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Rising Captagon production in Lebanon and Syria prompts UN investigation call


Dec 14, 2017
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Rising Captagon production in Lebanon and Syria prompts UN investigation call

Increasingly sophisticated network of labs producing pills in Syria, UN experts tell 'The National'


Rising levels of amphetamine production in Lebanon and Syria have prompted the UN to call for more investigations into the illegal trade which may be connected to corrupt politicians and the militant group Hezbollah.

Thomas Pietschmann, an expert at the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), said Lebanon and Syria had in recent years become the region’s biggest manufacturers and exporters of amphetamine pills.

He described increasingly-sophisticated networks of laboratories making Captagon tablets that are exported to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf economies, often transiting in elaborate routes via Europe.


The Vienna-based UNODC collates data on the global drugs business provided by governments, law enforcement agencies, Interpol, the World Customs Organisation and other agencies.

Captagon — also known as the “poor man’s cocaine” — has proliferated, owing to an industrial boom centred predominantly in government-held and recaptured areas of war-torn Syria.

“There have been a couple of laboratories where there’s some strong evidence that Hezbollah was involved,” Mr Pietschmann told The National.

“Can people operate [there] on a large scale without Hezbollah knowing it? No. So there must have been some kind of agreement. But it’s still difficult to say Hezbollah was organising it.”

Hezbollah, a Lebanese political party and militant group, has denied involvement in the narcotics trade, though members of the group have been slapped by US sanctions for running criminal enterprises to finance their operations.

The situation is murkier still in neighbouring Syria, where President Bashar Al Assad has regained control over much of the country after a decade-long civil war along multiple fronts against the various rebel, extremist and Kurdish forces.

At its peak, ISIS “may well” have profited from Captagon labs, said Mr Pietschmann. Records of amphetamine production in Syria often relate to areas that were taken over by several armed groups in succession, making it hard to finger anyone even if there is evidence implicating several prominent businessmen close to the regime.

“It’s very fluid, very difficult for us to find out the ultimate truth,” said Mr Pietschmann.

The UNODC’s annual World Drug Report this year found the coronavirus pandemic had spurred an increase in drug use globally, especially cannabis.

In the Middle East, Captagon remains the primary concern. The pills, which take their name from a once-legal treatment for hyperactivity disorder, are typically a cocktail of fenethylline, caffeine and other uppers.

They are popular among night-workers, dieters, students cramming for exams and others in the Middle East region, and are a drug-of-choice for fighters in Syria and elsewhere, who say they sharpen wits on the battlefield.

According to the UNODC report, the Middle East accounts for nearly half of all amphetamine seizures globally between 2015-2019, the latest period for which data are available.

The most significant police raids in that period were reported by Saudi Arabia, which seized 146 million amphetamine tablets. Other major hauls were made in the UAE, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. The pill trail leads as far as Libya and Sudan.

Drug busts in Europe have linked the Middle Eastern network to the Camorra, a Mafia-style Italian crime gang. A police bust in Austria in March connected Captagon traffickers from Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey.

Officials are wising up to the problem. Saudi Arabia banned imports of Lebanese fresh produce after the kingdom discovered some 5 million pills in a shipment of pomegranates from Lebanon in April.

While the Saudi ban may have prompted Lebanese officials to crack down on illicit amphetamine labs, it also hurt Lebanon's already struggling farmers. For Mr Pietschmann, blanket bans do not provide a long term solution.

“If you ban fruit, they find something else to put them in,” he said.

Instead, Middle Eastern governments should crack down harder on corrupt officials and consider dropping the death penalty for drug trafficking crimes, which blocks many European police forces from cooperating and sharing evidence with Arab counterparts, he added.

