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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The Fall | Russian Breakthrough North Of Avdiivka. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.11.11

Countries should learn from this war, its how modern grinding war looks like. There is a serious need to counter fpv artillery combo and kamikaze drones and it needs to be cheaper as well.

What surprised me was how Russia despite having enormous air power, missiles can not destroy the Ukrainian targets on the ground, how Ukrainian soldiers are still dug in and waiting for Russia. The western intelligence given to Ukraine is also mind blowing.
What surprised me was how Russia despite having enormous air power, missiles can not destroy the Ukrainian targets on the ground, how Ukrainian soldiers are still dug in and waiting for Russia. The western intelligence given to Ukraine is also mind blowing.
Think about it this way. Ukraine is only supplying the bodies. NATO weapons, training, tactics and intelligence are what the Russians are fighting against.
Think about it this way. Ukraine is only supplying the bodies. NATO weapons, training, tactics and intelligence are what the Russians are fighting against.

Russia should have by now established counter measures against Nato. The war looks a stalemate, it will continue to cost billions upon billions so it has become an economy war, EU/USA v Russia.
Whoever runs out of human resources first will lose. Ukraine has plenty of ammo, but Russia has more cannon fodders. We are watching an interesting war of attrition.
Russia should have by now established counter measures against Nato. The war looks a stalemate, it will continue to cost billions upon billions so it has become an economy war, EU/USA v Russia

Russia already obtained the russian speaking population of the East under its 'occupation'. Russia doesn't want to occupy the Western part because they are not russian speaking people so Russia already got what it wants and now they are just going to bunker down and draw it out until the ukrainians are sick of throwing kids at barb wire fences with landmines and ditches everywhere not to mention overhead artillery and kamikaze drones dropping on them constantly. I can't say this as the truth but i am sure some chinese artillery shells are going to NK and getting reproduced/changed into NK shells and passed onto russians. China is very good at taking their goods to a third country for export like Vietnam/Thailand/Burma etc then reselling them onwards due to sanctions e.g. american sanctions caused massive spike in trade between SEA and US but that trade was still mostly chinese operating/using SEA countries names/labels

The Russians Improved Their Positions Near Avdiivka. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.11.12

Good news for Ukraine
Germany doubles military aid to Ukraine next year to 8 billion euros.
The French disappoint the most. Macron talks too much but gives too little.

Ukrainian servicemen with a Leopard 2 tank on the front line near Tokmak in Zaporizhia region, Ukraine, on Sept. 15.

Ukrainian servicemen with a Leopard 2 tank on the front line near Tokmak in Zaporizhia region, Ukraine, on Sept. 15.Photographer: Vincenzo Circosta/Getty Images


The Russians Improved Their Positions Near Avdiivka. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.11.12

The situation in Krynky has two stages with first stage being holding the already established positions especially in residential areas by Russia around Krynky and overall south Kherson area. This stage is more urgent now.
Krynky expansion can be controlled by air-artillery bombardment but since Russian troops in Kherson has less battlefield experience and Ukranians send their well trained spec ops teams with fpv drone operators some other area like Krynky can potentially be captured by Ukranians. Troops actively fighting in Donetsk region cant be sent currently to Kherson so that leaves already experienced Pmc Wagner troops in Balerus, Libya, Syria to be shifted to Kherson as well as Chechen Akhmat battalion to fill the experience gap among Russian troops and hold Kherson residential areas from Ukranian future capture attempts.

While sending troops main roads are insecure because of western intel and precision strikes. Recently some supply trucks were destroyed by himars in Kherson region.Transport helicopters and random landing locations need to be used more often to transfer troops. Supply trucks using south Kherson roads need to change speed often every 30 seconds or so and sometimes make several second stop-starts (if random not pre-planned it is better because of intel ops) to confuse future target estimation position for gps located himars-glsdb strikes.

After Avdiivka is secured at second stage more troops-artillery can be assigned to take back Krynky and other Ukranian bridgehead areas and have more fire control over north Kherson.
What surprised me was how Russia despite having enormous air power, missiles can not destroy the Ukrainian targets on the ground, how Ukrainian soldiers are still dug in and waiting for Russia. The western intelligence given to Ukraine is also mind blowing.
Here is the deal...

Missiles and artillery operates on the same idea. The thing goes up and come down on a parabola. Nothing more. Whereas with an airplane, you can take your time. You can wait to drop your ordnance, or change your target(s), or even not drop at all because of some other reasons more important. You cannot do that with artillery and missiles. Once launched, the warhead must come down and go boom, even on an empty field.

The VKS failed on what we suspected for decades -- that the Soviet/Russia uses airpower as airborne artillery, and less as a strategic weapon.

What is this 'airborne artillery' idea, you may asked?

Let us say that an artillery barrage is 10 km out. The VKS then attacks 20 km out. My figures are not meant to be absolute but only to illustrate a concept. Back in WW II, US airpower bombed petrol refineries and ballbearing factories. Raw petrol must be refined into fuel and lubricants, so if you damaged/destroyed the refinery, the enemy's army will eventually suffer critical shortages to conduct the war. Same idea with the ballbearing factories. Those were not frontline facilities but deep inside Germany.

In Ukraine, the VKS did insufficient damages to Ukraine's strategic war resources. Now, it is too late. NATO entered the conflict and what we are seeing today is similar to WW I.
I don't think the west is interested in peace talk in ukraine,the peace talk rumours is just America usual tricks and lies to prevent Russia from arming and supporting resistance axis against israel
What surprised me was how Russia despite having enormous air power, missiles can not destroy the Ukrainian targets on the ground, how Ukrainian soldiers are still dug in and waiting for Russia. The western intelligence given to Ukraine is also mind blowing.

Western intel have been very valuable, how else would Ukraine be able to target those bases and hubs. It seems Russians lag in intel and targeting. Russian air force have also been miserable. Russians using mass artillery tactic but that is not much useful these days.
I was also expecting russia to target weapons convoy that enter ukraine from the west, but i never saw a single such strike, this shows russia have no capability to monitor and attack such weapons shipments. Russia also failed to target strategic factories and warehouses, their ISR capabilities are also very old.
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