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Road signs with Muslim names defaced in Delhi Islamisation in India will not be tolerated

Lol @ "Islamisation". Delhi was ruled and dominated by muslims for a good 600 years, yet these guys have a nerve to talk about Islamisation. Alaudin Khilji, the sultan of Delhi, once passed a law that every hindu's mouth was a dustbin for a muslim to spit paan in. If a hindu declined to open his mouth when a muslim had to spit paan, he would be committing an offense and most probably killed.

The complexes these guys have, lol.
Eww this is so gross! I hope it's not true. :astagh::bad:
Are you Fking stupid?

No one is advocating naming Humayun Tomb (a real historic monument) as Chowmein Tomb.

Aurangzeb road had no historic relation to Aurangzeb. It was named such by your beloved congress for appeasement purpose.

Why should we have roads named after bigoted Tyrants? Looks like Stockholm syndrome is strong with a certain demography.
Yes, even Aurangzeb's Bibi ka Maqbara is fine and the naming is okay. But the artificial naming commemorating him is shameful. Shameful more than anything else. It shows how little respect we have for ourselves.
Absolutely not. I don't hate anyone who is dead. I hate his legacy, his deeds, not him. :) I am also against the glorification of Adolf Hitler. We teach almost nothing about the mass murder of the Jews. So many consider him a hero. Same for Aurangzeb. It is not right for an Indian (especially a non Muslim) to consider him an ideal in anyway other than bigotry. :P

You have a big task ahead of you convincing Indians to stop loving Adolf Hitler.:P
Eww this is so gross! I hope it's not true. :astagh::bad:
It's true. It was implemented in many cases. A passing Hindu had to open his mouth to let the Muslim spit in it - such was the edict. The intention was not to make Hindus act as dustbins, but that of humiliation.

You have a big task ahead of you convincing Indians to stop loving Adolf Hitler.:P
Yeah I know. The admiration is nauseating.
Ooooh is this a guessing game?

Let me see, is it the people who deface street signs or the people who shot dead 45 Ismailis in a bus....hmmmm...this is very tough choice for my low IQ. Indian brain, but I think it must be the people who defaced the street signs because ....maybe because it happened in India?
Only problem is while we want to terminate the scum that killed ismaelis, your kind is actually appreciating this kind gesture to the Muslims of your country. Which mind you form a large part of your community. Stay safe!
(Also, you're right about your brain....)
Absolutely not. I don't hate anyone who is dead. I hate his legacy, his deeds, not him. :) I am also against the glorification of Adolf Hitler. We teach almost nothing about the mass murder of the Jews. So many consider him a hero. Same for Aurangzeb. It is not right for an Indian (especially a non Muslim) to consider him an ideal in anyway other than bigotry. :P

you can cook up all the history you want but the fact is that he did rule there. Legacy being not to your liking is no concern of history. It is a neutral thing. Like Tipu- he did promote islamization just like several sants of the Sikh religion who are considered great were deeply against muslims. You can't get absolute goods or bads in people. All you can do is recognize that in the end Tipu was also one of the fiercest opponents of British, which was a very important historic development and he finds a place in our history for that. You may be a hindu fanatic, don't assume all Hindus are.
Are you a fucking moron? The streets of Delhi are named after the people who ruled from there. Aurangzeb ruled from the Lal Quila for over quarter of century in one of the most turbulent periods of indian history, that's why his name is there.
So will it be fine for the citizens of Prague to name their road on Reinhard Heydrich? He also ruled there. As did Hans Frank in Krakow, Sess Inquart in Amsterdam etc. They have their names in the Hall of Shame. They don't adorn the ceremonial roads of their countries and with good reason.
Road signs with Muslim names defaced in Delhi
  • HT Correspondent,Hindustan Times, New Delhi
  • Updated: May 15, 2015 10:41 IST
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Signs of roads in the national capital named after Muslim personalities such as Emperor Akbar and Firozshah have been defaced and posters of the right-wing group Shiv Sena Hindustan were pasted on them.

The names on the signs were blackened late on Wednesday. The posters in Hindi read: “Islamisation in India will not be tolerated. Our courage only grows when there are difficulties in our journey. Our need only grows when our path is blocked by someone. Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!”

The names of Shiv Sena Hindustan national president Rajinder Singh and other leaders Charan Singh, Dinesh Kumar and Vinay Sonkar were on the posters.

