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Rest easy, great general!


Mar 3, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

It was a few days before news of Haj Soleimani’s assassination that I recall speaking of him to a friend. I even went so far as to call him the shadow commander just as many have before, remarking that he was a man who stood firmly against oppression and US hegemony in the Middle East. But only after his martyrdom, whereby his name and virtue will now live forever, do we see that his vision was one which many have come to hold around the world.

It is in the eyes of those mourning, as seen in the above video, where you can feel the shock and misery inflicted on ordinary humans who saw in Soleimani a figure of strength, power, and dignity. These are values that every Persian holds. VP Pence is due to lay out the US’s policy vis-a-vis Iran on Monday. The outcome of a potential retaliation may be seen shortly thereafter.
Iran is cornered and hungry, the Neocons were too impatient and precipitated a war. US clearly know that he was just one face and component of a war machine and that there are many more to take his place.
Iran is cornered and hungry, the Neocons were too impatient and precipitated a war. US clearly know that he was just one face and component of a war machine and that there are many more to take his place.

The USA could never have fully grasped the ramifications and repercussions of this act, however. There is no denying that. The US is run by a dotard whose fanbase consists primarily of Evangelical peabrains, and his actions are geared at either (a) reversing anything Obama achieved or (b) appeasing his neocon puppet masters.
The USA could never have fully grasped the ramifications and repercussions of this act, however. There is no denying that. The US is run by a dotard whose fanbase consists primarily of Evangelical peabrains, and his actions are geared at either (a) reversing anything Obama achieved or (b) appeasing his neocon puppet masters.
Yep look at Trump's record:
1. Threatened Pakistan on New Year's day in his first New Year of Presidency
2. Enjoys prostitutes
3. Acquainted with one of the most prolific Paedophile in NY
4. Used enemy states to undermine his political opponents
5. Lies left right and centre
6. Has no qualms in massacring women and children and disregarding International law
7. Supports Nazi type states like India
8. Overlooked the Kashoggi crime
Yep look at Trump's record:
1. Threatened Pakistan on New Year's day in his first New Year of Presidency
2. Enjoys prostitutes
3. Acquainted with one of the most prolific Paedophile in NY
4. Used enemy states to undermine his political opponents
5. Lies left right and centre
6. Has no qualms in massacring women and children and disregarding International law
7. Supports Nazi type states like India
8. Overlooked the Kashoggi crime

I am in agreement on all those points brother. Let us hope that one day, one of these scandalous videos that are said to have been in existence pop up. It would be the greatest hack and political destruction of all time. It is said that the dotard visited the same room Obama visited and hired some Russian hookers for some form of weird urination and sexual acts.


Yep look at Trump's record:
1. Threatened Pakistan on New Year's day in his first New Year of Presidency
2. Enjoys prostitutes
3. Acquainted with one of the most prolific Paedophile in NY
4. Used enemy states to undermine his political opponents
5. Lies left right and centre
6. Has no qualms in massacring women and children and disregarding International law
7. Supports Nazi type states like India
8. Overlooked the Kashoggi crime

Edit to respond to your points:
1. Who dares insult Pakistan?
2. He is said to be taking mood altering drugs too. Maybe doing some lines of some tidiessss.
3. #Epsteinwasmurdered. Trump was best pals with the good old child prostitute ring leader.
4. But what about Clinton's emails'?
5. He's a pathological liar and narcissist
6. Also likes to jail up Mexican children
7. #EvangelicalsforTrump
8. Human rights went out the window with Khashgoggi's brutal and heinous assassination, which everyone seems to have forgotten about already.

Yep look at Trump's record:
1. Threatened Pakistan on New Year's day in his first New Year of Presidency
2. Enjoys prostitutes
3. Acquainted with one of the most prolific Paedophile in NY
4. Used enemy states to undermine his political opponents
5. Lies left right and centre
6. Has no qualms in massacring women and children and disregarding International law
7. Supports Nazi type states like India
8. Overlooked the Kashoggi crime
9. He mentioned his daughter is a hot piece of *** and that he would date her if she wasn't his daughter
Masnavi of Rumi
Mathnawi VI: 255-260

Wealth has no permanence: it comes in the morning,
and at night it is scattered to the winds.
Physical beauty too has no importance,
for a rosy face is made pale by the scratch of a single thorn.
Noble birth also is of small account,
for many become fools of money and horses.
Many a nobleman’s son has disgraced his father by his wicked deeds.
Don’t court a person full of talent either,
even if he seems exquisite in that respect:
take warning from the example of Iblis1 .
Iblis had knowledge, but since his love was not pure,
he saw in Adam nothing but a figure of clay.
IF I was kushner , I would send those kid for DNA test ....
when a man want to be so many women , that mean there is big chance his children have same obsession ...
LMAO maybe that explains his Game of Thrones puns
I wonder what Haj Qasem would think of today's events. He was a force of unity and strategic might.
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