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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

SAM is not really a reliable Anti-Air Platform, and NATO has been in a way progress to dismantle SAM network, the entire NATO Air Offensive Structure is designed to do this, from decoy to electronic jamming. Read Operation Bolo and what Raven did with Iraqi Air Defence.

NATO nation do not depends on SAM and instead their function in NATO country are there the plug the capability gap.

But as I said, Ukraine is not NATO, so they don't play the same game we play, and long story short, it would be impossible for Ukraine to gain Air Superiority over Russia in any practical way

SAM is very reliable for missile defence, it's just you have to have tons of them, and really there is no other option than thousands of land based SAMs on watch to defeat mass drone/missile launches of hundreds at a time, day after day.

A long range surface to air missile cheap enough to be fielded by thousands is a need of the day.
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SAM is very reliable, it's just you have to have tons of them, and really there is no other option than thousands of land based SAMs on watch to defeat mass drone/missile launches of hundreds at a time, day after day.
Again, I will say refer to how USAF uses its RF-111A and how Operation Bolo works in Vietnam.
US Should start annexing some of Mexico's territory if they don't help to stop this. Start just by annexing a little territory to send the message?
They already did it, centuries ago.


The question of the possibility of the Russian army using nuclear weapons in Ukraine is constantly being raised online. There are quite a lot of supporters and opponents of this action; there is still no clear answer on this issue. Russian Army General Konstantin Pulikovsky gave an answer about the likelihood of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine. The video has been shortened. Subtitles YouTube

That is like when IRS (tax agency) threat you with a large fine of several thousands dollars if you dont obbey them, they finally fine you $300 and you say "Thanks God, I'm lucky".

I think the real target of this war is just to exterminate people who are not useful for economy, in both bands.
It's not win.

Maybe some tactical nuke is dropped in NATO soil to drag NATO larger involvement, but it would be well previously well pacted, and then, it could start the purge of Western people who are not useful for economy, like it's already happening in Ukraine and Russia.

MALTHUSIAN, adj. Pertaining to Malthus and his doctrines. Malthus believed in artificially limiting population, but found that it could not be done by talking. One of the most practical exponents of the Malthusian idea was Herod of Judea, though all the famous soldiers have been of the same way of thinking.
Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

Cheap energy and raw materials are running out. A western person living on welfare can earn without work like 4 Central Americans fulltime working. If they are mobilized and sent to Ukraine to die, it would be a blessing for Western economy.
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The question of the possibility of the Russian army using nuclear weapons in Ukraine is constantly being raised online. There are quite a lot of supporters and opponents of this action; there is still no clear answer on this issue. Russian Army General Konstantin Pulikovsky gave an answer about the likelihood of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine. The video has been shortened. Subtitles YouTube

I think you missed the point, it is not being „raised online“ but from the highest representatives of the Russian government themselves!
Once you formed a government, the government have absolute power to exercise their policy. This is not the case in the US, case in point, Democrats are in power but since the house of rep was taken by GOP in a minimal margin (I think it's 8 or 9) democrats can't push policy into the congress without the other party agreed.

As I said, even 28 or 30 member of congress can block a bill, that is what I meant by US government not having absolute power.

It's very interesting to compare USA with other powers now in the news abroad.

What is VERY unique about USA is that the executive decree is exceptionally strong by standards of democratic countries. US presidents have complete control over the executive branch, in theory, the power to randomly drone their own citizens on the other side of the globe, sever trade relationship with any country with a penstroke, wage wars without declaring them, and send whole ethnic groups to concentration camps. But to the effect US presidents never managed to exploit that yet, and were not anywhere close to that until 2020.

Lets take Ukraine in comparison:

The president is extremely weak on the paper. Over they years, Ukrainians have constrained their presidency to the extreme. Zelensky for example cannot fire his own Prime Minister by himself, or ministers. He can only recommend that to the parliament. And ministers in their stead carry very large executive authority within their departments, include fully arbitrary hiring/firing.

Ministers effectively double as independent politicians, and nobody in Ukraine ever told me of that being "unexpected." Department heads keep continuously pooping over their superiors in public, and freely engage in current affairs debate in the media.

To most Americans it would be a shock to see some small town mayor spitting fire on live TV debate with a minister.

Ukraine is in a sense more close to bureaucracy than democracy in comparison to USA. This however makes local power jobs way more attractive to politicians, unlike US, where everybody seem to aim for Washington over local politics, even in large, powerful states like Florida, Texas, NYC or California.