Rajinder Singhtold The Indian Expressaround 17 members of the group, working in three teams, carried out the “operation” to deface the signs on May 13-14.

He said the group was ready to face action by the police for its “symbolic protest”.

“Let them file a complaint. If the law of the land finds us guilty, we are ready to face the punishment that violating the law entails. We have not caused any real damage. It was a symbolic protest,” he said.

Rajinder Singh said his group had written to former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh a couple of times to protest the naming of roads after Muslims.

“All Hindus look up to a leader like our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. We are hopeful that he will pay some heed to our concerns,” he said.

Sonkar described the group as a splinter faction of the Shiv Sena.

“We parted ways with the Shiv Sena because it was too limited to Maharashtra and its activities never ventured beyond the state. We have built our base in around 12 states, including Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Delhi. Our Delhi unit has around 1,300 members and we often meet to carry out our nationalist agenda,” he said.

Sonkar said the group wants roads to be named after leaders such as Subhash Chandra Bose and others who fought for independence.

The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has filed a complaint with police over the defacing of the signs.

“We have already filed a complaint and an FIR is being registered in the case. We are in the process of replacing the vandalised boards,” NDMC spokesperson Jagjiwan Bakshi said.

DCP (New Delhi) Vijay Singh said, “The PCR received a call last night from a local resident who alerted us about the defacement of one of the road signs. We will be registering an FIR under charges of defacement of public property and other appropriate section soon. We are going through CCTV camera footage to ascertain the identity of the miscreants.”

Road signs with Muslim names defaced in Delhi

Idiotic !! I will get back on this...
Are you a fucking moron? The streets of Delhi are named after the people who ruled from there. Aurangzeb ruled from the Lal Quila for over quarter of century in one of the most turbulent periods of indian history, that's why his name is there.


Have you ever set foot in Delhi?

There is a Joshef Tito Marg in Delhi, so is Nelson Mandela Marg, while there is no Hemu road in elhi. Roads in Delhi are named on Center's whim, not any logical policy.

Aurangzeb road was named so by your beloved congress for appeasement purpose
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So will it be fine for the citizens of Prague to name their road on Reinhard Heydrich? He also ruled there. As did Hans Frank in Krakow, Sess Inquart in Amsterdam etc. They have their names in the Hall of Shame. They don't adorn the ceremonial roads of their countries and with good reason.

That is a different question. This is like asking the Russians if Ivan the Terrible is not a part of history- yes they are. Stalin is also a part of their history. But the Nazis were not history that was something else.


Have you ever set foot in Delhi?

There is a Joshef Tito Marg in Delhi, so is Nelson Mandela Marg, while there is no Hemu road in Delhi. Roads in Delhi are named on Center's whim, not any logical policy.

Aurangzeb road was named so by your beloved congress for appeasement purpose

Moron, I know Delhi much better than you. No one asked you for your opinion on whose name should be put in what road. Muslims ARE A PART OF THE SUBCONTINENTS HISTORY. And your fantasizing that they aren't isn't gonna change it.

Have you ever set foot in Delhi?

There is a Joshef Tito Marg in Delhi, so is Nelson Mandela Marg, while there is no Hemu road in Delhi. Roads in Delhi are named on Center's whim, not any logical policy.

Aurangzeb road was named so by your beloved congress for appeasement purpose
We have 14.4% Muslims in India but most of the roads are named after them gross injustice with Christian,Hindu,Sikhs,jains and Buddhist.
All you can do is recognize that in the end Tipu was also one of the fiercest opponents of British, which was a very important historic development and he finds a place in our history for that. You may be a hindu fanatic, don't assume all Hindus are.
No. That is not the point. Your equating anyone not toeing your line as a Hindu fanatic is depressing. If Tipu can be respected, so can General Reginald Dyer. He also fought against the Afghans and 'defended' India from invasion. I know and you know why the road that did not exist 100 years back was named after Aurangzeb. We both know what the purpose was. Sorry to tell you that self respecting Indians are taking the reins now. These hooligans will need to be taught a lesson(to be selective and disciplined). It should be renamed to many poets or kings...even Sher Shah Suri is fine. But NOT Aurangzeb. You can rename the roads within the private residences of the Gandhis on mass murderers.

We have 14.4% Muslims in India but most of the roads are named after them gross injustice with Christian,Hindu,Sikhs,jains and Buddhist.
Muslim names are not the point. Tyrants names are.
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