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Russian Ambassador "Pakistan is Russia's Key Regional & International Partner"

Huh...according to Indian Russia supported India in heart of Asia Conference...(privately I think)
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Like i said earlier, Russia relationship with Pakistan is not at the expense of India is same as India relationship with USA is not at the expense of Russia. #Diplomatic Alert :D

Key point being "Russian Ambassador to Pakistan. "

This is what the russian ambassador to India said

Openly calling Pakistan the source of sponsored terrorism
They are selling weapons to us, they want to be in our good books

Key point being "Russian Ambassador to Pakistan. "

This is what the russian ambassador to India said

Openly calling Pakistan the source of sponsored terrorism

So are you trying to say that the words of Russian Ambassador to Pakistan have less strength than Russian Ambassador to India?

Now Russian Ambassador said that their foreign ministry has condemned Pakistan for its part on Uri attack. Below is the statement issued by the Russian Foreign Ministry

"We strongly condemn the terrorist attack on an Indian military base situated beside the town of Uri in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, which was carried out in the early hours of September 18. Seventeen servicemen were killed and 30 others were injured. We express deep condolences to the families and relatives of the people killed and wish a speedy recovery to the injured," the ministry's press service said in a statement.

Read more: https://sputniknews.com/asia/201609191045475883-russia-condemns-india-attack/

So the first part is your stock standard condemnation of the attack at Uri, no mention of Pakistan. The only mention of Pakistan is on Indian media.

Below is an article by Andrew Korybko (Read more: https://sputniknews.com/authors/andrew_korybko/), which basically gives insight to what Russia and China are thinking and he is predicting that India might leave BRICS. He did in that article accurately predict that India will bring up Pakistan in the BRICS summit in Goa but will get snubbed by both Russia and China.

In-case of Pakistan, it always holds a key geographical place but needed a promising economy. CPEC, Gawadar, security getting better etc really helped boosting our energy and confidence that Pakistan is moving forward despite all the malafides is enemy.

Your govt has successfully fooled Pakistanis to gain vote for next elections. Just 45 Billion dollar Project for next three decades? Is this a joke? PML (N) will boast about this in every election. This is the reality. But good for PML N, i am sure they bagged nice 2-3 Billions out of this project.
Your govt has successfully fooled Pakistanis to gain vote for next elections. Just 45 Billion dollar Project for next three decades? Is this a joke? PML (N) will boast about this in every election. This is the reality. But good for PML N, i am sure they bagged nice 2-3 Billions out of this project.

Russians may not have forget the soviet era afghan war and pakistans hand in supporting USA , which evantually break the USSR ( pakistan claim that they did it rather than USA).They are waiting for a chance . So one side China and other by Russia . Indians will have the opportunity to watch all these from LOC.
Russians may not have forget the soviet era afghan war and pakistans hand in supporting USA , which evantually break the USSR ( pakistan claim that they did it rather than USA)

Lmao ... I hope they also know how India sold ammo (inshapore ordinance factory) to CIA to be used against their best friends aka USSR? What sort of a pathetic nation does that?:lol:

And maybe the Russians did forget that.... They helped Pak set up MI helicopter overhauling facility,upgrading PSM.... Encouraging Paks bid for SCO.... Selling us choppers and gunships... Selling us jet engines .. Offering us the latest RD-93MA.... Bidding for PA assault rifle tender... Offering ya weapons (at IDEAS 2016).... Holding joint special forces and military drills .... Infact as we speak PNS Alamgir is making a port call in Russia... And more ex are planned in 2017... Something unheard in the past... And even snubbed India during the recent HOA conference ... But hey we ain't bragging or complaining ..

Welcome to the fuked up world geopolitics.. Nobody remains a best buddy or enemy... National interests trump all!
.They are waiting for a chance . So one side China and other by Russia . Indians will have the opportunity to watch all these from LOC.

lol ... Ironic how China is the best buddy if Russia and indias rival .. Meanwhile Paks maintaining ties with both nations...

But do tell us what are the Russians waiting for ? For you to grow old?

Key point being "Russian Ambassador to Pakistan. "

This is what the russian ambassador to India said

Openly calling Pakistan the source of sponsored terrorism
You can earn a lot when you take proper sides at the time of any source of money pours in. They are trying to satisfy everyone.These kind of verbal diarrhoea will continue in future. I hope India steps up it's game to make Russia more paranoid & lean towards west. Russian products & deals are filled up will loopholes & delays also their incompetency.. It is harming India more than anything.
Actually im geopolitical terms, this shows the difference in status between India and Pakistan among Russian government:

Pakistan managed to a get this statement from the mere Ambassador to their country.

Whereas India got a even better statement from none other than President Vladimir Putin during his annual official address:
Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly:

"Developing a special privileged strategic partnership with India is another major foreign policy priority for Russia. In October 2016, Goa hosted Russian-Indian top-level talks, confirming that our countries have great potential for strengthening cooperation in a number of areas".
Kremlin, December 1, 2016

Putin made zero mention of Pakistan in his speech.
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