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Republicans sharply criticize Pakistan in debate

dont worry, as much as Indians love to see US attacking Pakistan, it wont happen, even under Republicans. Republicans as hard as their stance is, not just about Pakistan but on many other domestic and international issues, they hardly have any two-faced behavior or policies, unlike the democrats. That makes dealing with the republicans easier because you know they are not something entirely different on the inside.

with Republicans, at least you know what you get!
Next year -- when Republican wins the next election-- pakistan will have a very hard time dealing with them.

not really
Policy Makers in Washington dont change with Party
Same think thanks create advisors for both parties

Unless Ron Paul or that John Huntsman is elected

Foreign Policy with Pakistan, will be decided by the Military Industrial Complex ( Pentagon)

Most americans have no idea about Foreign Affairs, and take all their advise from advisors .

Musheraff had a good meeting with Rick Perry last year, so I was really hoping Rick Perry wouldfavour pakistan, but he seems ignorant of the dozens of Al Qaeda leader pakistan has arrested, or the many cross border raids pakistan suffers from Kunar Province. Or the many issues surronding military operations. Other candidates also seem unaware of pakistan economic potential its record exports despite so much bad governance and terrorism and its post 2002 strong growth

Total failure by Ambassador fake Liberal Terrorist Haqqani to promote Pakistans narrative

In any case america is a untrustworthy hypocritical ally the sooner we get rid of them the better. We should focus on economic ties with other emerging economies (except for india)
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