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Rural, Rich Pakistan.


Have relatives who stay about 50 miles outside Islamabad, visiting them is always a pleasant experience, a fresh water stream runs about kilometer from the village, in the evening all the guys would gather there
playing Kabadi, volleyball or even weight lifting with stones like small boulders. My favorite part was getting fresh mangoes from the Bagh next to the stream, drop them in the water and just enjoy them with a frenzy. At night you would sleep on the roof and you would think that you are looking at all the stars in the world. I tell you village life is just magic.
Nice thread.

These might as well be pics of any Indian village!! Shows how similar we are! We had the Krishna river on the outskirts of our little town. And a similar bridge over a railway track. It was fun watching those steam engines chugging below and smelling that smoke!! Theres a sugar factory in my old town and there would be trucks, bullock carts, tractors and cycles filled with sugarcane, and me and my cousins and friends would chase them to grab some sugarcane!!
The best parts, swimming in the river, watching how jaggery is made in those large pans over huge pits of burning coal and getting to taste that before it solidified!

Ah! Reminds me of Home!

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