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Russia eyes counter to Washington’s internet kill-switch – report


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
Russia eyes counter to Washington’s internet kill-switch – report
Published time: September 19, 2014 07:50
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RIA Novosti / Alexandr Kryazhev

Facing a possible cut-off from the internet by the US, Russian security officials and IT giants are discussing the possibility to make the Russian sector of the net independent, according to insiders.

The issue would be discussed at several closed-door events in the days to come, including a national Security Council session on Monday next week, reports Vedomosti newspaper citing a number of unnamed security and industry sources.

The meeting of security officials, to be chaired by President Vladimir Putin, will to discuss the results of a July Communications Ministry exercise to test how robust the Russian internet infrastructure would be if it were subject to a massive cyber-attack. The answer to that is reportedly “Not robust enough.”

Russia wants to, if not prevent, then at least control the potential damage of a confrontation in cyberspace. Particularly, it wants the ‘runet’ - the Russian part of the internet - to be able to operate independently from the rest of the world in case of emergency, the newspaper cites a security source as saying.

The goal is not to have ‘an internet of its own’, like North Korea’s. It’s also not about being able to shut down electronic communications in Russia in the face of massive riots, as Turkey and Egypt recently did, although such an option would be welcomed, the report says.

Rather it is to ensure that if the US government uses its emergency powers to cut Russian IP addresses from service, then backup servers would be ready to step in. Back in 2012, US President Barack Obama signed an executive order allowing him to take control of all communications on American soil, including those crucial for the normal operation of the internet.

The US also reportedly has a history of cutting a country off the internet. According to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, the agency unintentionally caused the November 2012 internet blackout in Syria as it was trying to install spyware on one of the core routers.

The possible measures, including a possible government take-over of the functions of the .ru and .рф domain name registrar, come amid Russia’s frustration with lack of progress in making ICANN, the chief internet protocol and domain name system body, less dependent on the United States. Moscow has been for years campaigning for giving ICANN’s job to an organization working under the United Nations.

The internet independence plans however may be hurdled by technical and administrative difficulties, told Vedomosti the Russian internet ombudsman, Dmitry Marinchev. Unlike China, which developed its segment of the internet with the goal of keeping tight control over it in mind, Russia allowed the ‘runet’ to organically grow from foreign parts of the infrastructure.


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I read this earlier. Its about friggen time.... Hurry up with the BRICS cable as well and hook up Latin America and Africa. The nato nazis cant be trusted.

Now the main servers of the IPv4 are all located in the US, and the main servers of the next gen IPv6 should be located in China and Russia.
And the decoupling from the old world continues. A brave new world is on the horizon for us Eurasians.

Putin has done the right thing to censor those liberal anti-Russian propaganda.

Now it is the time to restore the cyberspace KGB units who can lock down the IP addresses of those western Trojans who keeps sponsoring the color revolution movement.
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In recent years we have seen how social media and the internet can be used to foment unrest and spy on any country the US targets. It's high time that the rest of the world stood up to this US dominated system.

I would rather wish that a multi-nation body is developed by Russia and China and the rest of the world invited to become members in an open and manipulation free system, hopefully under the SCO umbrella.
:usflag:HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!:usflag:
more you cant say what? Russia is light years ahead in the sanctions policies we are even preparing which you havent debated yet. We will become 100% independent as times move on which will re industrialize our economy with own standards and growth

Is Russia interested to join with China to create a whole new ecosystem for the cyberspace world?

China now wants to create its own ecosystem of IPv6, Web 3.0, bastion host, CPU brand, supercomputer, operating system, etc.

To challenge the US in these domains is a huge task.

China led the development of IOT international standard industry entered a rapid development period-technnews Feed

China has successfully developed the first domestic Loongson processor-based bastion hostWAREYE | WAREYE

but i think America wont cut internet off in China or Russia, they desperately are working on making color revolutions in both countries. Without internet you cant destabilize other countries like they did in arab spring and ukraine
Now the main servers of the IPv4 are all located in the US, and the main servers of the next gen IPv6 should be located in China and Russia.

Will the IPv6 servers be located in China?

Can't China develop its own intranet in case the US cuts off the internet to China? I heard an independent intranet was under development in China.
Why is the Russian Government always making stupid announcements and not getting on with it or already have all these things in place. It's like as if the Russians were living in Gulag since 1991 and suddenly they've found this urge to develop this and that with a magic wand.

Shut up and get on with it.

Next time, make announcements when the project is compete and it's successfully meeting the national requirements.
more you cant say what? Russia is light years ahead in the sanctions policies we are even preparing which you havent debated yet. We will become 100% independent as times move on which will re industrialize our economy with own standards and growth...

Yeah, you go and tweak that puny, Italy-sized economy, Charlie. What a powerhouse. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!:nana:
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Why is the Russian Government always making stupid announcements and not getting on with it or already have all these things in place. It's like as if the Russians were living in Gulag since 1991 and suddenly they've found this urge to develop this and that with a magic wand.

Shut up and get on with it.

Next time, make announcements when the project is compete and it's successfully meeting the national requirements.
and how far is pakistans development?

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