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Russia refuses to sell Nimitz Aircraft Carrier and space shuttle to China

Delusions? Is that what Putin is telling you? A country composed of Kremlin shoe kissers, oil oligarchs and Siberian slaves is indeed delusional.

Corruption and poverty in Russia's far east - 28 Feb 08 - YouTube

Russia is poor, and has always been so throughout history. Siberian Russia is even poorer than China.

No, that is what official statistic tells me http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/vvp/dusha98-08.xls GDP per capita of Russia's Far East region is equal to Russian GDP per capita. Sorry, but this statistic looks more trustful to me than your delusional fantasies. Siberian Russia as any other Russian region has GDP per capita several time higher than China. Discussing poorness of Russia with some China fanboy is ridiculous really :D
China is doing copy paste from Russian technologies...and these chini says Ruskies are a joke...This is itself a Joke of the day.

If China copied Russian technologies, then half of their fleet would have already crashed, like the IAF.

Dnt forget all your hardware is Russian origin

Here we have another person stuck in the 70s.

the biggest joke of all in this saga are jealous indian cheerleaders

And they aren't even doing their job; all they add is embarrassment to their own posts.
Asian wannabes.

Wait, what? :lol: First you claimed I’m a Chinese Russian and now you claim I’m an Asian wannabe. So which one am I? Or am I even either? Did it occur to you that I could be white or Slavic? And how am I a wannabe Asian, I don’t even know what that means.

Go kiss Putin's shoe. Oh wait, he only cares about urban Russians and doesn't give a **** about Asian Russians.

Ignorant comment. Do you want to quote Putin on saying that?

In any case, I don't think any Chinese kids here deny that it was the US which defeated Japan; the USSR played less of a role than even the Chinese.

There was Soviet volunteers fighting for China before the Soviet Union even declared war on Japan. Furthermore, it was the Soviets that finally drove the Japanese out of Manchuria (not to take anything away from the Chinese). The Soviet Union sent over 1.5 million men and thousands of aircraft, tanks, and tens of thousands of artillery pieces to fight Japan. Ultimately Japan lost over 700,000 men not including WIA that left many other soldiers unfit to fight. Moreover, much of Japan’s heavy armor and aircraft were destroyed or captured by the Soviets.

So now how did the USSR play less of a role? If anything the Soviets played the most decisive role by confronting the massive Japanese military heads on and leaving it shattered.

It's pretty sad that you'd think the Chinese defeated the USSR.

It’s pretty sad that you have reading disabilities. Go and read what I wrote again.

Asian Russia GDP 13,236/3 = 4412

115th place :hitwall:

I wonder where you pulled that stat from, your rear? The majority of Russians live in large cities in the western part of the country. Just like with all urban areas or smaller cities the GDP will be lower as compared to larger more modern cities.

And please, don't get me started on Russian Quality... I think it's caused by an Asian overdose in Russia. Really dumbs the country down, don't you think?

No please do get started. A number of western countries import Russian technologies, like the US purchasing Russian engines and components for satellite, US law enforcement importing Russian weapons and Kevlar. Heck at one point the F-35 was considering using the K-36 ejection seat. The list goes on, and no. Of course I expect you to find something abstract about something Russian and start mocking Russia. Than again the same can be done for any country.

And here is something you might find interesting, The Canadians didn't go for anything Canadian, or European, or even American, instead they went for Russian.

Spaceflight Now | Breaking News | Europe, Canada eye extra Soyuz for station access

European and Canadian space officials are in talks with Russia to purchase dedicated Soyuz capsules to ferry their astronauts to the International Space Station.
I can't understand why the russians want to sell them anything at all after all the problems they have faced with copyright and patent infringement issues .
Wait, what? :lol: First you claimed I’m a Chinese Russian and now you claim I’m an Asian wannabe. So which one am I? Or am I even either? Did it occur to you that I could be white or Slavic? And how am I a wannabe Asian, I don’t even know what that means.