UN to call for more investigations into the illegal trade which may be connected to corrupt politicians and the militant group Hezbollah.
“There have been a couple of laboratories where there’s some strong evidence that Hezbollah was involved,” Mr Pietschmann told The National.
“Can people operate [there] on a large scale without Hezbollah knowing it? No. So there must have been some kind of agreement. But it’s still difficult to say Hezbollah was organising it.”
Hezbollah, a Lebanese political party and militant group, has denied involvement in the narcotics trade, though members of the group have been slapped by US sanctions for running criminal enterprises to finance their operations.
show how pathetic the writer is . just look at the level of evidence provided
show how pathetic the writer is . just look at the level of evidence provided

What exactly are you denying ? Reports that drug trafficking has become Hezbollah and Assad's main income has been going on for a while now.

I heard one senior Lebanese refer to him as the Lebanese Escobar.

It has become a joke in Saudi after a major drug bust of shipment from Lebanon they posted this clip on the social media :

What exactly are you denying ? Reports that drug trafficking has become Hezbollah and Assad's main income has been going on for a while now.

I heard one senior Lebanese refer to him as the Lebanese Escobar.

It has become a joke in Saudi after a major drug bust of shipment from Lebanon they posted this clip on the social media :

evidence , show mw evidence otherwise all your claims worth shit
evidence , show mw evidence otherwise all your claims worth shit

Since 2020 more than 57 million illicit pills where caught smuggled from Lebanon .

It has reached a state that Saudi banned agricultural imports from Lebanon all together after 5.3 million illegal pills hidden in pomegranates .

So i do not know what lack of evidence you are complaining about.

As you know nothing like that can happen in Lebanon without Nasrallah approving it.

‘Huge disaster’: Lebanese farmers decry Saudi Arabia produce ban

Saudi Arabia’s agricultural product ban, which comes after finding 5.3 million illegal pills hidden in pomegranates, is threatening already-suffering farmers.


Bekaa Valley is a major area for the production of vegetables and fruit in Lebanon [File: Wael Hamzeh/EPA-EFE]
By Kareem Chehayeb

Published On 28 Apr 2021

Beirut, Lebanon – Already grappling with an economic crisis crippling the country, Lebanese farmers fear a recent produce ban by Saudi Arabia will be a decisive blow to their livelihoods.

Saudi Arabia announced on Friday an indefinite ban on Lebanese agricultural products after foiling an attempt to smuggle 5.3 million pills of the illegal amphetamine Captagon hidden in a shipment of pomegranates at Jeddah Port.

Captagon is manufactured in Lebanon, Jordan and possibly in Syria and Iraq, primarily for consumption in Saudi Arabia, according to (PDF) the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.

“This is an unjust decision,” Hassan Abbas of the Agricultural Workers Union told Al Jazeera. “We were astonished that a country like Saudi Arabia that has provided so much aid to Lebanon to make such a hasty decision.”

Saudi Ambassador Waleed Bukhari said in a tweet the kingdom had found more than 57 million illicit pills from cash-strapped Lebanon since the beginning of 2020. Lebanon fears other countries will follow Riyadh’s decision, which has been endorsed by Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and the United Arab Emirates.

A panicked Ibrahim Tarchichi, who heads the Bekaa Farmers Association, said farmers and the agricultural sector are facing a “huge disaster”. Much of Lebanon’s agricultural production is based in its eastern Bekaa Valley.

“Everyone is going to yield less and earn less,” he told Al Jazeera. “Lebanon as a whole is paying the price for a few criminals and the bedlam taking place in other countries.”

Various estimates say the Lebanese fruit and vegetable trade is worth between $20m and $34m annually.

Saudi informed Lebanon about fruit and vegetable ban, Lebanese ministry says

BEIRUT, April 23 (Reuters) - Lebanon's foreign ministry said on Friday it had been informed by Saudi Arabia's embassy about the decision to ban Lebanese fruit and vegetables from entering or transitting the kingdom because of drug smuggling.

So i do not know what lack of evidence you are complaining about.

As you know nothing like that can happen in Lebanon without Nasrallah approving it.
The lack of evidence that it's done by Hezbollah while it easily can be one of their opponent.
For example who can say Geagea and his Lebanese force are above such acts .
The lack of evidence that it's done by Hezbollah while it easily can be one of their opponent.
For example who can say Geagea and his Lebanese force are above such acts .

