try all you want. GB war and then the final war with India are inevitable but you still will not succeed even with the help of West.

Soviets couldn't break us up, you think USA can!? We are not Iraq or Libya or Syria. No force on this earth can undo Pakistan.

And before you bring 1971 as usual, Bangladesh doesn't count, and good riddance anyways - too far and not practical to retain anyways, no country can retain two unattached lands with a huge enemy land inbetween. It won't be long before you get thrown out of Afghanistan yet again, just like you were after Soviets humiliating exit.

Nice rantings and not a reasonable post
Nice rantings and not a reasonable post

Yeah, as if I give a damn about a Hallucinating Hindu's judgement. You are nobody to me or to us! Better go clean up that shithole of a country of yours and clear the rivers of rotting Hindu bodies being eaten by dogs. You may end up being one of them.
Yeah, as if I give a damn about a Hallucinating Hindu's judgement. You are nobody to me or to us! Better go clean up that shithole of a country of yours and clear the rivers of rotting Hindu bodies being eaten by dogs. You may end up being one of them.

Quite valuable post to ignore
Of Course noone is perfect .But it is the way of administration ,policies and reactions that creates our own case record .NSG was solely created for isolating and sanctioning India .Except the stealing of some radioactive soil from near of a Canadian sponsored reactor ,we didnt have any help from anywhere .Not even from USSR .

But we knew the key to the responsibility is coming from responsible actions and self reliance.Within 34 years of isolation we developed our own technology .Neither we asked any help nor we support anyone .Some rogue nations tried a lots of tricks for our help but we didnt budge .At that time you were the blue eyed boy of so called west .

But our efforts began to paid off after 3 decades.
But Iran publicly acknowledged your help and one of your scientist became exposed .World needs evidences and you gave them reasons .
Then again administrative record of Pakistan was also problematic .

West came for us because we have credible ,vibrant institutions .And we are a established democracy .
Not against China .Becuase Chinese are also the partners of India and West

And you really believe that west is with India as its a democracy ??? You must be kidding ...

Ok for the sake of argument I accept Pakistan is an irresponsible nuclear state... then answere following questions of mine:

1) How is India a responsible state when even some tom dick and harry can sale Uranium rods? and why west did not respond to such lousy management of nuclear material of India ???
2) While all the western countries, russia, china, india even Israel has nuclear weapons then why can't muslim countries can't have nuclear weapons. Who the hell USA is to decide that a weapon they have others can't have... How would you define it fair ... Kindly don't tell me USA is responsible state as the only country in the world which is at war since its creation , only country to use nukes, they destroyed iraq in the name of non-existent nuclear weapons, they destroyed Afghanistan for alleged mistake of one individual or one organization, they are providing weapons against legitimate gov of Syria and calling them moderate terrorist ... they have alliance most autocratic kingship of current world i.e. KSA ... Still USA is most responsible state ???

Kindly be fair and honest and give your opinion as a human not as an indian as you are senior member here ...
Yeah, as if I give a damn about a Hallucinating Hindu's judgement. You are nobody to me or to us! Better go clean up that shithole of a country of yours and clear the rivers of rotting Hindu bodies being eaten by dogs. You may end up being one of them.
He has no response and that is what indians do is that they start becoming derogatory and start making personal attacks and so on!
And you really believe that west is with India as its a democracy ??? You must be kidding ...

Ok for the sake of argument I accept Pakistan is an irresponsible nuclear state... then answere following questions of mine:

1) How is India a responsible state when even some tom dick and harry can sale Uranium rods? and why west did not respond to such lousy management of nuclear material of India ???
2) While all the western countries, russia, china, india even Israel has nuclear weapons then why can't muslim countries can't have nuclear weapons. Who the hell USA is to decide that a weapon they have others can't have... How would you define it fair ... Kindly don't tell me USA is responsible state as the only country in the world which is at war since its creation , only country to use nukes, they destroyed iraq in the name of non-existent nuclear weapons, they destroyed Afghanistan for alleged mistake of one individual or one organization, they are providing weapons against legitimate gov of Syria and calling them moderate terrorist ... they have alliance most autocratic kingship of current world i.e. KSA ... Still USA is most responsible state ???

Kindly be fair and honest and give your opinion as a human not as an indian as you are senior member here ...

Muslim is not the issue here .India has one of the world largest Muslim population and key positions are sometimes at the hand of the Muslims.Had it been a unique one like us they wouldnt have any doubt .Your military rulers couped your civilian govts several times And on top of that you have one scientist that forced West to point figures against you.

Any way all these are offtopic .
Muslim is not the issue here .India has one of the world largest Muslim population and key positions are sometimes at the hand of the Muslims.Had it been a unique one like us they wouldnt have any doubt .Your military rulers couped your civilian govts several times And on top of that you have one scientist that forced West to point figures against you.

Any way all these are offtopic .

Ok lets close it here with one final comment on this off topic ... If democracy is the issue then ksa is biggest monarchy ...