Vladivostok was populated by the Chinese until East European immigrants mobbed the place. You, sir are an Russian wannabe living in Asia.

Ignorant comment. Do you want to quote Putin on saying that?

Do you seriously support Putin? He'd slaughter your kind like pigs if he had the chance, lol.
Putin opposition grows in Russian far east - Europe - Al Jazeera English

There was Soviet volunteers fighting for China before the Soviet Union even declared war on Japan. Furthermore, it was the Soviets that finally drove the Japanese out of Manchuria (not to take anything away from the Chinese). The Soviet Union sent over 1.5 million men and thousands of aircraft, tanks, and tens of thousands of artillery pieces to fight Japan. Ultimately Japan lost over 700,000 men not including WIA that left many other soldiers unfit to fight. Moreover, much of Japan’s heavy armor and aircraft were destroyed or captured by the Soviets. So now how did the USSR play less of a role? If anything the Soviets played the most decisive role by confronting the massive Japanese military heads on and leaving it shattered.

I don't give it a **** about the Pacific theater. But, it's pathetic that a Russian wannabe here believes the USSR ever had a big role in defeating the Japanese. The Soviet slaves under Moscow didn't want to get their as s kicked by the Japanese again, waiting for an American promise to strike first before declaring war on Japan. The Manchurian campaign began only after the American nukes, at which point the Japanese were already discussing a surrender.

And seriously, don't rub off of the accomplishment of the Soviet Union. It's gone and Siberia never played a part in it, except to home Jews, who didn't even want to be there and left for Israel.

Oh by the way, it was the "Eastern" or Asian fleet that got owned by the Japanese in China. Goes to show how *****-like your forefathers were, huh?

It’s pretty sad that you have reading disabilities. Go and read what I wrote again.

Pretty silly, asking a Canadian to read the English of a Russian.

ptldM3 said:
I further read that China defated the USSR at some point

I wonder where you pulled that stat from, your rear? The majority of Russians live in large cities in the western part of the country. Just like with all urban areas or smaller cities the GDP will be lower as compared to larger more modern cities.

JSTOR: Far Eastern Survey, Vol. 17, No. 19 (Oct. 6, 1948), pp. 221-223

The point here sir, is not to compare cities, because Eastern Russia is NOT nearly as urbanized as Europe. A major chunk of rural Russians are in the far East, hence their pathetic income and education. Showing me a spreadsheet in Russian is pathetic. No country outside of Russia would actually learn Russian, other than maybe Ukrainians, which are lowlifes anyways.

Asian Russia was a colony of the Russia until it was federated. Don't talk as if you represent Russia, Siberian slave.

No please do get started. A number of western countries import Russian technologies, like the US purchasing Russian engines and components for satellite, US law enforcement importing Russian weapons and Kevlar. Heck at one point the F-35 was considering using the K-36 ejection seat. The list goes on, and no. Of course I expect you to find something abstract about something Russian and start mocking Russia. Than again the same can be done for any country.

Those are the most pathetic examples even for an Asian. America was very clear that all of its {European Russian} purchases were due to its extremely low prices. Soviet/Russian weapons are infamous for their China Quality reputation. Moscow imports more arms from the West than the other way around.

Russia’s recognition of its reputation of poor quality of weapons purchased in India started to change channels « Military of China, force comment.

And here is something you might find interesting, The Canadians didn't go for anything Canadian, or European, or even American, instead they went for Russian.

Because Russian rockets are cheap? Even the Americans are going to sit in your rockets, because it's a total waste of money to produce rockets by themselves. Such 4-decades old tech jobs can be done by cheap labor in Russia.

PS: Russians immigrants who did not flee from the USSR are discriminated against in Canada and the US. Russian traitors are the most pathetic in the world. Set up a spy ring here and exposed by your own people?


