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Rise of the east in a new clash of civilizations


Dec 5, 2009
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Rise of the east in a new clash of civilizations


As this adolescent century unfolds, four competing civilizations will shape it. This new contest of civilizations could determine the balance of power between nations and regions for generations.

“The longer you can look back,” Winston Churchill said, “the farther you can look forward.” Though in decline, western civilization will continue to influence global policy and culture. The rise of China will establish a powerful Confucian counter-civilizational force with strong roots in history and a sphere of influence arching from the Pacific to Africa. The third major civilization, again deeply rooted in history, will be driven by India’s growing hard and soft power. Strong demographics, a far-flung diaspora and the world’s third largest economy will impel India to play a global role unmatched since the golden thousand years between the fifth century BC and fifth century AD when the subcontinent produced two prophets (Buddha and Mahavir Jain), two emperor-statesmen (Ashoka and Chandragupta) and two epics (the “Ramayana” and “Mahabharata”).

The fourth civilizational strain set to compete for space and salience this century is Islam. Though spiritually tethered to Mecca, Islam has not had a centre of gravity since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1917 and the abolition of the Caliphate by Turkey in 1924. The west is propelled by American and European values, China by its ethnic homogeneity, India by its ancient religions and philosophy. Each has a clear geographical anchor. But Islamic civilization, whose worldwide influence is strong and growing, is as much at home in East Asia (Indonesia and Malaysia) as it is in the Arab Middle East, non-Arab Turkey and Iran, the Central Asian republics (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan), Eastern Europe (Bosnia, Albania), North Africa (Morocco, Libya) and, of course, the Indian subcontinent. Islam transcends nations – both a strength and weakness.

How will the four competing civilizations engage each other as the 21st century unravels? Consider first their relative economic power.

According to the IMF, Asia (led by China, Japan and India) will account for 34% of global GDP by 2015. By 2030, Asia’s GDP will exceed the combined GDP of the United States and Europe. This is not a shift in the balance of global economic power but a restoration of the status quo. Till 1775, China and India accounted for 50% of global economic output. The colonization of Asia and Africa, the Atlantic slave trade and the invasive settlements of the Americas and Australasia wrenched power from east to west. That process is now being reversed by strong economic growth in the east and relative stagnation in the west.

Each of the four civilizations that will shape this century has threads going back millennia. Ancient Greece and Rome are the precursors of the US-led west. Chinese and Indian civilizations date back to 3,500 BC. Islam, of course, is the youngest of the four civilizational strains but, geographically, it too has predecessors in antiquity: Mesopotamia (today’s Iraq), Persia and Egypt.

While Christian Europe clashed repeatedly with Islam from the eighth century onwards, the west began its slow ascent in the 13th century. Education was the key. Oxford, Cambridge, the Sorbonne and Heidelberg —the great universities of the west— were all founded around this time as seats of ecclesiastical learning. Soon, they evolved into centres of science, arts and the classics. The scientific and industrial revolution that followed the Renaissance in Europe enabled the west to lay the foundation for modern nationstates.

India and China, meanwhile, lay dormant—two ancient and weary civilizations in decay. Each was reshaped by contact with the expansionary west and Islam. But their approach to outsiders was markedly different. China’s martial dynasties, confident in their ‘middle kingdom’ self-image of being the centre of the world, treated upstart 17h century British and Dutch emissaries with disdain and remained largely free of western influence (except in coastal Hong Kong). India, fragmented and directionless, was plucked, piece by piece, first by Islam and then by the British Empire. Like a sponge, it absorbed them all and remade them in its own mould.

Where do Russia and Latin America fit in as world power moves from west to east? Latin America will remain in the west’s sphere of influence. So will Russia, though competitive pressures over the Caucasus will be a continuing source of intra-Europe friction. Russia’s sharply declining birth rate and population will weaken it. Most of western Europe too will be impaled by ageing and falling populations.

Throughout history, civilizations have clashed over territory and faith. The 21st century has moderated some of those primal ambitions. But it is in the nature of man to compete for power. The west is weakening, but will remain a global technological and cultural force for much of this century. China and India will be restored to their historical pre-eminence. Islam will have to change from within to compete successfully with other civilizations. It will have to modernize and adapt – whether in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq or Somalia.

As a young nation but an ancient civilization, India stands out for its diversity and democracy, the two markers that will determine which civilizational strand emerges strongest in an era of contesting but collaborative global values.​

The writer is the chairman of a media group

ToI feed dated 26th Dec 2010.
A promising article with a few mistakes; Islam is not a civilization. It is a religion and there is a lot of difference between the two. Civilization is something that has its own ancient legacy tethered to one place in such a manner that culture, philosophy and religion all the three critical elements are intermingled into forming of one single source of identity instead and foregoing all differences between the three terms.

For instance Chinese civilization has its roots in its ancient philosophy of Confucianism and Taoism. Indian sub-continent has had its civilization due to its roots that mingle culture and religion as one single entity through Vedic past. Former Persia was a civilization tethered to ancient Iran and so were ancient Iraq and Egypt.

Whereas when we compare, Islam as a religion transcends the barriers of multiple nations and hence still remains distinctly a faith. Also being relatively new as compared to other civilizations mentioned, the religion is yet to reach a civilization's state.
These four " Distinct " civilizations as the author happens to think are not at all distinct . Islamic traditions has existed in the subcontinent for ages and should be expected to continue to co-exist . Again western culture and materialistic tendencies are rapidly spreading deep within both India and China. Both societies are emulating western habits and practices , basically the ones which come hand -in -hand with the accumulation of wealth.As far as indigenous traditions and philosophies are concerned , they would exist but gradually assimilate with modern practices and norms.