You are grasping at straws now. Can you point to a source claiming something like that ? There is no short of sources pointing to Hezbollah :

Saudi-bound Hezbollah narcotics haul seized in major drugs bust


RIYADH: Saudi authorities announced early Thursday the capture of a major Hezbollah drugs shipment, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

The shipment, which included 451,807 amphetamine tablets and was destined for Saudi Arabia, was intercepted by Nigerian authorities.

The tablets were concealed in mechanical parts which were being transported by sea from Lebanon.

Col. Talal Chalhoub, interior ministry spokesperson, said that one of the “drug production and smuggling networks” of Hezbollah was behind the attempt.

He said: “The shipment was seized in coordination with our counterparts in Nigeria before the network had the chance to ship it to another country.”

Chalhoub praised the cooperation with the Nigerian Interior Ministry in apprehending the drugs.

“The Kingdom will continue to monitor the criminal activities that target the Kingdom’s security and youth with drugs, counter and thwart them and arrest all those involved in such activities,” he said.

The United Arab Emirates, Oman and Kuwait had all backed the Saudi ban.

Lebanon’s fruit and vegetable trade with Saudi Arabia was worth around $24 million per year, according to a Lebanese official.

The Jeddah port bust was most likely linked to Hezbollah, who is a Shiite group closely aligned to Iran and have a prominent position in Lebanese politics as well as an active military wing, an unnamed source told the Independent Persian.

The source pointed to Hezbollah’s reputed association with the smuggling of drugs, including Captagon pills manufactured in Syria, a charge the group strenuously denies.

The source added that Hezbollah, by virtue of its authority over both “legal and illegal” border checkpoints between Syria and Lebanon, has unchecked control over all drug-related operations.

Captagon is an amphetamine, and one of the most commonly used drugs on Middle East battlefields.


Combatants addicted to the narcotic say it helps them stay awake for days and numbs their senses, giving them stamina for long battles and allowing them to kill with abandon.

Owing to its ability to make users energetic and happy, Captagon is known to have also become a popular recreational drug in the wider region.

Earlier in April, Greek authorities seized more than four tons of cannabis hidden in a shipment of dessert-making machines heading from Lebanon to Slovakia in the country’s main port of Piraeus, following a tip from the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

Greece’s authorities said that the street value of the drugs was estimated at $4 million and that Saudi Arabia’s drug enforcement agency assisted them in the case.

In 2018, the US State Department named Hezbollah among the top five global criminal organizations. Reports indicate that Hezbollah’s criminal operations have increased of late in response to Iranian directives to generate income as part of its efforts to dodge US sanctions.

Lets suppose for the sake of argument that Hezb is sending narcotics to the Khaliji Arabs...OK.. so what is wrong with that...They are doing what British did to China and Persia in the 19 century... Pacify your enemy... Let Khaliji arabs enjoy the money they have otherwise they will use it to make wars on others (Yemen, Syria..etc)...Hezb wants them happy and entertained with lots of toys and uniforms to look good. ...just my thoughts on this and no politics :undecided::undecided:
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You are grasping at straws now. Can you point to a source claiming something like that ? There is no short of sources pointing to Hezbollah :

Saudi-bound Hezbollah narcotics haul seized in major drugs bust


RIYADH: Saudi authorities announced early Thursday the capture of a major Hezbollah drugs shipment, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

The shipment, which included 451,807 amphetamine tablets and was destined for Saudi Arabia, was intercepted by Nigerian authorities.

The tablets were concealed in mechanical parts which were being transported by sea from Lebanon.

Col. Talal Chalhoub, interior ministry spokesperson, said that one of the “drug production and smuggling networks” of Hezbollah was behind the attempt.

He said: “The shipment was seized in coordination with our counterparts in Nigeria before the network had the chance to ship it to another country.”

Chalhoub praised the cooperation with the Nigerian Interior Ministry in apprehending the drugs.

“The Kingdom will continue to monitor the criminal activities that target the Kingdom’s security and youth with drugs, counter and thwart them and arrest all those involved in such activities,” he said.