The economic worth of a Canadian is the equivalent of 4 Russians (12 East Russians). Why do Russians even exist? The country may be better off without the likes of you Eastern wannabes dragging it down.
Vladivostok was populated by the Chinese until East European immigrants mobbed the place. You, sir are an Russian wannabe living in Asia.

Here let me makes this easy for you to understand. One I am ethnically a Slav. Two I do not live in Vladivostok.

Do you seriously support Putin? He'd slaughter your kind like pigs if he had the chance, lol.
Putin opposition grows in Russian far east - Europe - Al Jazeera English

You are laughable, he would slaughter his own race? I asked you to support your claim that Putin only cares about “urban Russian”, your video has nothing to do with that, in fact it is totally unrelated to the subject.

I don't give it a **** about the Pacific theater. But, it's pathetic that a Russian wannabe here believes the USSR ever had a big role in defeating the Japanese. The Soviet slaves under Moscow didn't want to get their as s kicked by the Japanese again, waiting for an American promise to strike first before declaring war on Japan. The Manchurian campaign began only after the American nukes, at which point the Japanese were already discussing a surrender.

Sending over 1.5 million men and thousand of pieces of artillery, tanks and aircraft which ultimately led to about ¾ of a million Japanese either surrendering or being killed is not a big role? The Soviets drove the Japanese out of Manchuria in one decisive campaign. The entire Japanese military in Manchuria was utterly exhilarated.

And the Soviets did not want a war with Japan while they were fighting the Germans in the West, simply because they could not afford to divert men and machines from the west. And a little history lesson for you, the US was regularly bombing Japan after what happened in Pearl Harbor, so there was American promises since Japan was regularly being bombed well before the Soviet offensive in Manchuria.

And seriously, don't rub off of the accomplishment of the Soviet Union. It's gone and Siberia never played a part in it, except to home Jews, who didn't even want to be there and left for Israel.

Really Siberia never played a part? Some of the most elite Soviet troops were from Siberian divisions, as were some of the highest scoring snipers. A lot of men, supplies and natural resources came from the Siberian far east.

Oh by the way, it was the "Eastern" or Asian fleet that got owned by the Japanese in China. Goes to show how *****-like your forefathers were, huh?

This is why you are stupid, that war happened decades prior to the Soviets curb stomping the Japanese.

Pretty silly, asking a Canadian to read the English of a Russian.

What is pretty silly my English is perfect, the problem is your comprehension of reading English, which you have proven.

JSTOR: Far Eastern Survey, Vol. 17, No. 19 (Oct. 6, 1948), pp. 221-223

The point here sir, is not to compare cities, because Eastern Russia is NOT nearly as urbanized as Europe. A major chunk of rural Russians are in the far East, hence their pathetic income and education. Showing me a spreadsheet in Russian is pathetic. No country outside of Russia would actually learn Russian, other than maybe Ukrainians, which are lowlifes anyways.

Asian Russia was a colony of the Russia until it was federated. Don't talk as if you represent Russia, Siberian slave.

More evidence that you are a little slow and can not stick to one topic. What you just stated is what I have claimed, thus it is true, you have a reading comprehension. And where did language come in to play? The wide usage of the English and Spanish language is due to colonization by the British and Spanish , in tern many people speak both languages because they were colonized, look at Latin America and Mexico, they had their own languages before the Spanish came, if it was the Russians in place of the Spanish than much of the Latin world would be speaking Russian, just like much of the neighboring countries around Russia speak Russian.

Get it?

Those are the most pathetic examples even for an Asian. America was very clear that all of its {European Russian} purchases were due to its extremely low prices. Soviet/Russian weapons are infamous for their China Quality reputation. Moscow imports more arms from the West than the other way around.

Russia’s recognition of its reputation of poor quality of weapons purchased in India started to change channels « Military of China, force comment.