Anyways thanks for positive discussion ...
Anyone with half brain would know what was the real intention behind invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. The subsequent unleashing wave after wave of terrorism hitting Pakistan from Afghan soil is ample proof of the game plan. There is no power on earth which can challenge Pakistan militarily, so unconventional ways, the fourth generation warfare was employed, to hit Pakistan from within. Creating law and order situation in Pakistan by employing terrorism as tool, economic collapse, institutional collapse, through various western puppet/economic hit mens, media manipulation to degrade and demoralise the local population. In Nutshell, every trick in the book was employed against Pakistan. BUT, due to the builtin resilience of the state, all these tricks are being turned on their head, America and it's "minions" are on retreat, they have lost this war of iteritation and stamina.

Long live Pakistan, it's ways, its ideology.
Anyone with half brain would know what was the real intention behind invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. The subsequent unleashing wave after wave of terrorism hitting Pakistan from Afghan soil is ample proof of the game plan. There is no power on earth which can challenge Pakistan militarily, so unconventional ways, the fourth generation warfare was employed, to hit Pakistan from within. Creating law and order situation in Pakistan by employing terrorism as tool, economic collapse, institutional collapse, through various western puppet/economic hit mens, media manipulation to degrade and demoralise the local population. In Nutshell, every trick in the book was employed against Pakistan. BUT, due to the builtin resilience of the state, all these tricks are being turned on their head, America and it's "minions" are on retreat, they have lost this war of iteritation and stamina.

Long live Pakistan, it's ways, its ideology.

Brother we have some of battles but war is still not won ... Our institutions are in a mess ... We need to strengthen our institutions and remove corruption as well ... Have to re establish our society based on true islamic principles of justice and equality and free of any secetarian divide (means will be free to practice their sect but without dividing themselves )
Brother we have some of battles but war is still not won ... Our institutions are in a mess ... We need to strengthen our institutions and remove corruption as well ... Have to re establish our society based on true islamic principles of justice and equality and free of any secetarian divide (means will be free to practice their sect but without dividing themselves )

after 9/11 we were on back foot. We had to ride the storm which we have already. We have to live to fight another day. Now we are on upward trend and our enemy nations are in downward spiral. Era of Pax Americana is over, due to us and our stubbornness to stand tall against the heavy odds. Things are moving in right direction.
after 9/11 we were on back foot. We had to ride the storm which we have already. We have to live to fight another day. Now we are on upward trend and our enemy nations are in downward spiral. Era of Pax Americana is over, due to us and our stubbornness to stand tall against the heavy odds. Things are moving in right direction.
I agree 99% with you ... 1% difference is on future ... more difficult time is yet to come ... at the chess board attack is now from the other side ... we have eliminated most of the threats within but fire is still not completely cooled down ... we have to work hard to built harmony within us ...

However the main problem is now india ... havent you noticed west complete unconditional support to india's ultra conservative right wing religious gov. ... they have ignored modi past track record of mass murder .. whats happening in kashmir ... west has completely ignored ... both west and israel are putting all the efforts to give best military tech to india ... so they failed to destroy us from inside but now they are empowering india to take us down .. we have to be very careful ... this is first time i have seen a plane is sold with the expressive main task of delivering nuclear weapons by west to any nayion ...

Bottomline is we have won few battles but most furious ones are yet to come ... we are battle hardened now ... and we will win again InshAllah... may Allah keep us on the right path ... and inshAllah we will reappear as the leader of muslim world ...
I agree 99% with you ... 1% difference is on future ... more difficult time is yet to come ... at the chess board attack is now from the other side ... we have eliminated most of the threats within but fire is still not completely cooled down ... we have to work hard to built harmony within us ...

However the main problem is now india ... havent you noticed west complete unconditional support to india's ultra conservative right wing religious gov. ... they have ignored modi past track record of mass murder .. whats happening in kashmir ... west has completely ignored ... both west and israel are putting all the efforts to give best military tech to india ... so they failed to destroy us from inside but now they are empowering india to take us down .. we have to be very careful ... this is first time i have seen a plane is sold with the expressive main task of delivering nuclear weapons by west to any nayion ...

Bottomline is we have won few battles but most furious ones are yet to come ... we are battle hardened now ... and we will win again InshAllah... may Allah keep us on the right path ... and inshAllah we will reappear as the leader of muslim world ...

If India want to be the sheep send to the alter of sacrifice by west in a hope to harm Pakistan then we cant do much about it. We just have to protect ourselves from the fourth generation warfare from every angle. Internal stability is of utmost important by that I mean law and order situation and removal of cancer which are our political ruling elite. At the same time, India should be destabilized in order for them to be busy with their own mess, we dont want them to have enough free time to think about creating problem for us.

As for the west, more they arm India, more they will compel Pakistan to build more devastating weapons which will bring them under our cross hair, not by design but by default, as it happened with the development of Shaheen 3.
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