So parties really pull strings in Ukraine, and local power really matters, but nevertheless, the pres position has an incredible charisma, and even terribly unpopular Kuchma was often able to come to the parliament and shout anybody down.

The Ukrainian state draws its incredible resilience from seemingly the same thing Westerners call out as sources of "corruption" in the country. The political power in Ukraine is by far easier to get than in USA to the point it looks its up for grabs to everyone, but this is exactly what assures that there is always a supply of local leaders to assume power when the leadership above is incapacitated by another revolution, political crisis, or, as is a case now, war.

In China for example, things start crumble if the phone line to Beijing stops working for longer than a day. In case of crisis taking out the central government, I don't see any way China staying governable for long.
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Quoting the fired unemployed guy whose only relevence to the world is his x feed. Even Fox founds his babbling lies too expensive
Way to play down his following, just more than any other news program on cable. Same could be said about the relevance of anyone on a platform ie any other news host.

Well Trump didn't do much in curbing illegal immigration either. I wish he did. Also need to curb H1B, continuation of H1Bs in high numbers makes Americans less employable and they don't acquire the skills they need to.
Actually he did, remain in Mexico comes to mind as many other deals he made. Click on my stats posted above.

It's not about party.......It's about the government have absolute power.

Once you formed a government, the government have absolute power to exercise their policy. This is not the case in the US, case in point, Democrats are in power but since the house of rep was taken by GOP in a minimal margin (I think it's 8 or 9) democrats can't push policy into the congress without the other party agreed.

As I said, even 28 or 30 member of congress can block a bill, that is what I meant by US government not having absolute power.

Again, it does not necessarily mean the illegal immigration is down, it just meant the apprehension number is low, it could well be they didn't catch that many. It does not reflect anything about the true number, the true number could be way up, but if they didn't report or catches these illegal aliens, it would still have a low apprehension rate.

It's like saying arrest is down so crime is down, it is not necessarily the case here. As I said there are no factual or referential figure reliable enough to say illegal immigration is down.

It's against the constitution for anyone to do the 3 things I highlighted. It's protected by 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th amendment. Especially National ID card, the issue with green card is already controversy. It would probably trigger riot second to taking out 2A right.
Well we can argue back and forth but illegal immigration to America is at record levels, as shown by the apprehension data posted and frankly watching any videos of the current status of sanctuary cities. If apprehensions are up one can assume immigration is up, this is simple statistics. Trump exercised record enforcement while joe doesn’t enforce any laws. So the inverse should be true, apprehensions should have been at records previously and near all time lows now.
Those arguing trump didn’t do anything and it’s the same under joe are 100% false as this is common knowledge.

When was the last time hotels, gymnasiums etc were taken over by the federal government in NY, IL, CA, TX etc to house thousands of illegals? Hasn’t happened in my lifetime before.
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Europe got deceived by a Russian trap of dependence on Russian energy.

Europe has also gotten deceived by the Chinese trap of dependence on Chinese manufacturing.

How China Cut Off One of Ukraine's Most Important Weapons​

In July, China introduced export controls, which went into effect on September 1, on certain types of drones and equipment in order to safeguard "national security and interests." At the time, observers said the restrictions were a possible response to the trade war with the United States as Washington has tried to stop Beijing from accessing critical technologies such as next-generation semiconductors.

A report by The New York Times, published over the weekend, confirmed that China's export controls instead had the effect of stopping Ukrainian forces from accessing commercial drones and drone equipment. The paper's analysis of trade data and interviews with Ukrainian drone makers and suppliers revealed that Chinese companies had cut back on the sale of drones and drone parts.

China's export controls were creating hurdles for Ukraine, which received $200,000 worth of drones from Chinese companies between January and June this year, according The Times. Russia received $14.5 million in direct drone sales from Chinese companies during the same period, the report said.

Gut China of European manufacturing. Bring those jobs to Europe and not to another place that would be used in 10 years for the ruin of Europe.

China is not your friend. China is Europe's enemy. Europe was sold a bill of lies that if Europe accepts making the Chinese rich with European investments and jobs creation in China, then Europe would win with peace and prosperity.

Except Europe was not told that China would stab Europe in the back as Chinese cheer for the demise of Europe.