Extremely low prices? The RD-180 deal was one billion dollars and at the time it was superior to anything anywhere on earth. Why would NASA purchase something cheap in quality if they use it to launch billions of dollars worth of equipment into orbit? And why does everyone including Canada use the Soyuz? If it was of poor quality it would not have a record as the safest capsule ever made, now would it? Unless you are claiming that the Canadians, American, and various other countries would be willing to jeopardize their astronauts to save a few bucks?

Because Russian rockets are cheap? Even the Americans are going to sit in your rockets, because it's a total waste of money to produce rockets by themselves. Such 4-decades old tech jobs can be done by cheap labor in Russia.

But they do produce rockets by themselves, the RD-180 was a revolutionary design when its existence was know because both the US and Japan failed to produce a similar propulsion method. Better efficiency, better payload, and safer to operate makes it hard to pass up. Price has nothing to do with it.

PS: Russians immigrants who did not flee from the USSR are discriminated against in Canada and the US. Russian traitors are the most pathetic in the world. Set up a spy ring here and exposed by your own people?

Wow, no wonder you keep getting banned. :lol:

Igor Gouzenko - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The economic worth of a Canadian is the equivalent of 4 Russians (12 East Russians). Why do Russians even exist? The country may be better off without the likes of you Eastern wannabes dragging it down.

Really the 2011 Russian GDP surpassed Canada. :lol:
Götterdämmerung;2713567 said:
How about Indian pounding at Chinese on the technological achievements? Isn't that even funnier?

The Chinese with German flag is poping out in open, I hope more Germans buy stuff from your grocery store so that you can pay your internet bill.

And why not, Chinese technology is a lie and bluff wherein Indian is no secret and well justifiable to pace of growth we drafted. From Moon mission to PSVL, From IT to metallurgy and from infrastructure to nuclear technology we are doing quite fine. Far more better than few compulsive lairs of this region.
The Chinese with German flag is poping out in open, I hope more Germans buy stuff from your grocery store so that you can pay your internet bill.

Just the usual lame argument due to cognitive dissonance.

And why not, Chinese technology is a lie and bluff wherein Indian is no secret and well justifiable to pace of growth we drafted. From Moon mission to PSVL, From IT to metallurgy and from infrastructure to nuclear technology we are doing quite fine. Far more better than few compulsive lairs of this region.

Moon mission with Russian rockets, IT back office and call centres, infrastructure with daily derailing trains despite bullock cart speed and no clear technology.

India is just not on our radar in regard of scientific achievements, unless our media talk about abject poverty and child labour.
The Chinese with German flag is poping out in open, I hope more Germans buy stuff from your grocery store so that you can pay your internet bill.

And why not, Chinese technology is a lie and bluff wherein Indian is no secret and well justifiable to pace of growth we drafted. From Moon mission to PSVL, From IT to metallurgy and from infrastructure to nuclear technology we are doing quite fine. Far more better than few compulsive lairs of this region.

China makes the J-20 with a Chinese engine while India works on the Tejas with an American engine... AT THE SAME TIME!! Who's more advanced? Don't answer. No BS. We all know.
Let's see where Putin will lead the russians to.

Putin is pro china but it's Russian general and public is hostile. Putin is the one who support china and snub India by personal signing the re export RD-93 engines deal to pakistAn. He is the true comrade of china. The massive friendly war game is all approved by him. Including the oil of siberia export to chIna instead of Japan is all approved by him. Russia public hate him becos of his pro china policy.
PAK FA with gaps everywhere :lol:


Why do some Chinese members here want to attack Russia? Criticize Russia's economy, down-talk its PAK FA. Why? So Russia won't sell these things to us. OK, fine. This makes Chinese people a little unhappy, but we must remember all of the good things that Russia has done for us in the past. Much of our technology was learned from them. When the US put an embargo on us in 1989, the Russians sold us weapons to defend ourselves with. If they did not, we would be unarmed in terms of modern tanks and 4th gen fighter jets. Russia is a good ally. If it doesn't want to sell us those cables, so be it. We will design our own. I wish luck and success to Russians and to Putin as he re-enters his well-deserved office.

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