The United Arab Emirates, Oman and Kuwait had all backed the Saudi ban.

Lebanon’s fruit and vegetable trade with Saudi Arabia was worth around $24 million per year, according to a Lebanese official.

The Jeddah port bust was most likely linked to Hezbollah, who is a Shiite group closely aligned to Iran and have a prominent position in Lebanese politics as well as an active military wing, an unnamed source told the Independent Persian.

The source pointed to Hezbollah’s reputed association with the smuggling of drugs, including Captagon pills manufactured in Syria, a charge the group strenuously denies.

The source added that Hezbollah, by virtue of its authority over both “legal and illegal” border checkpoints between Syria and Lebanon, has unchecked control over all drug-related operations.

Captagon is an amphetamine, and one of the most commonly used drugs on Middle East battlefields.


Combatants addicted to the narcotic say it helps them stay awake for days and numbs their senses, giving them stamina for long battles and allowing them to kill with abandon.

Owing to its ability to make users energetic and happy, Captagon is known to have also become a popular recreational drug in the wider region.

Earlier in April, Greek authorities seized more than four tons of cannabis hidden in a shipment of dessert-making machines heading from Lebanon to Slovakia in the country’s main port of Piraeus, following a tip from the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

Greece’s authorities said that the street value of the drugs was estimated at $4 million and that Saudi Arabia’s drug enforcement agency assisted them in the case.

In 2018, the US State Department named Hezbollah among the top five global criminal organizations. Reports indicate that Hezbollah’s criminal operations have increased of late in response to Iranian directives to generate income as part of its efforts to dodge US sanctions.

show me the evidence , your articles provide zero evidence
What exactly are you denying ? Reports that drug trafficking has become Hezbollah and Assad's main income has been going on for a while now.

Sammuel, you should ask the UNO to first investigate pre August 15th 2021 dealings of the Taliban with the American military. The Taliban used to force Afghan farmers to grow opium and the Taliban would sell it to the Americans. Why are the NATO-infested UNO agencies always behind Assad ? First it was "killing of civilians, including women and children" in 2011, then it was the Syrian military "using chemical weapons against civilians" and now it is this captagon thing. How is NATO doing opium trade okay but Assad and Hizballah now associated with corrupting people with captagon ?
Sammuel, you should ask the UNO to first investigate pre August 15th 2021 dealings of the Taliban with the American military. The Taliban used to force Afghan farmers to grow opium and the Taliban would sell it to the Americans. Why are the NATO-infested UNO agencies always behind Assad ? First it was "killing of civilians, including women and children" in 2011, then it was the Syrian military "using chemical weapons against civilians" and now it is this captagon thing. How is NATO doing opium trade okay but Assad and Hizballah now associated with corrupting people with captagon ?

source ?

source ?


I don't have it now. It's been some years since I read it but you can take my word for it. I don't propagate false conspiracy theories as you may have read in some of my 23,000+ posts.

But I remember a TV source. The respectable Indian TV news channel, NDTV, spoke of some of this opium trade just after the 15th August takeover.

But I think you too will accept right now the Taliban exist with the full consent of NATO.
But I think you too will accept right now the Taliban exist with the full consent of NATO.

I would not say consent. I would call it accepting the realities on the ground.

Americans dedicated 20 years to fighting the Taliban's , but the Taliban just kept low and waited for the Americans to leave.

Seems that the only way to prevent the Taliban from returning , was for the US to occupy Afghanistan forever , and this obviously they refused to do.

20 years was more than enough to invest in this God forsaken placed , the only way they could have succeeded was if the ( "sane " ) Afghan themselves where more successful in taking over. Nut this unfortunately did not happen.

so what is wrong with that..

You see the consequences , Saudi Arabia’s agricultural product ban, which comes after finding 5.3 million illegal pills is a major blow to the Lebanese farmers who are already struggling.

As for the moral question of " what's wrong with it " . If barrel bombing population as considered acceptable by some , than " not much ".


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