Europe is going to invest tens or hundreds of billions in China in the next decade. Once Russia invaded and China supported Russia, that should have been the end of investment, jobs, manufacturing in China. Europe should have done a total recall. US would have followed the European lead. China would have been done. As supply chains were redirected from Europe and Northern USA with jobs going to China year after year. Supply chains would have returned to North America and Europe. This could have been easily done, as jobs vanished from Rust Belt cities and states, China would have seen their industries vanish in the same duration. China would be finish, Europe would have economic and military security.

German exports in August drop more than expected​

4 hours ago4 hours ago
Europe has been grappling with high inflation and an industrial slowdown, and weakening demand from China has taken its toll on Germany's export-oriented economy. However, the country's trade surplus saw a modest rise.

"Like the rest of the German economy, exports remain stuck in the twilight zone between recession and stagnation," ING bank economist Carsten Brzeski was cited by the Agence France-Presse (AFP) news agency as saying.

Germany fell for the Kissinger-China globalist WEF trap


Pro-EU Europe is not the WEF. It is the target to be destroyed by the WEF globalists. The WEF is where smart Europeans are taught to be retarded.

In related news the WEF shilling for a Musk dominated Europe:

Tesla, among other electrical vehicle manufacturers, is caught in the crosshairs of the EU’s investigation into anti-subsidy inquiry with China.
Perhaps what is more telling for the future is the effect that possible action against Tesla and other EV manufacturers might have on electric transportation for the European consumer. Higher prices might mean more reluctance to adopt greener options such as Tesla’s EVs.
‘While subsidies may have competitive effects, these should be weighed against the important noneconomic objective of achieving climate neutrality’,
Professor Hoekman, WEF member and Director of Global Economics at the European University Institute in Florence, told Euronews.

When tinfoil hat no-carbon, panic about global warming, is your only religion, Musk can be inserted as your leader. Mindless Europeans: "Have to stop climate change... climate change... let Musk run the entire EV market in Europe... climate change... make Musk a trillionaire... climate change... climate change... the WEF spoke... the WEF said buy Tesla EVs"

Zero brain cell Europeans that fell for globalism, building China, Musk, climate change by either greed and stupidity are mindlessly obeying the WEF.

The solution to this mess is self-sufficiency, self-reliance, build up the European economy based on manufacturing in Europe, energy independence, military independence, no irregular migrants, have Germany get the unskilled immigrants from EU poor nations. If you could support irregular migrants with no skills and migrants unable to speak German, Germany can support European poor and without jobs.

The entire ship has to be turned around to grow Europe from within with keeping trade. This easily happened in the Southern USA, the corporations sent the jobs from the rust belt north to the south and the south boomed and north died. Europe must do so before Chinese corporations replace European corporations and Europeans are left with no competitive corporations and China can pull the plug on Germany and Europe. So as the same with buying weapons to prevent a war with Russia, you have to do so sooner rather than later.

Europe, you can't rely on Putin to save you. You can't rely on China to save you. You can't rely on Musk to save you.

Europeans must look to themselves, to make themselves rich and well defended across multiple areas and end anything WEF that makes Europe weak and vulnerable.

The WEF exists to make you weak and focus on things to distract you from your purpose. Send your jobs to China Globalism was about making a select few rich and making Europe gradually more and more vulnerable. Trade has been happening for thousands of years. WEF globalism is about a fake religion to serve the WEF cronies, to make these successful at your expense. Europe needs to instead bring back the jobs, investment and wealth and then trade with China. Gut China and then trade with China. To have global trade mean sending jobs, investment and wealth to China at your own expense is stupidity. That is replacement theology. Only greedy idiots and their pawns do that.

You can't invest in a nation and rely on a nation that makes you vulnerable to a Russian attack. The entire reliance on China is a national security risk for Europe and a total economic security risk for Europe.

The seemingly pro-EU WEF is not a friend of the EU, it is a handler of the EU, to manage the success of the EU against the interests of the EU. That was also the mission of the send your jobs to China Globalism. Europeans going along with the WEF are undermining the success of Europe.

Europeans corporations need to Invest in Germany and Europe.
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Scott Ritter is immoral and unreliable.

Do not use this man as a source. Do not be intellectually bankrupt like this man. Any post found to be citing Scott Ritter can be removed or striked. One thread was closed as an example.
Russian aviation attacked the Ukrainian army base in Berislav with FAB-500M62 aircraft glide bombs. Some media reports that there was a military hospital there.


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