There may be conflict and strife but the way current trends go- clash of civilizations is just an unlikely possibility.

Even in rigid societies and states, Modernization which is today called " western civilization " will eventually be the norm everywhere.
These four " Distinct " civilizations as the author happens to think are not at all distinct . Islamic traditions has existed in the subcontinent for ages and should be expected to continue to co-exist . Again western culture and materialistic tendencies are rapidly spreading deep within both India and China. Both societies are emulating western habits and practices , basically the ones which come hand -in -hand with the accumulation of wealth.As far as indigenous traditions and philosophies are concerned , they would exist but gradually assimilate with modern practices and norms.

There may be conflict and strife but the way current trends go- clash of civilizations is just an unlikely possibility.

Even in rigid societies and states, Modernization which is today called " western civilization " will eventually be the norm everywhere.
You would be quite surprised to hear the gradual changes that are taking place in our society as opposed to what you are thinking now. What you call our habits is indeed being noticable in your countrymen; however people have not noticed the increasing trend of us adopting ancient eastern civilizations' paths for a safer, healthier and better living.

You could say a virtual swapping of life viewpoint is happening between us and you. Only difference is that we do not intend to beat drums and bugles on it to announce unlike some others.
You would be quite surprised to hear the gradual changes that are taking place in our society as opposed to what you are thinking now. What you call our habits is indeed being noticable in your countrymen; however people have not noticed the increasing trend of us adopting ancient eastern civilizations' paths for a safer, healthier and better living.

You could say a virtual swapping of life viewpoint is happening between us and you. Only difference is that we do not intend to beat drums and bugles on it to announce unlike some others.

Well neither do we go out of the way to prove we are more western or anything of that sort. Its just the tendencies that I observe in general . Of course we in our interactions with Westerners ( of all the major developed countries ) have noticed their emphasis on health, safety , aesthetics ,holistic practices and spiritualism - the number of Americans , Canadians , British , French , German , other ethnicities who visit India for myriad reasons ranging from work issues , to search for spiritual guides , yoga , meditation etc is huge.

My point is that the clash of civilizations seems quite unlikely with beliefs and tendencies in most places increasingly taking on a more modern outlook.
It is true that Islam is not a civilization in true sense. It is a way of life, across nations and continents.

And that is the point actually. In spreading across continents and nations, it absorbed the civilizations of that culture perfect;y well; like IRAN, EGYPT or in India (Muslims here in India). This, as the author point out may be a strength as well as the weekness. Islam has to re-explain itself for the present societies wherever it is present. This can be done only by an educated brass of clergy; the group that is well acquanted with changing times, sciences, politcs, economics, languages and having a sound understanding of Islam, its reach and its history!

Hope some positive developments happen in this century among muslim masses, to be more optimistic.

Very interesting but one problem

Why are mixing the two different subjects
1) Clash of Civilizations
2) Clash of Faiths
A promising article with a few mistakes; Islam is not a civilization. It is a religion and there is a lot of difference between the two. Civilization is something that has its own ancient legacy tethered to one place in such a manner that culture, philosophy and religion all the three critical elements are intermingled into forming of one single source of identity instead and foregoing all differences between the three terms.

For instance Chinese civilization has its roots in its ancient philosophy of Confucianism and Taoism. Indian sub-continent has had its civilization due to its roots that mingle culture and religion as one single entity through Vedic past. Former Persia was a civilization tethered to ancient Iran and so were ancient Iraq and Egypt.

Whereas when we compare, Islam as a religion transcends the barriers of multiple nations and hence still remains distinctly a faith. Also being relatively new as compared to other civilizations mentioned, the religion is yet to reach a civilization's state.

What a nonsense....
who gave you the right to mis-represent Islam?
There is nothing more civilized than Islam.
It teach us on every thing and i find it best of the values i could appreciate in any civilization.
Unfortunately, we rarely follow it.

Since you claim to know so much about Islam. Care to tell which part of whole religion you do not considered civilized?

I know biggest damage to Islam came from false propaganda from Indians. while, hinduism is changing its faces every year... today hindus associate many civilized things with them self which were not existent 20 years ago.

What sort of civilization teach us to drink urine, remain ***** and burn women alive?
What a nonsense....
who gave you the right to mis-represent Islam?
There is nothing more civilized than Islam.
It teach us on every thing and i find it best of the values i could appreciate in any civilization.
Unfortunately, we rarely follow it.

Since you claim to know so much about Islam. Care to tell which part of whole religion you do not considered civilized?

I know biggest damage to Islam came from false propaganda from Indians. while, hinduism is changing its faces every year... today hindus associate many civilized things with them self which were not existent 20 years ago.

What sort of civilization teach us to drink urine, remain ***** and burn women alive?

At least it does not teach to tie a bomb on your waist and blow yourself up in between kids and innocent men.
yes exactly and we china dont want to associate with this shameless self bragging of india.

actually you cant because caged birds cannot associate themselves with anyone on their own.

Secondly there is hell lot of diffrence between



At least it does not teach to tie a bomb on your waist and blow yourself up in between kids and innocent men.

I though it does teach exactly same....
All i know suicide attacks on civilians were used against Srilank by Indian supported and trained tamils.

Nothing to do with Islam.
According to Islam it is forbidden to hurt your self and the punishment for killing some one is capital punishment.
I though it does teach exactly same....
All i know suicide attacks on civilians were used against Srilank by Indian supported and trained tamils.

Nothing to do with Islam.
According to Islam it is forbidden to hurt your self and the punishment for killing some one is capital punishment.

But mostly Islamists are doing that these days across the globe who call themselves as the most pious breed of Muslims. They call you non muslims and you call them non muslims. But over and out both are muslims. So dont give me that crap.
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