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Robert Fulford: The Pakistan mess is worse than we thought

This Zaradari fellow has failed to reform the economy, in fact he never tried. Through out his tenure he has been busy saving his government by hook or by crook. His prime minster is dud and corrupt, the cabinet which PM heads is full of duds and corrupt. The issue that needs to be addressed at first is waiting for its turn.

We have infrastructure installed, we also have the potential. What we don't have is the will, the day it comes no doubt we'll be back on track..
Kudos...Pretty smartly you interlaced the things of your own concern.

First and foremost you need to understand we don't have any paranoia or something that India will eat us up...Yeah, we value our Indian oriented defense for reasons that we all know, long rivalry between two states is not something strange. What hurting us is not the "Kashmir obsession" its the policy which we adopted in 80s. The mess we are in is actually all due a policy which was completely US oriented, we didn't care about the consequences which were due.

Absolutely, we need to improve our relations with India but it really does not mean we'll be ruined if failed to do so. Improving relations with Pakistan is also an area of interest for Indian government.. Muft mein tau koi kisi ko Pathar bhi nahi marta, think about it..

Mate, frankly I'm done offering explanations on PDF.

On a cold-hearted note, take it from an Indian that aside from it's nukes, whatever happens to Pakistan or Pakistanis would not bother us at the very least.

So you are, quite frankly, free to ruin yourself.

It's just that, since I consider myself a human being who is par the stage of gloating in another's plight, be him from my enemy country, I just thought I would repeat myself once again.

He thinks Pakistan may drop to the status of a “failed state” if the world doesn’t send much more cash, and damn soon.

meaning: fill my pockets while i last in power..
Pakistan has enough resources, man power and talent to stand on its own but not the political leadership
............ “We have no money to arm the police or fund development, give jobs or revive the economy,” he says. “What are we supposed to do?”.................

That is disingenuous.

There is plenty of money inside Pakistan, only that it is diverted towards things like nuclear weapons, and "welfare" of the elite cadre, not into social development.

Why should the world fund these essential needs, only to see the Pakistani resources diverted to "other" uses?
Mate, frankly I'm done offering explanations on PDF.

On a cold-hearted note, take it from an Indian that aside from it's nukes, whatever happens to Pakistan or Pakistanis would not bother us at the very least.

So you are, quite frankly, free to ruin yourself.

It's just that, since I consider myself a human being who is par the stage of gloating in another's plight, be him from my enemy country, I just thought I would repeat myself once again.


I don't know what makes you think that we are gone, we are at the point of no return? I agree we are in grave crisis, nothing is working fine, there is a list of turmoils. Look, we are sort of war-ridden for last one decade now but still our economy is growing altho growth is slow but still we are progressing, we haven't gone in negativity. If you look at the GDP chart by year you'll find we were good till 2007.. We have the infrastructure, its not like we'll have to start from zero. Remember you were also not that good at economics but gradually you guys are making it.

Trust me I am one of them who want good relations with India, having good relations is beneficial for both the countries. You might not consider it a genuine case but that is pretty much your problem I can't force you to believe what I believe and you can't force me to believe what you believe.

Thanks for those concerns, I really appreciate.
We need to get ourselves out of this WoT. It's because of this WoT that we have so many of these problems. Once this WoT ends, it'll kick start the economy and bring in investment.
Pakistan already has a credible nuclear deterrent. Why are precious recources being spent on developing thermonuclear devices, while asking for foreign aid for basic social programs like health and education or even basic food aid, when the siutation for the population grows increasingly dire?

Excerpts from: Hungry population | Newspaper | DAWN.COM


Over the years a number of studies have shown that hunger and malnutrition levels in the country continue to rise and are reaching alarming proportions. Last year, Unicef likened the levels of malnutrition in post-flood Sindh to Chad and Niger, while Oxfam International reported that about 26 per cent of Pakistan’s population was undernourished. A 2011 Oxfam survey also showed that nearly two-thirds of the population spends between 50 and 70 per cent of its income on food alone, with the majority of respondents saying they could no longer afford to consume the same food they did a couple of years ago.

We now have official recognition of hunger in the country. According to the Ministry of National Food Security and Research, about 50 per cent of the country’s population is food-insecure. A biannual report, Change in Cost of Food Basket (July-Dec 2011), released by the Planning Commission this week, says that the cost of the ‘minimum food basket’ has increased by a startling 79 per cent over four years. Such a basket — comprised of essential items including wheat, sugar, pulses, vegetable ghee and meat — cost Rs960 in 2007; in December 2011, it was priced at Rs1,790. The reasons are self-evident, including rising diesel prices, rupee devaluation, inflation and floods across agricultural heartlands.


In the long term, Pakistan will have to revitalise its agricultural production sector, address menaces such as hoarding that causes artificial shortages and rationalise pricing mechanisms, to say nothing of rescuing its economy. Without such measures, hunger will continue to stalk the poor.
Success criteria for Government should be what they achieved not how much Begging they did
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