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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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What people til now still don't understand is that

If Russia need this long and this much resource to conquer (Still conquering) Ukraine, how well would they perform when they are inevitably face with a Ukrainian insurgency that are almost certain to guarantee that is coming?

Notice that it took the US 4 months to invade and control the entire Iraq, I don't even think it is possible at this point to control the entire Ukraine. Which mean Western Ukraine is going to be like Fallujah and Tikrit, only with EU supplying and financing a insurgency from there. And we lost 136 men for the entire 4 months of campaign, Russia most likely lost 10 times that and it is still ongoing. And we have around 400,000 troop in the entire Iraq, Russia have what left of those 200,000

This is going to be an insurgent haven, and it get even worse, most of the Ukrainian can speak Russian and know their culture which means any insurgent activities is going to be worse because you can't tell which one is the good guy, which one is the insurgent, as they all speak Russian, they all look the same, and they all live with a similar culture. Which speak for my own COIN experience, make your task 10 times harder. (well, probably not 10 times, but still a lot)

And then we aren't fighting the insurgency while we are being sanction, we have steady supplies of food, ammunition and replacement. Russia is trying to fight an insurgency which is resource intensive and manpower intensive while under sanction..

Prospect is not good.
What people like you don't seem to understand is how Russia actually is waging this war. We have seen so many wars from USA that we are used to the American way of warfare, which is indiscriminate bombing and destruction of military and civilian infrastructure.

The fact that internet, mobile services, water, sewage, electricity etc haven't been targeted yet is proof of that. Usually in a war these are destroyed to disrupt communication, create panic and lower the morale. And if Russia wanted to they could easily have done this but so far they haven't. They are deliberately avoiding to destroy as much civilian infrastructure as possible. Now Russia might resort to that if it prolongs too much but so far they haven't. That's a further indication that the advancement they have made are within their planning or at least that they aren't desperate yet to do such kind of destruction.

Also we haven't seen the Russian airforce much in action. So far they have relied mostly on precision missile strikes. Only now we är seeing more use of the Russian airforce and heavy artillery. And we are on 5th day. Reportedly 150 k are mobilized for Ukraine campaign, out of which 50 000 Russian troops are in Ukraine right now while 100k are at the border still. So the territory under Russian control has been done in five days by roughly 50k troops. But now we are seeing more troops coming in now that big cities have been surrounded and under siege - probably preparing for urban warfare.

We also see that no advancement have been made to west Ukraine. Anybody that knows the geography and history of Ukraine knows that western part is the most anti russian. So what I believe Russia will do is simply ignore west Ukraine. They will focus on East, south and central. They will probably take the entire coast line and cut of Ukraine from the black sea. They will take the eastern and central part because that's where majority ethnic Russian and Russian speaking live. Also western Ukraine helped Hitler in fight against the USSR.

So if peace talk don't happen and they don't agree on something then I think western Ukraine will be left alone as a landlocked country.
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Well who knows where he is from.. probably an India dalat

An Indian Dalit you mean ? A lower caste Hindu oppressed for the last 3000 years. And you are spreading that oppression by using "Dalit" as a slur. I see some Pakistanis on PDF casually using such casteist words. Please desist.
After all this arming of Ukraine by Europe and America, it would be interesting to see how Russia would react to this. Attacking more European countries seems like a total madness to me. This isn't a passive support of EU and West anymore, this is total active support militarily.
Just for memory refresher....USA initiated 81 armed conflicts around the world from 1941 to 2022


A Turkish Airline aircraft flying over Ukraine.
EU Parliament President:
  • Russian officials will be banned from the EU Parliament building.
  • Europe must develop its own defensive partnership
  • Europe will not rely on Russian Gas
What people like you don't seem to understand is how Russia actually is waging this war. We have seen so many wars from USA that we are used to the American way of warfare, which is indiscriminate bombing and destruction of military and civilian infrastructure.

The fact that internet, mobile services, water, sewage, electricity etc haven't been targeted yet is proof of that. Usually in a war these are destroyed to disrupt communication, create panic and lower the morale. And if Russia wanted to they could easily have done this but so far they haven't. They are deliberately avoiding to destroy as much civilian infrastructure as possible. Now Russia might resort to that if it prolongs too much but so far they haven't. That's a further indication that the advancement they have made are within their planning or at least that they aren't desperate yet to do such kind of destruction.

Also we haven't seen the Russian airforce much in action. So far they have relied mostly on precision missile strikes. Only now we är seeing more use of the Russian airforce and heavy artillery. And we are on 5th day. Reportedly 150 k are mobilized for Ukraine campaign, out of which 50 000 Russian troops are in Ukraine right now while 100k are at the border still. So the territory under Russian control has been done in five days by roughly 50k troops. But now we are seeing more troops coming in now that big cities have been surrounded and under siege - probably preparing for urban warfare.

We also see that no advancement have been made to west Ukraine. Anybody that knows the geography and history of Ukraine knows that western part is the most anti russian. So what I believe Russia will do is simply ignore west Ukraine. They will focus on East, south and central. They will probably take the entire coast line and cut of Ukraine from the black sea. They will take the eastern and central part because that's where majority ethnic Russian and Russian speaking live. Also western Ukraine helped Hitler in fight against the USSR.

So if peace talk don't happen and they don't agree on something then I think western Ukraine will be left alone as a landlocked country.
If I were invading Iraq, and I run a single division and go light into Iraq and see "If Saddam will surrender" and then got cut to piece, I would be blasted as "strategic imcompetent"

So, what you people don't understand is. if you are expecting a war, you don't "go light and see" and if you are expecting to "go light" you don't attack by 3 fronts and using tanks and soldier try to take any city.

What you people (Those who had either no military experience, or advance war planning experience) failed to see is, war is about killing people, everyday your people get killed sap your morale, more importantly increase the other side. so for this particular incident. Either Russia underestimate a war or they miscalculated and think Ukraine will surrender, either way that is a Strategic Mistake that is going to alter what happened after the war.

As with any military operation. YOU MUST HAVE A CLEAR GOAL WHEN YOU LAUNCH AN OPERATION, failure to do that in itself is a mistake. You simply can't say "Oh, I try to leave stuff intact and see how the other side react" You are supposed to know what the other side will react BEFORE you invade.

How hard is it to understand that?
Looks like Kherson captured by Russians
That has been confirmed by Russian and international media. The aim is to trap around 100,000 Ukrainian Nazis in pincer like Zhukov did in 1943.

Russian Ministry of Defense spokesperson Igor Konashenkov announced that the city of Henichesk and Kherson International Airport had surrendered to Russian forces in the morning. Later, Russian forces encircled and captured a part of Kherson. They were eventually able to enter and capture Berdiansk.
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